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Everything posted by lensman

  1. lensman

    Rifts HERO?

    Rifts HERO: Skelebot Here now, my version of the Skelebot You may think the points mean something, really, they don't Before commenting Be sure to read the notes I left on various powers. I welcome comments
  2. lensman

    Rifts HERO?

    Re: Rifts HERO? SCUBAHero: That was my model, reverse standard effect. I will be posting my first conversion from RIFTS to Hero Skelebots will be posting here soon.
  3. lensman

    Rifts HERO?

    Rifts HERO: SFX of Unusual Def. I skimmed so if this has been discussed I apologize. Mental Def. Power def. Lack of Weakness Flash def. Rifts has a variety of SFX: Magic, Psyker, Technology, Bio-Wizardry to name a few. But If a have a psyker who buys Power def. then it works vrs. Nao-tech or Magic spels or anything? Need I limit the SFX to a specific type, for no Limit? And I weas thinking of making all such def. d6 based, So every 3 points of def. generates a 1d6 roll. Making it more dynamic. Wadda'yal think?
  4. Re: Some Quick Assistance Deven of Mountinshard Val Char Cost Roll Notes 10 STR 0 11- Lift 100.0kg; 2d6 [1] 11 DEX 3 11- OCV: 4/DCV: 4 13 CON 6 12- 12 BODY 4 11- 18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- 10 EGO 0 11- ECV: 3 13 PRE 3 12- PRE Attack: 2 1/2d6 16 COM 3 12- 6 PD 4 Total: 6 PD (0 rPD) 3 ED 0 Total: 3 ED (0 rED) 2 SPD 0 Phases: 6, 12 5 REC 0 20 END -3 26 STUN 2 Total Characteristic Cost: 30 Movement: Running: 6"/12" Leaping: 2"/4" Swimming: 2"/4" Cost Powers END 4 Martial Block +2 +2 Block, Abort 5 Offensive Strike -2 +1 6d6 Strike 4 Counterstrike +2 +2 4d6 Strike, Must Follow Block Skills 3 Jack of All Trades 1 PS: Architect 11- 2 PS: Historian 12- 2 PS: Scholar 12- 3 Scholar 1 KS: Ancient Ruins 11- 1 KS: Antiquities, Magical & Clerical 11- 3 KS: History 13- 2 KS: Magic Theory 12- 1 KS: Myths & Legends 11- 1 KS: Things Man is Not Supposed to KNow 11- 2 Language: Ancient, Shadow (basic conversation; literate) 1 Language (idiomatic; Custom Adder, literate) 3 Security Systems 13- 3 Concealment 13- 3 Lock picking 11- Total Characteristic Cost: 30 Total Powers & Skill Cost: 45 Total Cost: 75 25+ Disadvantages 20 Psych. Lim.: Code of Honor (Very Common, Strong) 10 Psych. Lim.: Private Crusade: Searching for Philosopher's Stone (Uncommon, Strong) 5 DF: Mousy, quiet spoken Scholar (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses) 5 Enraged: Artifacts that are Hoarded by Private Collectors (Uncommon), go 8-, recover 14- 5 Rivalry: Professional, Mindaloas Threykin, Shadow Mage, Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry 5 Hunted: the Order of the Bladed Shrine 11- (Mo Pow, Limited Geographical Area, Watching)
  5. Re: Dispel and Detect Magic clarification. Dispel begins by only being able to target one power, regardless of SFX, at one time. Thus you could buy it vrs. F.F. or Change Environmnet. The confusion may start when the +1/4 advantage is applied that allows any one power, of a certain SFX, to be targeted, one at a time. Now with that advantage the utility of the power increases dramatically and allows a user to Dispel any one power, from Absorption to Transform, as long as it (the power which is the target of the Dispel) has a Magic SFX. Q : I get confused by the rules where it says "to affect two powers of a given special effect simultaneously.+1/2..... A : Extending your example for the “to affect two powers of a given special effect simultaneously.+1/2†A earth mage with Dispel bought with this advantage can target 2 Magic spells being used by one opponent, in one attack action. Say, both a force field and flight or Armor and HKA Q : What if The Fire Mage had bought a Dispel Defined against Magical Water Effects only, What sort of advantage would that be? A : It seems to me that Only vrs. Water Magic is a limitation. In which case consult the definitions found inConditional or Limited and apply it to your campaign. Water magic may be more or less prevelant than other magics. Q : Suppose The FIre Mage had Bought the +1/2 advantage above and that the Water Mage had been Levitating on a column of magical water. Would