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Everything posted by Beast

  1. build it as a base or vehicle with teleport between various fixed locations it would need either a comm system to let only authorized persons or anybody the limit would be speed of the computer or dex of the user to lock it up that segment
  2. Ghost Cat Val Char Cost Roll Notes 45 STR 5 18- Lift 12.8tons; 9d6 [1] 18 DEX 16 13- OCV: 9/DCV: 9 25 CON 15 14- 18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 13 EGO 3 12- ECV: 1 - 3 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2 ½d6 9 OCV 30 9 DCV 30 1 OMCV -6 3 DMCV 0 6 SPD 40 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 25 PD 13 Total: 25 PD (10 rPD) 25 ED 13 Total: 25 ED (10 rED) 10 REC 6 45 END 5 10 BODY 0 46 STUN 13 Total Characteristic Cost: 192 Movement: Running: 39m/78m Leaping: 56m/112m Swimming: 4m/8m Tunneling: 7m/14m Cost Powers END 33 Nanite Alien tech body manipulation: Multipower, 41-point reserve, (41 Active Points); all slots Unified Power (-¼) 2f 1) Furball: +8 with a large group of attacks (40 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Very Common Circumstances (only to offset sweep mods; -1), Unified Power (-¼) 2f 2) Fast travel running and leaping: Flight 17m, x8 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Rapid Noncombat Movement (+¼) (40 Active Points); Cannot Hover (must make at least a Half Move per Phase; -½), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (altitude limited to 10m over roof tops must decend 1m per 2m forward movement when not incontact w/ a hard surface; -½), Unified Power (-¼) 1 Notes: 136 mphmust decend up to 68m when not in contact w/ a hard surface 3f 3) Running +27m (39m total), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Usable [As Second Mode Of Movement] (swimming; +¼) (40 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 1 Notes: 78 mph ncm 3f 4) Leaping +56m (56m forward, 28m upward) (Accurate), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (41 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 1 Notes: 112 mph ncm Nanite alien tech enhancements, all slots Unified Power (-¼) 11 1) Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing and Touch Groups, limited group of shapes), Makeover, Costs END Only To Change Shape (+¼) (35 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x5 END; -1), Concentration (0 DCV; -½), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Unified Power (-¼) 15 4 2) Sharp claws and knows to use them: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 point (3d6+1 w/STR) (5 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 1 Notes: 4d6 hka with basic strike 8 3) Radar (Radio Group) (15 Active Points); Lockout (Normal vision; -½), Unified Power (-¼) 0 24 4) Resistant Protection (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 36 5) +30 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (45 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 3 6) Power Defense (4 points) (4 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 3 7) Mental Defense (4 points total) (4 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 13 8) Regeneration (1 BODY per Turn) (16 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 8 9) Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 17 10) Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week; Longevity: 400 Years; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) (21 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 2 11) limited recycle air: LS (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Minute), Usable Simultaneously (up to 4 people at once; +¼), Grantor can only grant the power to others; Unified Power (-¼) 0 2 12) Breakfall 13- (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 2 13) Deduction 13- (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 2 14) Mimicry 13- (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 2 15) Navigation (Land, Marine) 13- (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 2 16) Security Systems 13- (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 2 17) Stealth 13- (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 3 Basic Strike +1 +0 11d6 Strike 3 Legsweep +2 -1 10d6 Strike, Target Falls 4 Martial Escape +0 +0 60 STR vs. Grabs 5 Takeaway +0 +0 Grab Weapon, 55 STR to take weapon away Talents 3 +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters) Skills 0 Pre based skills may add +1 for Striking Appearence 3 Acting 12- 3 Conversation 12- 0 Everyman skills 0 1) Climbing 8- 0 2) Concealment 8- 0 3) Conversation 8- 0 4) AK: USA 8- 0 5) Language: English (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points) 0 6) Paramedics 8- 0 7) Persuasion 8- 0 8) Shadowing 8- 0 9) TF: Custom Adder, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles Total Powers & Skill Cost: 208 Total Cost: 400 400+ Matching Complications 5 