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Blue Jogger

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Everything posted by Blue Jogger

  1. Minor comment, KS. Concentration at -1 and -1 1/4 means 0 DCV throughout and at the higher level unaware the entire time (I assuming from FRed). One can't also use two powers with concentration at the same time. That limits the effectiveness of using these totems in combat, include the claw and toughness (which I assume would be used in combat situations). However, "dimly aware" does not seem to affect OCV, which seems strange to me. Anyway, your stuff is always good.
  2. Yeah, your right. However, some people actually run STR at the 2 points for 1 model so I used that to figure the upper cost. I was never advocating that it should cost more than 2 points. Edit: I'm almost convinced that it's a 1 point, considering that it is very rare that it actually helps (gives you an additional damage class or avoids penalities for not being strong enough) as you stated.
  3. Hmm, a Great Sword is 45 Active Points (2D6K @ 0 END) The smallest STR Min for a 2 Handed weapon is 14, that means a minimum of -2 1/4 of Limitations (including Required Hands). That means its 14 Points. We then can buy -1/2, STR Min of 11 and One Handed (no bonus). (total: -1 3/4) That would costs 16 pts. Edit: Had to re-do the math. I'm still not doing exactly right, it would cost more if it was Naked Advantage to all 2H and 1 1/2H weapons. But realistically, there are only a few weapons where this talent would really give you the edge (pun intended). This makes it roughly 2 points.
  4. It's 2 STR for a hand and half in one hand. 3 STR for two-handed in one hand. Assuming at 20+ STR, that makes it +3 STR @ 0 END (9 points), -1 (Only for one-handed use of a two-handed weapon), -1/2 No figured. That makes it about a 3 point (ok, 3.6) talent. At this point, it's just Strength to add for the purposes of doing extra damage and it's not enough (by itself) to add one damage class. Here buying 2 Combat Skill Levels for 6 points is probably a better investment. But, you only really need it if you're under 20 STR (20+ STR and you can wield any 2H in one hand, no problem), which would make a 2 point talent. In this case, you are avoiding the penality of not being able to use the sword because you are too weak. This is a -1 OCV and a damage class lost. Definately worth a 2 point talent.
  5. I would just go with a -0 modifier, but be sure to add +1 Usable Against Attack modifier since dead men can't choose to reincarnate. If you want to have a simple table... Roll 2 Dice 2-3 (8%) Form is 50 pts physically weaker 4-5 (21%) Form is 25 pts physically weaker 6-8 (42%) Roughly the same 9-10 (21%) Form is 25 pts physically/magically stronger 11-12 (8%) Form is 50 pts physically/magically stronger The player should be able to pay for the difference to be stronger or have temporary/permanent Disadvantages. If he is maxed out on the Disadvantages, lower Effective Dex by 6, Effective Str by 5 and Effective Con by 5 until he adjusts to the new form (this is roughly 25 pts of primary stats, all secondary, however, need not adjust). Or one can affect secondary stats, reduce Stun by 10, END by 10, PD by 1. ED by 1 (for another 17 points). Or he can be weak and be reduced 5 BODY, 5 STUN (for 10 points). Or just plain slower (-1 SPD for 10 points). If the character is suddenly much weaker, he should be able to get a reduction in Disadvantages (they aren't hunting a kobold) or develop new powers/skills/abilities based on the new form.
  6. Searching for NetBooks, I found this page of links. http://www.acc.umu.se/~stradh/dnd/mirror/Ezra/books/olear/ADnD/NetBooks.html
  7. Hmmmm. If it wasn't cold, I would say the side effect might be worth more, but usually cold based attacks are unusually rare, so -1/4 fits. If Ice Magic is common and Fire Armor is obviously vunerable to a common attack than it might be worth a 1/2.
  8. Ah yes, that special moment when the D&D party learns that the prime ingredient of those expensive Potions of Longevity is elven blood.
  9. There are some coins today that have a hole in the middle of them to wear them on a necklace. The only magic item I've seen that was designed to be a source of money was the Everfull Coin Purse or whatever. And I think that one was designed to pay bar tabs and other minor expenses between adventures. "Say, do you have change for a +1/+2 vs. ogres magic sword?"
