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Everything posted by Korvar

  1. Re: What else is a classic trope ? And, indeed, Commie. One of my favourite tropes is that heroes and villains from other countries are strongly themed to that country, while heroes and villains from the home country (usually America) usually aren't.
  2. Re: First meeting of game group to consider HERO System I'm convinced it comes from "number crunching" somewhere along the line.
  3. Re: Learning from the mistakes of others What irritates me about 4E (and I think this was a factor in 3.X) was that there was a specific emphasis on combat balance, with no possibility of balancing combat effectiveness with non-combat effectiveness. Rogues/Thieves in particular, have a slew of non-combat abilities - to the extent that dungeon-diving without one is pretty stupid - and yet they're also meant to be every bit the combat monster the fighter is.
  4. Re: Fantasy Gambling Ideas For Dark Sun, where the common currency is designed to be split apart into smaller denominations ("Bits"), much as "pieces of eight" were silver coins that could be split up into eight, well, pieces, someone came up with a game whereby players take alternate turns placing Bits on the table. If you complete an entire coin, you get to remove it from the table. The coins had full-face designs, so you need the right Bit to fit any given space. You could add other rules, to make it more a game of chance or skill, depending (for example, all the Bits are put in a bag, and you get a Bit at random each turn).
  5. Re: Campaign History, how did yours become dark? I think you don't necessarily need to "explain" why your game is set in a slightly "amped-up" version of our world.
  6. Re: VPPs for Dummies? (IE. Me!) If you're new to VPPs, and you go with the VPP version, you or the player probably want to write up a bunch of gadgets beforehand, which the player can then choose from in the game. That way you don't have to stop the game while you work out the limitations on a laser cutting torch in the middle of a session.
  7. Re: Cool Guns for your Games . But nice action.
  8. Re: Public Identity Scenario Hooks Being invited to public events. If they're popular, charity things, supermarket openings - with the possibility of villain attack. If they're not popular, being hounded by the press. Possibly, if you're interested in some pure roleplaying, being invited onto a talk show where their views and actions are challenged.
  9. Re: Random campaign idea: Super Who Actually, I think mining the past of Who could be even more fun. And Who has a Vast Past
  10. I occasionally get ideas that I think would be cool to run, play in, or have a movie of, but I know I'm never really going to do anything with them. This is one of them, and it is this: Imagine a DC/Marvel/Astro City superhero universe. People get powers from a number of sources, including aliens, high technology, and ancient civilisations. So could you construct such a universe where all the above is taken from things seen in Doctor Who? For example, a man is abducted by aliens from Mondas, and is subjected to their cybernetic conversion process. He escaped, with his body transformed but his humanity intact, and now adventures as The Cyber Man. Marvel and DC both have a "Prince of Atlantis" character - Namor and Aquaman respectively. From the oceans, not really sure if they like humans or not, but basically heroes. Perhaps in the Super Whoniverse, this could be an actual Silurian A shining blue crystal falls to Earth, giving the discoverer psychic powers. It is from Metebelis III. The Nazis created huge war machines from (Stolen? Recovered?) Dalek technology. Anyway, there it is. I release this idea into the wild. Do with it as you will.
  11. Re: All-in-one box games Agreed, and repped.
  12. Re: Your Dream Projects For Hero Books Stealing Dark Sun from WoTC and doing Dark Sun Hero. You said dream
  13. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Here was an interesting one: http://www.littlegun.be/curios%20et%20antiquites/a%20bague%20pistolet%20gb.htm
  14. Re: Help Me Populate A Creepy Hotel Repped.
  15. Re: Fantasy Cosmologies Glorantha is a very non-Earth setup. The world is flat, there is a Red Moon that can be seen anywhere in the Lunar Empire (so if the borders expand, you can see it today in places you couldn't see yesterday), and various other bits of strangeness. If I remember correctly, the fantasy realm in Torg (Aysle?) was a flat doughnut and the sun rose and set in the hole in the middle.
  16. Re: Best Graphic Novels to Inspire a Campaign? Gotham by Gaslight. I wanted to play Steampunk Supers when I saw that...
  17. Re: What game would you LOVE to play in? I want to play in a long running Dark Sun game and/or a long-running Supers game.
  18. Re: Steampunk Superheroes Must... spread... rep...
  19. Re: visiting Irksome Perks
  20. Re: The Heroes blew it! Evil Wins The Dark Sun D&D background (http://www.athas.org) is exactly that - the Bad Guys won a great war a couple of thousand years ago, and now rule the world from their City-States in the decaying ruins of the world...
  21. Re: Fairytale Princess Template Teleport, Megascale. "Sorry, Mario, the Princess is in another castle..."
  22. Re: List of Professions As am I. Compound interest, calculated daily.
  23. Re: Alternate Earth #23(?): Living In The Wild, Wild West Flare: I can see him either working for the Pony Express (super-speed flight, force-field, energy blast), as an army scout, or possibly in a Wild West Show (as he's a total show-off). He could end up a lawman in San Francisco (which is more-or-less what he does now). Doctor Graves: He could have a thriving Freudian-style practice, consulting with law-enforcement as required. He'd probably be more at home in New York, but it's not beyond the realms of possibility he could end up in a thriving Western City. He'd be unlikely to venture in to the wildest West without a good reason, but that's what good plot hooks are for, isn't it?
  24. Re: Martial Art: Tricking +3 OCV, only to first hit, only after acrobatics roll. SFX: Opponent can't believe someone's actually trying to hit them like that.
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