Distinctive Features: Nanotech Infused (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort) 25 Hunted: Sentinal Services Frequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish) Notes: Ghost Cat was created using alien(1 of a kind)nanites 10 Psychological Complication: Aversion to Killing (Common; Moderate) 15 Physical Complication: partial amnesia (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) Notes: can only remember the past 2 yrs and only a few months before her transformation 10 Psychological Complication: Striving to Be More Human (Common; Moderate) Notes: Because she still learning how to be 'herself', Ghost Cat can sometimes be manipulated by suggesting to her that 'real humans react X way'. This has the potential to lead her into trouble, but it isn't likely to lead her into BAD trouble ... 10 Physical Complication: Affected as both Human and Machine re: Mental Powers (Infrequently; Slightly Impairing) Notes: Due to the fact that she is not just human but also highly infused with nanobots, Ghost Cat can be affected by mental powers that target either humans (her brain), or machines (her nanobots, which then control her brain). Total Complications Points: 400
  3. This an altered version of Ghost Cat as a rogue human sentinal hybrid using alien nanites on an unwilling victim just posting here for a possible game based on Gifted and new mutants comments are welcome Ghost Cat Val Char Cost Roll Notes 45 STR 5 18- Lift 12.8tons; 9d6 [1] 18 DEX 16 13- OCV: 9/DCV: 9 25 CON 15 14- 18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 11 EGO 1 11- ECV: 1 - 1 18 PRE 8 13- PRE Attack: 3 ½d6 9 OCV 30 9 DCV 30 1 OMCV -6 1 DMCV -6 6 SPD 40 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 24 PD 12 Total: 24 PD (10 rPD) 24 ED 12 Total: 24 ED (10 rED) 15 REC 11 45 END 5 10 BODY 0 45 STUN 13 Total Characteristic Cost: 192 Movement: Running: 39m/78m Leaping: 56m/112m Swimming: 4m/8m Tunneling: 7m/14m Cost Powers END 33 Nanite Alien tech body manipulation: Multipower, 41-point reserve, (41 Active Points); all slots Unified Power (-¼) 2f 1) Furball: +8 with a large group of attacks (40 Active Points); Conditional Power Power does not work in Very Common Circumstances (only to offset sweep mods; -1), Unified Power (-¼) 2f 2) Fast travel running and leaping: Flight 17m, x8 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Rapid Noncombat Movement (+¼) (40 Active Points); Cannot Hover (must make at least a Half Move per Phase; -½), Limited Power Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (altitude limited to 10m over roof tops must decend 1m per 2m forward movement when not incontact w/ a hard surface; -½), Unified Power (-¼) 1 Notes: 136 mphmust decend up to 68m when not in contact w/ a hard surface 3f 3) Running +27m (39m total), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Usable [As Second Mode Of Movement] (swimming; +¼) (40 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 1 Notes: 78 mph ncm 3f 4) Leaping +56m (56m forward, 28m upward) (Accurate), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (41 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 1 Notes: 112 mph ncm Nanite alien tech enhancements, all slots Unified Power (-¼) 11 1) Shape Shift (Sight, Hearing and Touch Groups, limited group of shapes), Makeover, Costs END Only To Change Shape (+¼) (35 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x5 END; -1), Concentration (0 DCV; -½), Extra Time (Full Phase, -½), Unified Power (-¼) 15 4 2) Sharp claws and knows to use them: Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 1 point (3d6+1 w/STR) (5 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 1 Notes: 4d6 hka with basic strike 8 3) Radar (Radio Group) (15 Active Points); Lockout (Normal vision; -½), Unified Power (-¼) 0 24 4) Resistant Protection (10 PD/10 ED) (30 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 36 5) +30 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (45 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 3 6) Power Defense (4 points) (4 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 3 7) Mental Defense (4 points total) (4 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 13 8) Regeneration (1 BODY per Turn) (16 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 8 9) Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 17 10) Life Support (Eating: Character only has to eat once per week; Longevity: 400 Years; Safe in High Pressure; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Safe in Low Pressure/Vacuum; Self-Contained Breathing; Sleeping: Character only has to sleep 8 hours per week) (21 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 2 11) limited recycle air: LS (Extended Breathing: 1 END per Minute), Usable Simultaneously (up to 8 people at once; +½), Grantor can only grant the power to others (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 2 