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Everything posted by Peregrine

  1. Re: Gaslamp Champions Spain basically had the wealth of Midas, without El Dorado. When the gold came home, the resulting impact to their economy basically wiped it out - too much gold too quickly compared to the amount of goods, services, and real estate available to spend it on.
  2. Re: Gaslamp Champions If you want to compare to the historical, supers debuted in fiction in 1938; WWII didn't officially start until Sept 1939. Sir Percy started his activities in 1792*, while the Napoleonic Era proper began in 1803. As you are presenting it, Sir Percy would be a "pulp" hero to the Napoleonic "supers". Not a bad concept; that makes him more The Shadow than The Batman. I just didn't want one of my favorite heroes to go unconsidered. *There seems to be some discrepancy among sources as to whether Sir Percy's activities were during or after the French Revolution proper. What is clear from the novel itself is that Sir Percy was rescuing folks from Madame la Guillotine.
  3. Re: Gaslamp Champions How about you back that up just a tad? The Scarlet Pimpernel was active immediately after the French Revolution, during the Terror, and he's definitely a masked gentleman adventurer, as well as an obvious inspiration for Batman (secret ID as a dillettante playboy, polymathic abilities, etc.).
  4. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #2: New Combat Maneuvers; Objects As Weapons Always has been, actually. And I generally fall into the DEF camp, myself, since I usually set PD equal to ED unless a specific character concept indicates otherwise. But I'm not so married to pre-6e that I'm going to raise the kind of ruckus about changes that others have chosen to do. Their right; opinions and expressions thereof, de gustibus non est disputandum, etc. I'm just gonna roll with it.
  5. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #2: New Combat Maneuvers; Objects As Weapons Overall, nice. 1. Blazing Away/Hurry - no opinion. Them what wants to use 'em can; them what doesn't can ignore them more robustly. 2. Multiple Attack - Another case of consolidating different ways of doing similar things. This is a good thing to do in general, and I see no exception here. 3. New Combat Maneuvers - Nice. Very nice. Explicitly expands combat options for those who choose not to use Martial Maneuvers (campaign rule or character generation choice). 4. Revised Objects as Weapons - I hope this does not add significant complexity. 5. Objects have PD and ED - Given how a lot of folks prefer DEF to PD/ED, I anticipate a lot of weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.
  6. Re: Comic Book (genre) Conventions that don't work in Champions It's not a comics-only genre convention, but... Having a single person as the main/master/exclusive storyteller. Most other genre mismatches come down to that single point - the GM should not be the only one at the table telling the story, or even the main one doing so.
  7. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #1: ACV And AVAD The tone of your post suggests that you have some concern that this may not have been addressed in 6e. Is this correct, and if so, why are you concerned that such an oversight may have occurred?
  8. Re: What would be involved in using Hero system to run a wargame? Oh, I am Jonesing...
  9. Re: Card Shark: Dark Champions Ah. I wasn't certain. So Card Shark is in the hands of Cryptic. I'm going to take a SWAG and say that Cryptic will likely keep Card Shark in the setting.
  10. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I can. I played in more than one of his campaigns before I realized how severely limited he is as a GM. Based (especially) on those experiences, there should be a GM-established norm and range, at least at the beginning of the campaign.
  11. Re: What would be involved in using Hero system to run a wargame?
  12. Re: Card Shark: Dark Champions I think so; the Card Shark organization seems to be a key player in Hudson City and a favorite of Our Line Developer. However, I don't remember if the IP deal with Cryptic included Dark Champions/Hudson City or not. Also, query to mods: move to Dark Champions board, I think?
  13. Re: Whoops! Did I really allow that power?
  14. Re: "Heroes that Wreck the World" A "heroic" character whose goal is to eliminate the human race, and those who oppose this "hero" are portrayed as the worst kind of scum. Nope; no propaganda here...
  15. Re: Hero System Good Idea/Bad Idea... Why would that be a bad idea?
  16. Re: The Book Of The Destroyer I had a horrifying scenario: replace the canonical Dr. D and Luther Black with Shadow Destroyer, and make him native to the resulting alt.CU. That's right. DEMON led by the Shadow Destroyer...
  17. Re: Mercenary Supervillains What he said. It is a common trope in the comics that heroes do what they do out of altruism, with no expectation of any compensation. This is well and good if a hero is capable of supporting themselves through other activities. But if someone has super abilities, using them on behalf of an employer, or as an independent contractor, should be too far beyond the pale, so long as the activities themselves are not criminal. Granted, wearing a costume, acting as a superhero, and shilling for products tends to grate on a lot of people's nerves; see various incarnations of DC's Booster Gold for an example. OTOH, licensing merchandise and getting a percentage of same seems to be acceptable, much like professional athletes in the real world. The basic idea is that A. there is a demand for merchandise associated with the hero, B. it is assumed that the hero owns the rights their own public image, costuming, etc. and C. licensing those rights is acceptable.
  18. Re: Gaslamp Champions If you can track it down, GURPS Age of Napoleon was a sourcebook for that era.
  19. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #1: ACV And AVAD Wow. Just... wow. Elegant, consistent... You've also just showcased what I hope is the overall tone of 6e - elegance and consistency.
  20. Re: Genre Conventions & Values I'd have to disagree. "Cyber" is only one possibility for near future adventure gaming, and the "cyber" genre has fallen out of popularity compared to a decade ago. It still has it's fans, yes, but I wonder if there are enough to support a Cyber Hero supplement. Given that Cyber Hero hasn't appeared on any product schedules since DOJ took over Hero, I kind of doubt it.
  21. Re: Arrest Control I'm not sure that it is supposed to be used Barehanded. I think it is a weapon-based style.
  22. Re: The Emergence Of Superhumans
  23. Re: The Emergence Of Superhumans
  24. Re: The Emergence Of Superhumans
  25. Re: Identify the Source I dunno, but I'd love to play it!
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