that mean that the Fire Mage could dispel any 2 effects and thus in this case cancel the ForceField and The water levitation in one casting? A : Yes. Q: If the Dispel was bought at the +2 Level does that mean he can switch All of one NPC's Spells off in one casting ( assuming he has enough points )? A : Yes. Q : I assume it is correct that if for some reason the FireMage bought Dispel Energy Blast , and suddenly thru a portal pops Sci Fi Guy with a Blast Gun, his Dispel would work versus that? A : This is a GM cal. Based strictly on the rules, if a Fire mAge buys Dispel – Energy blast he is not limited to a SFX, so he could Dispel Sci Fi Guys Blast Gun. But fortunately GM’s can step in and say that SFX limits this, or not. A Dreadstar type campaign that mixes magic and Tech might allow such or a campaign ste in a ShadowRun world. Q : Is that 7 whole points for the basic detect, and then another 5 ( less limitations ) for the see magic ? or is that too much ? A : Don’t know how you are buying it. But you hit on exactly how it could work in your example. The Imp is Invis. To Normal Sight, not to the Detect: Magic. So you have to simply describe the level of detail one see’s when using Detect Magic. Like some senses, one does not see details, I believe Radar works like that. Just beware of players who want to upgrade to Discriminatory or Analyze. Both those components would seem to grant much greater fidelity.
  6. Heroic Relocation 10 pts. Allows Character to move hit location of a non-specific, ie. one, attack, either ranged or melee, to another adjacent location on the hit location chart. CAn be bought more than once. Does it need a mechanic? Is it too unbalancing. This is a cultural ability I am thinking of for a Greek culture. One that wears light armor and has some non armored locations. I wanted the feel of this talent to allow a defensive way to negate the single knowckout blow, where the characters are worn out by a battle of a thousand cuts.
  7. Re: New Cmpaign : Magic Power Help? 5. Sounds like you need little help. You already know how you want to make it work. The rules easily allow for this. Consider: Suppress 5 pts. 1 d6 Suppress Constant : Ranged : Costs END Add Adv: Reduced END 0; Limit on Reduced END 0: Costs 1x Mana to Use. or Costs 3x Mana if Aborted to. Add Adv: Ucontrolled, really tough version so that it works even if user asleep / unconscious or Stuned Add Limit: No range As to what controls the number of Suppress dice when used, As GM you can link that to an arbitrary number as minus to a Magic roll Ex: -1 / 3 d6 of Suppress, then let the desperation of the PC choose how much to use Or, less arbitrarily a GM might link the nuber of dice Suppress to pts. In Magic roll or as many AP in the largest Active point spell known to the PC. Since Suppress is a defensive power you just say that it intercepts automatically any incoming spell(s) As for points either figure the points based on a real power construct or just eyeball the campaign and make an arbitrary number. If PC’s want to increase this “counterspell†ability let them buy naked power advabntages to the base suppress or make up a schedule. 5 points per 3 d6 Suppress +5 pts. For AoE +5 for Ranged +5 for Damage Shield or Just give PC’s a choice of increase after Magic roll increases by some interval, like at +3 they add some Adder.
  8. Re: How To Model: Magic adversely affected by cold iron It seems you could break down the effects to three areas. One is the use of Magic in the presence of Cold Iron. This could be a Environmnetal Effect that depending on th eamount of cold iron present, could act as -'s to any Magic Skill roll. Mages might buy PSL's for there Magic skill vrs. just Cold Iron effects or a GM not disallow anyone to buy such PSLs. For MAgic effects such as Enchantments or Magic Items such an environment could act as a Suppress. Two is the personal area of a mage and exposure to cold iron. Like Armor or manacles, or bracers Clearly Mages will not be wearing cold iron of their own volition. A Gm might just use weight of any cold iron present and say for ecvery 1 kg. there is a -5 to MAgic skill rolls or perhaps an effect for casting. An example is 2 d6 NND for every 10 Active points of Magic attempted. Third is the use of cold iron against the mage. Here cold iron may take the shape of a weapon, Armor or sheild. IN this case you might also afix a bonus based on kg. and say evry KG. is 10 pts. of effect vrs. Magic, So Armor has extra DEF's Shields have +'s top DCV vrs. Magic and Weapons do extra DC's or Ap vrs, magic defenses.