12) Breakfall 13- (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 2 13) Deduction 13- (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 2 14) Mimicry 13- (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 2 15) Navigation (Land, Marine) 13- (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 2 16) Security Systems 13- (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 2 17) Stealth 13- (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 3 Basic Strike +1 +0 11d6 Strike 3 Legsweep +2 -1 10d6 Strike, Target Falls 4 Martial Escape +0 +0 60 STR vs. Grabs 5 Takeaway +0 +0 Grab Weapon, 55 STR to take weapon away Talents 3 +1/+1d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters) Skills 0 Pre based skills may add +1 for Striking Appearence 3 Acting 13- 3 Conversation 13- 0 Everyman skills 0 1) Climbing 8- 0 2) Concealment 8- 0 3) Conversation 8- 0 4) AK: USA 8- 0 5) Language: English (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points) 0 6) Paramedics 8- 0 7) Persuasion 8- 0 8) Shadowing 8- 0 9) TF: Custom Adder, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles Total Powers & Skill Cost: 209 Total Cost: 400 400+ Matching Complications 5 Distinctive Features: Nanotech Infused (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort) 25 Hunted: Sentinal Services Frequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish) Notes: Ghost Cat was created using alien(1 of a kind)nanites 15 Psychological Complication: Aversion to Killing (Common; Strong) 15 Physical Complication: partial amnesia (Frequently; Slightly Impairing) Notes: can only remember the past 2 yrs and only a few months before her transformation 10 Psychological Complication: Striving to Be More Human (Common; Moderate) Notes: Because she still learning how to be 'herself', Ghost Cat can sometimes be manipulated by suggesting to her that 'real humans react X way'. This has the potential to lead her into trouble, but it isn't likely to lead her into BAD trouble ... 10 Physical Complication: Affected as both Human and Machine re: Mental Powers (Infrequently; Slightly Impairing) Notes: Due to the fact that she is not just human but also highly infused with nanobots, Ghost Cat can be affected by mental powers that target either humans (her brain), or machines (her nanobots, which then control her brain). Total Complications Points: 400
  4. the motorcycle armor from SC? they had a pistol and either a 2 shot missile or a multi-shot energy bazooka lots of ground speed some flight space capable LS navigation
  5. I would go with aid here take a breathe and recover: Aid stun and end 6d6 (standard effect: 18 points), Expanded Effect (x2 Characteristics or Powers simultaneously) (+1/2) (54 Active Points); Unified Power (-1/4)
  6. I've used it to regain speed that was drained away
  7. pre built characters it is more of a Fusion intro where it is a stat+skill+3d6 2.33 pages for chargen pretty much you can only build combat monsters, no mental powers, no talents,perks, no out of combat skills just pit fighting
  9. just saw it it was ok not great I'll give it a chance
  10. sounds a lot like sherlock holmes kinda skill
  11. Beast

    the Lady in Red

    lowering the stun multiplier to +1 I can make the attack have a 1d6+1ka ,to look like this Perfect Assassin(telepoorting steel ball berings into her target): RKA 1d6+1, Half Range Modifier (+1/4), +1 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1/4), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Resistant PD Hardened; All Or Nothing; +1/2), Does BODY (+1) (60 Active Points); Limited Range (-1/4), Costs Half Endurance (-1/4), Unified Power (-1/4), 16 Charges (-0)
  12. Beast

    the Lady in Red

    Thank you for your comments she has gotten drained an lost 1/2 of her of her powers and still could do stuff(she just had to not show herself for the rest of the battle) the area attack is a thug thumper as 9d6 nonselective will be next to useless vs a 400pt hero and her origin(I did not take points for it I had enough already for her)makes her not wanting to be like hero who got her started stuff in the equipment area is a wish list area with an average of 3 body and 21stun per shot it can stun anybody with a 20 con or less, yeah it can be a game changer I wrote it up more as a back up if the villain team she is on turned more toward a bunch of killers making the swords an RKA I loose her strength and martial arts and making the swords a no range mod , invisible power effect takes the damage down to 2d6rka and is pretty useless vs 400 pt heroes here is no reason to be out side the MP when it is part of her teleporting stchick
  13. you could pay points for invisibility to electrical senses Invisibility to Radio Group and Detect , Persistent (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (23 Active Points); Limited Effect (only vs electrical; -1/4)
  14. Beast

    Sonic Booms?