  10. I would probably do it as: Stretching, Does Damage Only Double Knockback (on STR and any additional HA)
  11. Well, without trying to match bullet for bullet. It looked just like a 3d6K Autofire(3 Shots), w/+4 OCV +1 1/2 (0 END - Nearly endless supply of bullets) Cars have only about 3 DEF and 10 BODY, so that will tear right though a car pretty fast. Unless it's suppose to go through Supers and tank armor as well, then by all means 5D6K (6 shot Autofire), 1 hex AoE (Accurate)
  12. Sometimes we use a "computer" and buy the powers as +1/4 "Usable by self or one other" (or sometimes +1/2 Usable by self AND one other). The power is bought by the player, but is run by either the player or the "computer" The "computer" isn't an actual computer (but could be), but represents some automated process. It must has a simple rule and works off that rule. (If on, upon entering shadow, turn desolid) It can be "turned off" or "turned on". If the character requires multiple rules, each rule should be well defined and which is given priority when conflicting. Senses can be bought for the "computer" at the 5 to 1 rule, but these senses should only be used to "react" and not to give the player cheap senses. The DEX and SPD of the "Computer" should be the same as the character. The GM should decide if 10 INT can handle the rules. Overall, this is just a complicated fancy trigger. If the "computer" can do complicated, AI-like, stuff when the players unconscious. Have him buy more STUN with a limitation to represent "computer control" vs fully awake.
  13. LOL! I remember something simular happening in a game, and my character muttered, "Ok, but it better be some damn good porridge." Then the GM reminded us that we've been eating iron rations for the last three weeks.
  14. First off, I'll be the first to say that there's absolutely no reason not to have a Fantasy Hero game that is pure Hack-n-Slash with money and magic items just waiting for some lucky adventures to manage to get them. That being said, you need to discover what motivates your players and their characters. Ask them for what their character's plans are: Are they seeking power? If they are looking for powerful magic items, they probably crave power, and there are many ways to give that to them. Sometimes just beating up a bunch of thugs to save a damsel in distress can be satisifying if it gets them noticed as powerful. Being asked to make critical decisions will also make them feel powerful. Are they seeking knowledge? There are many different types of knowledge: forbidden, legendary, and, of course, mundane. These characters have a need to know what's going on. It is up to you to reveal it slowly to them. Most will want to use this knowledge for power (or at least to further their goals) and you will have to be ready for that. Knowledge is useless unless they can act upon it. Figuring out the bad guys evil plot (and thus saving the city) also fits here. Some are just builders. They like to build things. These are the people who had Legos as a kid. You reward their characters by giving them a place to call their own and items that they built with their own two hands. If you break their toys, you will need to remind them that they can build (or rebuild) even better replacements, eventually. Hero is great for having non-wealth based rewards like Contacts, Perks, Favors, and Reputation. Make sure you and your players know about them so they can learn to acquire them and you can remember to give them out and use them. "Why, you're the Athena's Knight that saved Kittenburg? Why, of course, stay with us, on the house. I insist. Did you know I have a daughter?" Also selling off certain Disadvantages can also be a reward. I'll think up more later.
  15. I was in one game where the dead dragon was the biggest treasure... The scales for magical dragon-scale armor for the cleric and fighter. The eyes, tongue, bottom teeth, ears, blood, and some bones for the magic user. The razor sharp claws for the thief's new daggers. The skull for the Fighter as a trophy. And the meat for the poor starving villagers (it was HUGE). A few worthless broken bones were left for the next dragon that thought this was a good lair...