  9. Re: Magic Items Hey I think it worked
  10. Re: Magic Items xls is not a valid file extension on Hero Boards for attachments txt is horrible formatting and frustrating
  11. Re: Magic Items I have an .xls with all the items from the old boards. Email me p_shafer@hotmail.com with MAGIC ITEMS in the subject and I will mail it to you
  12. Ok, I am about to school some youngin's about how to build a proper radio setup in Champions. In trying to do so I have now somehow raised more questions i my own mind. So I need a second or third or... opinions First: Why is it that If I transmit over HRRH my fellow Heroes have to make Radio PER rolls, with range mods, to hear me? If they don't, why not? PER rolls, not to pick up my freq., but just to hear my message. What about cross town? Given the above, what about Mega-Scale? do I buy that adv. to reflect how big my transmitter is? ie. the distance I can transmit without the -'s due to range mods? In what, if any case, does one apply range mods to Radio Group? Like one does for hearing or Sight or presumably smell. Assume I am interested in reflecting some real world modeling. having looked up Telescopic, applying +20 means _0 range mods in the first approx. 5.1 miles (8.2 km) -2 out to 10 miles etc.
  13. Re: Magic Items Sourcebook? I also have a xls spreadsheet of Magic items posted to this site. If you want a copy send email to p_shafer@hotmail.com Subject: Magic Items If you want me to mail a copy
  14. Re: I need a library Here is something I whipped up on Hero Designer. I was shocked at how much the Resources / Condition cost was on the Demesne Table pg. 101 Fantasy Hero was. Player: Val Char Cost 14 BODY 12 Characteristics Cost: 36 Cost Power END 12 Fire Wards: +8 DEF; Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Only vrs. Fire based Powers; -1) Powers Cost: 12 Cost Skill 19 Concealment 17- 3 Bureaucratics 9- 2 Research (Library) 9- 3 Cryptography 9- 3 Forgery 9- 2 SS: Library Science 11- 7 Lab: Magic 11- 11 Lab: Magic, Fire School 13- 7 Lab: Magic, specific spell (RKA) 11- 2 KS: PLanes: Elemental Earth 11- 2 KS: Magic Theory: Item Creation 11- 2 KS: Magic Theory: Side Effects 11- 2 KS: Magic Theory: Alchemy, potions 11- 2 KS: Magial Beasts: Creatures of Flight 11- 2 KS: Magic Theory: Fire Element Control,(Change Environment) 11- Skills Cost: 69 Cost Perk 130 Location: City; Location Easily-defended location, Modifier Underground, Resources/Condition Extremely developed/inhabited or very good resources Perks Cost: 130 Total Character Cost: 247 Val Disadvantages 15 Hunted: Spell Theives 8- (As Pow, NCI, Limited Geographical Area, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish) Disadvantage Points: 15 Base Points: 150 Experience Required: 82 Total Experience Available: 100 Experience Unspent: 18
  15. Re: Wealth Perk in PA Games In a post apoc just re ivent what wealth means. I might make knowledge of devices worth tons of money. Schematics for water purification, counter weight systems Steam engines internal combustion Transmisions hydro electrics etc. The character with wealth just trades these schematics / knowledge / downloads in barter for local goods. A less wealthy man has less valuable info. Portable and stored in the PA.
  16. Titan Bloodline gift 4 +10 STR Reduced Endurance 0 END (+1/2) Limited Power (-2) Only for calculating STR min / base damage Limited Power (-1/2) Bloodline complications Giant weapons, +5 STR min for every level of growth This is a way I would build the Talent.