    in game terms there is no need to unless you plan on doing an attack if you really want to push it you could say the need for stealth you apply invisible power effect vs hearing maybe sight if friction comes up then add sight group
  15. the character is in a marvel/dc game for complications she is a villain version of my hero Blip stuff in the equipment section is stuu to get with experience Comments are welcomes The Lady In Red Val Char Cost Roll Notes 25 STR 15 14- Lift 800.0kg; 5d6 [2] 18 DEX 16 13- OCV: 9/DCV: 9 25 CON 15 14- 18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 1 - 1 10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 9 OCV 30 9 DCV 30 1 OMCV -6 1 DMCV -6 6 SPD 40 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 25 PD 0 Total: 25 PD (15 rPD) 25 ED 0 Total: 25 ED (15 rED) 10 REC 6 50 END 6 12 BODY 2 45 STUN 13 Total Characteristic Cost: 167 Movement: Running: 12m/24m Flight: 14m/14m Leaping: 2m/4m Swimming: 2m/4m Teleportation: 44m/88m Cost Powers END Mutant Teleportation powers, all slots Unified Power (-¼) 36 1) Teleport redirection field: Resistant Protection (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 12 2) Teleportation redirection field: (Total: 16 Active Cost, 12 Real Cost) +8 PD (8 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) (Real Cost: 6) plus +8 ED (8 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) (Real Cost: 6) 0 8 3) Teleport redirection field: Power Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 7 4) Portal viewing: Penetrative with Sight Group (15 Active Points); Lockout (cannot run,swim,leap; -½), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼), Unified Power (-¼) 1 7 5) Portal viewing lensing effect: +10 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group (15 Active Points); Lockout (-½), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼), Unified Power (-¼) 1 Notes: No Range Mods till After 250m 2 6) Instinct : Absolute Range Sense (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 7 7) Teleportation: Floating Fixed Location (2 Locations) (10 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼), Unified Power (-¼) 1 3 8) Teleportation: Fixed Location (7 Locations) (7 Active Points); IIF Expendable (Very Difficult to obtain new Focus; attuned objects; -¾), Unified Power (-¼) 0 49 Teleportation: Multipower, 61-point reserve, (61 Active Points); all slots Unified Power (-¼) 5f 1) Combat 1 : Teleportation 44m, Position Shift, Safe Blind Teleport (+¼) (61 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 6 5f 2) Combat 2 saving yourself: Teleportation 24m, No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, Safe Aquatic Teleport, x2 Increased Mass, Safe Blind Teleport (+¼) (61 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 6 5f 3) Escape : Teleportation 30m, x2 Increased Mass, Safe Blind Teleport (+¼), Armor Piercing (x2; +½) (61 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 6 5f 4) Short to mid-range non-combat teleporting: Teleportation 10m, No Relative Velocity, x64 Noncombat, x8 Increased Mass (60 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 6 Notes: range 640m 5f 5) City wide: Teleportation 10m, No Relative Velocity, x4 Increased Mass, MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1) (60 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 6 5f 6) Portal Punching/Snatch and Grab: Stretching 30m, Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Indirect (Source Point is the Character, path can change with every use; +½) (60 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 2 3f 7) Portal Attacks Fast Strike 9d6 +2ocv(3d6 HKA) ,Leg Sweep 8d6 +2 ocv -1dcv Fall, Takeaway 40 Str: Area Of Effect Nonselective (16m Radius; +½) for up to 55 Active Points of Martial attacks, Limited Range (same as a Combat 1 t-port 35m; +¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; Martial maneuvers; +¼) (47 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Can be blocked; -¼), Unified Power (-¼) 2 Notes: max range is equal to max teleport 35m 3f 8) Focused Double Teleport Sonic Area Blast: Hearing Group Flash 9d6, Does Knockback (+¼), Double Knockback (+½), Area Of Effect (16m Cone; +½) (61 Active Points); No Range (-½), Gestures (Requires both hands; -½), Unified Power (-¼) 6 Equipment 2 1) Double Wakizashai: HKA 1 point (2d6 w/STR) (5 Active Points); OAF (-1) 1 Notes: 4d6 hka w/ Fast Strike / Blades sheath into the other's blades handle forming a 15" wooden rod of Red Heart wood//Both blades are offset from center w/ full tangs// Blades are 7" with a 7 ½" handle 6 2) Polarizing contacts: Sight Group Flash Defense (9 points) (9 Active Points); IAF (-½) 0 7 3) Gloves and Boots: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); OIF (-½) 0 3 4) Para-wing cloak: Flight 14m (14 Active Points); Gliding (-1), OIF (-½), Restrainable (-½), Cannot Hover (must make at least a Half Move per Phase; -½), OIAID (-¼), no Noncombat movement (-¼) 0 4 Fast Strike +2 +0 7d6, Strike 3 Leg Sweep +2 -1 6d6, Strike Target Falls 5 Takeaway +0 +0 35 STR , Strike 16 +4 HTH Damage Class(es) 2 Weapon Element : Blades, Empty Hand,Portal attacks Talents 6 +2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters) Skills 0 Dex Based 3 1) Acrobatics 13- 3 2) Breakfall 13- 3 3) Stealth 13- 0 Pre Based may get +2 from Striking Appearence 3 1) Charm 11- 0 Int Based 2 1) Navigation (Land) 13- 0 Everyman skills 0 1) Concealment 8- 0 2) Conversation 8- 0 3) Deduction 8- 0 4) AK: USA 8- 0 5) Language: English (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points) 0 6) Persuasion 8- 0 7) PS: Criminal (Custom Adder) 11- 1 8) TF: Custom Adder, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles Total Powers & Skill Cost: 237 Total Cost: 403 400+ Matching Complications 10 Distinctive Features: Looker (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 20 Hunted: SHIELD Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish) 15 Hunted: The Hand Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) 15 Psychological Complication: Hatred ofSuper Powered Heroes (Common; Strong) 15 Social Complication: Subject to Orders from (insert master villain here) Frequently, Major 3 Experience Points Total Complications Points: 403 EQUIPMENT CARRIED Equipment END Equipment 1) polarizing contacts: Sight Group Flash Defense (15 points) (15 Active Points); OIF (-½), OIAID (-¼) 0 2) Video recorder hiddin in N-space seeing and hearing what Blips sees and hears: Eidetic Memory (5 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼), IIF (-¼) Skills 1) TF: Parachuting, Advanced, Parachuting, Basic 2) Acting 11- 3) Bribery 11- 4) Bugging 13- 5) Contortionist 13- 6) Conversation 11- 7) Disguise 13- 8) Deduction 13- 9) High Society 11- 10) KS: Criminal underworld 11- 11) KS: Superpowered World 11- 12) KS: Heroes 11- 13) KS: Law Enforcement Agencies 11- 14) KS: Fashion World 11- 15) Navigation (Air, Dimensional, Land, Marine, Space, Temporal) 13- 16) Instict: Defense Maneuver I-IV (10 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) Stats 1) possitive thinking: +10 EGO 2) Self confidence: +13 PRE Powers and training 1) Mental Defense (12 points total) 0 2) +6 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group 0 3) Combat Sense (Sense) (17 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 13- 4) Portable Hideout (Extra Dimensional Space): Custom Power (60 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x5 END; -2), Gestures (Requires both hands; Complex; -¾), Concentration (0 DCV; Character is totally unaware of nearby events; -¾), Restrainable (-½), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼)Notes: 2048 sq meters 512m x 512m x4m 256m x256m x5m is housing(2 stories) 256m x 256m x 3m is open area 96 mandays of air before CO2 death 30 Multipower, 61-point reserve, (61 Active Points); all slots Unified Power (-¼) 1) Simple portal punching/snatch and grab: Stretching 41m, Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (61 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 2 2) Perfect Assassin(telepoorting steel ball berings into her target): RKA 1d6, Half Range Modifier (+¼), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Resistant PD Hardened; All Or Nothing; +½), Does BODY (+1), +5 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1 ¼) (60 Active Points); Limited Range (-¼), Costs Half