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Everything posted by Patriot

  1. Re: "Neat" Pictures That is not neat................... That is HAWT!
  2. Re: List Your CO Nemeses! I just hit 25 a few days ago. Patriots Nemesis is : Baron Gestapo
  3. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Should have known better by Yo La Tengo
  4. Is there a Co wiki? I just hit lvl 22, and I am stuck for missions ( i did all my 22-24 stuff already) Where should I go next?
  5. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER When this thread hits 1000 pages will it blow up?
  6. Re: Harbinger of Justice There are a few opponents a Coup De Gras should never work on...he is one of them.
  7. Will there be a pre order phase? or will it just be " It's done, come and get it"?
  8. Re: WWYCD: HE is not himself. OK, to get over the onforseen beating myself with a stick hurdle. I have ran Patriot since march of 1991. Back then there was a different GM I am running the show currently, but My time is nearly up (not by a vote or anything, but I have less and less time these days) . No GM in there right mind would let me run Patriot, as is, he could fight Superman to a stand still. I love the character , and my final plot will be the most hideous Luther Black/DEMON scenario in the demon source book with this retcon woven in so (when) if someone else decides to run the game, There might be a chance that I can run him once again.
  9. The Other super heros in the city have stumbled upon the fact that the current incarnation of your hero isn't the real deal. In 1993 the Supergroup visited hell, to release the soul of a fallen hero. It went marginally well. What wasn't know is that when they returned, the power of the plane of hell, ( Asmodeus , for arguments sake) , Cloistered your hero away, and sent a duplicate in his place. For the last 16 years, you hero has been replaced by a new duplicate, the amount of good he has done, and has been exposed to has made him (actually a unholy creation) like being good. Until the last replacement, who has sent the local Supergroup on wild goose chase, made deals with "The Duchess" of Viper, And worse yet , is in talks with Luthor Blacks immediate minions(these parts , are not fully exposed as of yet). Meanwhile Your hero , Who is a classic 500 point Superman styled brick , bides his time waiting with a sliver of hope that either he can find a away out , or someone will realize that hes still down there. Question #1 :Out of game: If he was rescued, would you want to play him at his current point level (A lot, 1900+), would you be willing to run him at 500 points, or somewhere in between ( we can assume he wasn't sitting on a rock for 16 years, he may have made himself useful in a good way somehow). Question #2 : In game: Besides not being totally in line with current events, How would you play him? Would he be a broken man? Would he Return as the 4 color hero he once was?
  10. Re: your pcs might be OVERPOWERED IF... Repped!
  11. Re: your pcs might be OVERPOWERED IF... They can go toe to toe with Dr. Destroyer and the odds makers will give 3 to 1 odds against Destroyer.
  12. Re: Menton is up If Menton looked like that m Dr. destroyer would have killed him years ago...On first meeting him....for assulting his eyes.
  13. Re: Killing Attacks vs Stun Lottery One steak Knife well placed into the nuclear generator....for all practical purposes no more ship.
  14. Re: Killing Attacks vs Stun Lottery Isn't that called a critical hit?
  15. Re: Killing Attacks vs Stun Lottery I have a goofy Idea! -1 to stun multipliers (PD) 25points -1 to stun multipliers (ED) 25points Defense type power any one can buy it , but I am sure those who have been abused by the lotto might be the first in line.
  16. Re: Cuts through anything Here is My take on it: 2d6 Hka Indirect (+1/4) (bypasses force walls and fields) NND(+1) ( defense:being made of the same material as the weapon) Cost:67 points
  17. Any one remember this show from the 80s? Have any of you built the hero? If so , Can we see him?
  18. Re: Help with naming a spider themed character. How About ArachKnight!
  19. Patriot

    About PRIMUS

    Re: About PRIMUS I have used the Platinum avenger option as well. It is used for Players who: 1) are patriotic thru and thru. 2)like the idea of being a member of Primus They are off the normal grid of the chain of command, and answer to 2 people, the Leader of Primus( name slips my mind ATM), And directly to the POTUS.
  20. Re: New Power: Invulnerability Has anyone tool kitted Invulnerability into Hero designer yet? I am to lazy to do it:o
  21. Re: Surprisingly Effective Builds? About 15 years ago, we had a guy write up a clown as a hero, with a carpetr bag the turned into a clown car, a small pool for things like seltzer water, cream pies, etc. The hero caused the team the most headaches, but ultimately was a diverse, often leaned upon utility character, surprisingly he was also respectable in a fight.
  22. Re: Designing a drug: need name and text description Whats the benefit of using it? All I see are drains...
  23. Re: New Power: Invulnerability Invulnerability follow up time: Inside normal campaign guidelines to power has limited use. Most bricks probably won't take that much body to begin with. That being said, when the "annual" event comes up, when an alien armada is attacking our fair planet, or some god-creature sees us as an appetizer. The power does have its uses ( notably because most bricks are using the ape sh@@- ballistic tactics and are scrambling into the fray). The end result is this: even in the worst of situations, It allows a team to man up behind a brick, coordinating with him ( or them) and be heroes. As such , This power is now a fixture in my campaign , yes, it will have a stop sign, and yes it is approved case by case. It leads to good heroing and gets my seal of approval:thumbup:
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