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Everything posted by Korvar

  1. http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=109207396431294085739.00000112583e7047c0070&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=33.959931,-118.27649&spn=0.310389,0.493698&z=11
  2. Re: "Uh ... you can *do* that?" Reminds me of the Draconians from Dragonlance. They all had some kind of "death scene" which inconvenienced the person who killed them, ranging from turning to stone (trapping your weapon in the statue) to huge explosions. If I remember correctly, there were Draconian types that were arrayed as army unit whose death scene would likely kill others of their kind - so if you killed one of the unit, you would get a cascade, until they were all dead...
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... She needs all the support she can get!
  4. Re: "Uh ... you can *do* that?" Important GM skill: learn to say "Yes. YES HE DOES." and sound like you mean it
  5. Re: Unworkable Premises for a Campaign Characters are all part of Project Nightwatch - "super soldiers" with various abilities, but all have enhanced strength, speed, and physical toughness with some side effects, including severe photophobia. All have to take a glowing green serum on a daily basis to maintain their powers. They perform a variety of "black ops" missions for their superiors. As far as they know, they are the first super-powered people in the world. Gradually, they come to realise their superiors may not have the country's best interests in mind. And they keep finding hints that there may be other supers out there - possibly even another, even more secret, group of super-soldiers. And other strange things that don't quite fit into the special-forces-with-superpowers mold. Eventually, they come back from one of their missions, to find their base has been invaded and basically destroyed. Everyone seems to have been killed, from a combination of firearms and melee weapons. Digging through the wreckage, they are able to find the documentation that reveals the true source of their powers. The "super serum" they were injected with right at the beginning was actually the blood of a creature called "Subject V" - ancient, immortal, possessed of extraordinary powers, and sustained by human blood. The glowing green serum they have been using up until now is also human blood, with special food colouring to hide its true nature. Strong post-hypnotic suggestions were given, to keep their new urges in check, and to stop them inquiring too deeply into their origins. Subject V is missing. The leaders of Project Nightwatch are also missing. The stocks of "serum" have been destroyed. And there are documents mentioning another supersoldier project, this time being derived from "Subject W"...
  6. Re: If You Draw It...They Will Come "Golden Age" refers to comics from the late 30's to early 50's. So think war time, and just post-war.
  7. Re: THE BOOK OF DRAGONS -- What Do *You* Want To See? Yeah, and in general, some idea of how to deal with beasties so big they're part of the environment... or the whole environment.
  8. Re: First role playing memory My first roleplaying memory involves Tunnels and Trolls solo adventures.
  9. Korvar

    Cursed dice

    Re: Cursed dice I had a werewolf, from the White Wolf game of the same name. Ahroun (warrior caste), not quite maxed out strength, but close. Rolling 10 dice of damage routinely. I almost always did 2 damage.
  10. Re: You were supposed to turn left!
  11. Re: THE ULTIMATE BASE -- What Do *You* Want To See? What you'd want is the information about skills and laboratories that is relevant to designing, buying and using bases, rather than the information relevant to designing, buying and using skills...
  12. Re: Really quite crazy campaign idea.... Sounds very interesting. What Bad Guys were you thinking of using?
  13. Re: How do mutants work out? It has always amused me that discussions about anti-mutant hysteria always has people expecting hatred and prejudice to adhere to logic and reason...
  14. Re: THE BOOK OF DRAGONS -- What Do *You* Want To See? General discussion of how combats involving gigantic beasties should be done. Imagine it being done with miniatures on a battlemat - where exactly your character is can determine what bit of the monster that can be hit. Rules for fighting on Big Beasties. No rogue or swashbuckler worth their salt will overlook the opportunity to jump on / climb up the monster to dramatically attack a vulnerable point How do AoE attacks affect a creature that takes up the entire AoE and more? Do they take damage for each affected hex? Some mention of Beasts Versus Armies (are there Mass Combat rules in Fantasy Hero 5th?)
  15. Re: Invisible character I had a character in one game I ran who had invisibility and shrinking, so that the -8 penalty to perception would apply to the invisibility's fringe.
  16. Re: Hero Rokugan. Although the GURPS system itself might not be to your tastes, the sourcebooks are generally excellent, and easily translatable to Hero.
  17. Re: (WWYCD) Superhero Assaination... Well, yes. Cyclops, for example, pretty much has his Fancy Eye Beams and that's it. Good point
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... The penultimate D&D 3.5 sesson: Sorceress, upon being referred to as "Sorcerer": "Sorceress! I've got boobs!" Sorceress: "I'm glad I killed your dog!" Sorceress, OOC: "I'll get you when I'm a hooker!" (Worryingly enough, this was referring to her Call of Cthulhu character...) Sorceress: "You're just jealous because I don't want to touch your lance..." We climb up a mountain, to ask a ghost dragon where we can find a crystal we're after. The dragon indicates a crack in the mountain, about a hundred feet below. "The dragon's just showed us his crack!" "Let's enter the dragon's crack!" GM: "It's one hundred feet to the crevasse..." And his was me, I'm afraid, after the Mystic's summoned gorilla attacked the fire elemental, and took fire damage in return: "What goes 'ook ook woof'?"
  19. Re: (WWYCD) Superhero Assaination...
  20. Re: (WWYCD) Superhero Assaination...
  21. Re: fantasy hero archtypes Cleric Barbarian warrior Absurdly overpowered Elf (whether inspired by Drizzt or Orlando Bloom) Grumpy hard-drinking Scottish Dwarf
  22. Re: Underpowered tropes? Glass Cannon = Big attack, but taken down easily.
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