Endurance (-¼), Unified Power (-¼), 16 Charges (-0) 3 3) Near Instant Change: Cosmetic Transform 16d6+1 (same size and weight but any look Blip/Lady in Red thinks up, changing clothes and removing makeup), Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; +¼) (61 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 6 4) Planetary: Teleportation 10m, x4 Increased Mass, MegaScale (1m = 10,000 km; +2) (60 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 6 Background/History: Karrin's parents got killed by a reckless superhero energy blast during a fight it is also be where powers first appeared as the energy beam sliced through her parents,Karrin was saved by her emerging mutant powers deflecting the beam that cut down her parents Her only thought was to get away to her favorite place the roof of their home/business, and Karrin's teleport powers did just that While down below a large fire started to engulf her home The Super left to deal other things The Super was not brought up on charges until 5 yrs of investigations and stalling By then Karrin has been moved to live with an uncle,a Master Sargent in the U.S.Army Life goes well for Karrin,she masters her powers,learns to defend herself and enjoy most of her teenage years Then just before she turns 20, her parents killer is finally brought into court and tried on various charges and he is found not guilty and let go Other victims of this Super had made plans should he get off the hook As Karrin and her uncle left the courthouse ,without not so much as an apology from the Super The other victim's assassin takes his shot almost downing the Super, but the Super gets up in a berserker rage and starts blasting everything and everybody He kills Karrin's uncle and 7 other innocent normals Karrin is forced to use her Focused Double Teleport Sonic Area Blast to get the Super away from the survivors The blast was just about the most perfect shot she had ever done It knocked back the super 20m into the corner of the courthouse breaking his back and crippling him permanetly Karrin was not brought up on charges, as it was self defence Karrin however hates Super powered heroes Personality/Motivation: generally happy ,till Superheroes show up ,then watch out Quote: If I hurt somebody I will do it onpurpose, not some random or carless accident Powers/Tactics: Martial Artist agent stomper terrain changer Long range transport Campaign Use: Scout Commando Appearance: early 20's Amer-Asian ancestory 34c-23-35
  16. Blip/ The Lady In Red Val Char Cost Roll Notes 25 STR 15 14- Lift 800.0kg; 5d6 [2] 18 DEX 16 13- OCV: 9/DCV: 9 25 CON 15 14- 18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 1 - 1 10 PRE 0 11- PRE Attack: 2d6 9 OCV 30 9 DCV 30 1 OMCV -6 1 DMCV -6 6 SPD 40 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 25 PD 0 Total: 25 PD (15 rPD) 25 ED 0 Total: 25 ED (15 rED) 10 REC 6 50 END 6 12 BODY 2 45 STUN 13 Total Characteristic Cost: 167 Movement: Running: 12m/24m Leaping: 2m/4m Swimming: 2m/4m Teleportation: 44m/88m Cost Powers END Mutant Teleportation powers, all slots Unified Power (-¼) 36 1) Teleport redirection field: Resistant Protection (15 PD/15 ED) (45 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 12 2) Teleportation redirection field: (Total: 16 Active Cost, 12 Real Cost) +8 PD (8 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) (Real Cost: 6) plus +8 ED (8 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) (Real Cost: 6) 0 8 3) Teleport redirection field: Power Defense (10 points) (10 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 7 4) Portal viewing: Penetrative with Sight Group (15 Active Points); Lockout (cannot run,swim,leap; -½), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼), Unified Power (-¼) 1 7 5) Portal viewing lensing effect: +10 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group (15 Active Points); Lockout (-½), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼), Unified Power (-¼) 1 Notes: No Range Mods till After 250m 2 6) Instinct : Absolute Range Sense (3 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 7 7) Teleportation: Floating Fixed Location (2 Locations) (10 