  16. Blacksmith Hands This minor enchantment is a blessing to those who risk injuring their hands but refuse to wear thick protective gloves. Some say the color of the glow of their hands reveal their inner soul, but it is mostly a personal preference. 5 PD, 5ED Force Field {10} -1 OAF: Bracelets -1/4 Gestures -1/4 Incantations -2 Lim: Force Field only covers bracelets and hands -1 1/4 Extra Time: 1 Turn Optional: Replace Extra Time with Independent (for a cheap but "handy" magic item)
  17. Safe Treasure By running a finger around the seal of a closed container, its contents are proof against everything as long as the container is not broken or opened. To open it, one must either run his finger around the seal in the opposite direction or risk breaking the container by using force. The amount of time it takes to seal depends on the BODY of the container. 1/2D6 Minor Transform (Container to Timeless Container) -1/4 Gestures -1/4 Extra Time: (Varies with Size and BODY of Container)
  18. They have shown two episodes (that I've seen) where it mattered. One, they showed that he had a countdown of how long he could go before he ran out of power, he worked around it by using car batteries. This seems to be a 0 REC (unless plugged in at headquarters), he just slowly runs down, but it may be part of his physical limitation of being a cyborg. The second, Starfire fights a time traveller as he returns to the future and she ends up roughly 20 years in the future. There, cyborg is on an extension cord to a generator, his high-tech fuel cells have long become obsolete. By the time of the next combat, he figures out a solution and shows up ready to beat up the bad guy. So it appears that he has some sort of batteries that have to be recharged (back at headquarters) and when the batteries run out, he is without power (at -1 STUN) until hooked into another power source.
  19. Spatial Awareness, 360 degrees, Lim: Only to have full DCV when attacked (Cannot target with sense) (-1/2?), Lim: Not vs. automated attacks and robots (-1/4) I figure it's -1/2, it would be worth more, but combat and maintaining full DCV is a big part of most campaigns, unless you're a Brick. You lose the ability to use full OCV, but you're probably a mentalist and use ECV to launch attacks. (otherwise, it would be a -1) The additional -1/4 assumes that automated attacks and robots cannot be sensed, but they are reasonable rare. Edit: ghost-angel beat me to the punch, oh well.
  20. I would have added an END Reserve, since he did (at one point) require to show up at a battle with a series of car batteries strapped to his back. "What about needing to recharge?" "Don't worry, I got it covered." 10 pts --- 20 REC to END Reserve, OAF - Car Batteries But, since it was a plot point, it might just be his physical lim: cyborg poping up.
  21. But in the time travel episode where Starfire goes to the future, Robin is wearing the Nighthawk costume (with anime long hair blowing in the wind). That would suggest that it's Dick, unless he became too old to be Nighthawk (it's roughly 20 years in the future) and Tim took over. In which case, I feel sorry for Tim, he really needs his own identity.
  22. I'm torn. I like it, it's neat batch of ideas. On the one hand, I like the side effects to be somewhat linked to the effect attempted. However, the first time a Detect spell backfires and a plague of gremlins show up... "What the???" LOL!
  23. We ran a campaign with the house rule that any damage classes above the campaign limit counted at half (Thus 2 exceeded damage classes were needed to exceed the campaign limit by 1) This actually worked well, heroes were still encouraged to ramp up damage beyond the limit (move-thrus, move-by, haymakers), but the increase counted half as much. We made the rule not apply for Pushing which had sufficent penalities.
  24. :eek: I hope they didn't actually do that... "In the Brightest Day! In the Darkest Night! Let Static recharge my Power Ring's Might!" "Here we go now, here we go..."
  25. Blue Jogger


    Ok, just for Drak... (the last one is the punchline) 200 Foot Rope 2" Stretching (x16 non-combat) 10+15 = 25 Active Points -1 OAF -1/2 Gestures throughout -1 Lim: Limited to what a rope can do. -2 Independent 4 Real Points Flask of Oil Add +1/2 Explosion, +1/4 Trigger to 1d6K flame-based attack {11} -1/2 Extra Time - Extra Phase -1/4 Range based on Strength -1 OAF 4 Real Points 10 foot Pole 2" Stretching {10} -1 OAF -2 Independent -1/2 Lim: It's a 10 foot Pole 2 Real Points How do I see? My sword glows faintly with magic (as per FRED for Flashlight) 3 Real Points Luckily, this wasn't my good clothes... Instant Change into Anything (as per FRED) 8 Real Points Yes, I remembered that too... 25 VPP + 15 Control Cost -1/2 (on Control Cost) Changes when the GM isn't looking -1/2 (on Control Cost) Limit: Only things that I should have remembered -1 (on Control Cost) Limit: Must be OAF 29 Real Points - PRICELESS!
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