  17. It has been decades since I read the series but... Cause and effect. Covenant had leprosy, a form of it. He had no feling in his body, he has to perform visual checks on his body to look for cuts or bleeding because he woould not be able to tactilely feel such injuries. Now imagine that this was part of your life for so very long, then after being transported to a place you are not sure is real ( and in fact wake up in hospital from a coma induced by an allergic reaction to a horse serum), you are healed by hurtloam and being to regain your tactile sense. I believe that this is what the author was tring to indicate mught drive someone. Thomas Covenant, a better example of the reluctant anti-hero you will not find. As camaign setting you could not emulate better. Full of color and interesting places and people. A worthy project. I should go back and read the books.
  18. Impressive effort. High marks for abuse. But it is illegal. You cannot take a limitation on the EC control and then the same limit on each slot. The judgement of wheather and how much the limit is I will leave for others to judge.
  19. System Abuse Nick Naples Oracle Player: Val Char Cost 25 STR 15 26 DEX 48 23 CON 26 10 BODY 0 15 INT 5 15 EGO 10 20 PRE 10 16 COM 3 8/43 PD 3 5/40 ED 0 6 SPD 24 10 REC 0 46 END 0 45 STUN 10 6" RUN02" SWIM05" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 154 Cost Power END 60 Transfiguration Beam: EB 10d6, Variable Special Effects (Any SFX; +1/2); OIHID (-1/4) 7 27 Combat Adaptability: Naked Modifier: Apply to Transfigure Beam, Variable Advantage (+1/2 Advantages; +1); 4 Charges (-1), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), OIHID (-1/4) 33 Teleportation 10", Trigger (+1/2), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1); OIHID (-1/4), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Does not work in environment: below 0 degrees C; -1/4) 5 27 FF (20 PD/20 ED); OIHID (-1/4), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Must PER attack; -1/4) 4 30 Prenatearnal Battle Skill: Multipower, 45-point reserve, Activation Roll 14- (EGO roll; -1/2) 2u 1) Tactical forecast: Clairsentience (Sight And Hearing Groups), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 6" per Phase), Targeting; 4 Charges (-1) 2u 2) Evasion / Dive for Cover: Desolidification ; 4 Charges (-1), Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2) 2u 3) MIsdirection / Diversion: Sight Group Flash 4d6, Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1); 4 Charges (-1) 2u 4) Roll with Blow: Armor (15 PD/15 ED); 4 Charges (-1) 2u 5) Position Advatage / Weakness Expolation: Drain 3d6, [two powers] simultaneously (+1/2); 4 Charges (-1) 2u 6) Blind spot / Focus Exploitation: Invisibility to Sight, Hearing and Radio Groups and Danger Sense , No Fringe; 4 Charges (-1) 2u 7) Opposition Psychology: Telepathy 9d6; 4 Charges (-1), Does Not Provide Mental Awareness (-1/4) Powers Cost: 191 Cost Skill 4 PS: Electrician 13- Skills Cost: 4 Total Character Cost: 349 Base Points: 200 Experience Required: 149 Total Experience Available: 0 Experience Unspent: 0 So a character that has Teleportation control that can manipulate matter into any form. Trained to fight crime. I tried to trick him out as much as possible, system wise. If this counts, then next challenge: A character that has all powers based on Absolute Range Sense Edit: Right did some things in a rush, now corrected
  20. Big discussion over on the Raw STR: Marvel thread. Cap is my second fav Hero after the Hulk. Super Soldier serum: Raises all physical stats to Human maximum, +5 reduced END on STR and movement to near zero Fast healing Vita eays: Life extension LS: Aging higher ED defense What else?
  21. Just A Guy Name: Never saw the program you site. But i will think about th eMemory as Mental Sense. Great idea. Another Skip: So the flash would work to "Flash" the 5 minutes of "in camera" and then the flash ends and poof, no memory. Great idea, but that many dice of flash .. hold it can you apply a Megascale to flash , so each body goes up th etime chart? Hmmmm. Blue jogger: Yep that is how I saw it working, although not always On, but it could work Trebuchet: Never read "Mute," for a player it would have to be donecarefully, so as not to piss off other players. In this case, th epower is for a villian
  22. Blue jogger, you are my personal god for today. Great idea that Adder. Thanks
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