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼), Unified Power (-¼) 1 3 8) Teleportation: Fixed Location (4 Locations) (4 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 0 49 Teleportation: Multipower, 61-point reserve, (61 Active Points); all slots Unified Power (-¼) 5f 1) Combat 1 : Teleportation 44m, Position Shift, Safe Blind Teleport (+¼) (61 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 6 5f 2) Combat 2 saving yourself: Teleportation 24m, No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, Safe Aquatic Teleport, x2 Increased Mass, Safe Blind Teleport (+¼) (61 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 6 5f 3) Escape : Teleportation 30m, x2 Increased Mass, Safe Blind Teleport (+¼), Armor Piercing (x2; +½) (61 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 6 5f 4) Short to mid-range non-combat teleporting: Teleportation 10m, No Relative Velocity, x64 Noncombat, x8 Increased Mass (60 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 6 Notes: range 640m 5f 5) Long range porting: Teleportation 10m, No Relative Velocity, x4 Increased Mass, MegaScale (1m = 1 km; +1) (60 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 6 5f 6) Portal Punching/Snatch and Grab: Stretching 41m, Does Not Cross Intervening Space (+¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (61 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 2 3f 7) Portal Attacks Fast Strike 9d6 +2ocv(3d6 HKA) ,Leg Sweep 8d6 +2 ocv -1dcv Fall, Takeaway 40 Str: Area Of Effect Nonselective (16m Radius; +½) for up to 55 Active Points of Martial attacks, Limited Range (same as a Combat 1 t-port 35m; +¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼), Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; Martial maneuvers; +¼) (47 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Can be blocked; -¼), Unified Power (-¼) 2 Notes: max range is equal to max teleport 35m 3f 8) Focused Double Teleport Sonic Area Blast: Hearing Group Flash 9d6, Does Knockback (+¼), Double Knockback (+½), Area Of Effect (16m Cone; +½) (61 Active Points); No Range (-½), Gestures (Requires both hands; -½), Unified Power (-¼) 6 Equipment 2 1) Double Wakizashai: HKA 1 point (2d6 w/STR) (5 Active Points); OAF (-1) 1 Notes: 4d6 hka w/ Fast Strike / Blades sheath into the other's blades handle forming a 15" wooden rod of Red Heart wood//Both blades are offset from center w/ full tangs// Blades are 7" with a 7 ½" handle 6 2) Polarizing contacts: Sight Group Flash Defense (9 points) (9 Active Points); IAF (-½) 0 7 3) Gloves and Boots: Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points); OIF (-½) 0 4 Fast Strike +2 +0 7d6, Strike 3 Leg Sweep +2 -1 6d6, Strike Target Falls 5 Takeaway +0 +0 35 STR , Strike 16 +4 HTH Damage Class(es) 2 Weapon Element : Blades, Empty Hand,Portal attacks Talents 6 +2/+2d6 Striking Appearance (vs. all characters) Skills 0 Dex Based 3 1) Acrobatics 13- 3 2) Breakfall 13- 3 3) Stealth 13- 0 Pre Based may get +2 from Striking Appearence 3 1) Charm 11- 0 Int Based 2 1) Navigation (Land) 13- 0 Everyman skills 0 1) Concealment 8- 0 2) Conversation 8- 0 3) Deduction 8- 0 4) AK: USA 8- 0 5) Language: English (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points) 0 6) Persuasion 8- 0 7) PS: Criminal (Custom Adder) 11- 1 8) TF: Custom Adder, Small Motorized Ground Vehicles Total Powers & Skill Cost: 234 Total Cost: 400 400+ Matching Complications 5 Distinctive Features: Mutant (Not Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable Only By Technology Or Major Effort) 10 Distinctive Features: Looker (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 20 Hunted: Primus Infrequently (Mo Pow; NCI; Harshly Punish) 15 Hunted: Local Hero Group Infrequently (Mo Pow; Harshly Punish) 15 Psychological Complication: Hatred ofSuper Powered Heroes (Common; Strong) 10 Social Complication: Subject to Orders from (insert master villain here) Infrequently, Major Total Complications Points: 400 wish list for exp 1) Para-wing cloak: Flight 12m (12 Active Points); Gliding (-1), OIF (-½), Restrainable (-½), OIAID (-¼), no Noncombat movement (-¼), Cannot Hover (must move at least 2m per Phase; -¼) 0 2) polarizing contacts: Sight Group Flash Defense (15 points) (15 Active Points); OIF (-½), OIAID (-¼) 0 3) Video recorder hiddin in N-space seeing and hearing what Blips sees and hears: Eidetic Memory (5 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼), IIF (-¼) Skills 1) TF: Parachuting, Advanced, Parachuting, Basic 2) Acting 11- 3) Bribery 11- 4) Bugging 13- 5) Contortionist 13- 6) Conversation 11- 7) Disguise 13- 8) Deduction 13- 9) High Society 11- 10) KS: Criminal underworld 11- 11) KS: Superpowered World 11- 12) KS: Heroes 11- 13) KS: Law Enforcement Agencies 11- 14) KS: Fashion World 11- 15) Navigation (Air, Dimensional, Land, Marine, Space, Temporal) 13- 16) Instict: Defense Maneuver I-IV (10 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) Stats 1) possitive thinking: +10 EGO 2) Self confidence: +13 PRE Powers and training 1) Mental Defense (12 points total) 0 2) +6 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group 0 3) Combat Sense (Sense) (17 Active Points); Unified Power (-¼) 13- 4) Perfect Assassin(telepoorting steel ball berings into her target): RKA 1d6, Half Range Modifier (+¼), Attack Versus Alternate Defense (Resistant PD Hardened; All Or Nothing; +½), Does BODY (+1), +5 Increased STUN Multiplier (+1 ¼) (60 Active Points); Limited Range (-¼), Costs Half Endurance (-¼), 16 Charges (-0) 3 5) Portable Hideout (Extra Dimensional Space): Custom Power (50 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x5 END; -2), Restrainable (-½), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -¼)Notes: 512 sq meters 128mx128mx4m 25 6) Near Instant Change: Cosmetic Transform 16d6+1 (same size and weight but any look Blip/Lady in Red thinks up, changing clothes and removing makeup), Variable Special Effects (Limited Group of SFX; +¼) (61 Active Points) 6 Background/History: Karrin's parents got killed by a reckless superhero energy blast during a fight it is also be where powers first appeared as the energy beam sliced through her parents,Karrin was saved by her emerging mutant powers deflecting the beam that cut down her parents Her only thought was to get away to her favorite place the roof of their home/business, and Karrin's teleport powers did just that While down below a large fire started to engulf her home The Super left to deal other things The Super was not brought up on charges until 5 yrs of investigations and stalling By then Karrin has been moved to live with an uncle,a Master Sargent in the U.S.Army Life goes well for Karrin,she masters her powers,learns to defend herself and enjoy most of her teenage years Then just before she turns 20, her parents killer is finally brought into court and tried on various charges and he is found not guilty and let go Other victims of this Super had made plans should he get off the hook As Karrin and her uncle left the courthouse ,without not so much as an apology from the Super The other victim's assassin takes his shot almost downing the Super, but the Super gets up in a berserker rage and starts blasting everything and everybody He kills Karrin's uncle and 7 other innocent normals Karrin is forced to use her Focused Double Teleport Sonic Area Blast to get the Super away from the survivors The blast was just about the most perfect shot she had ever done It knocked back the super 20m into the corner of the courthouse breaking his back and crippling him permanetly Karrin was not brought up on charges, as it was self defence Karrin however hates Super powered heroes Personality/Motivation: generally happy ,till Superheroes show up ,then watch out Quote: Bring it on scum Powers/Tactics: Martial Artist agent stomper terrain changer Long range transport Campaign Use: Scout Commando Appearance: early 20's Amer-Asian ancestory 34c-23-35
  17. Vambrace computer w/HUD with a 20 pt VPP kinda like the tech guy had in Resident Evil 1 movie
  18. No it was meant to be the not so scary ,not bullet proof intro to Hero system if you want even lighter find Wild Strike
  19. the vehicle has a str stat you just have to overcome that
  20. when range mods kick in would be my 2 cents
  21. so I guess this means we need protection when interacting with this show
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