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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. Isn't Inherent only affecting Adjustment Powers? And is LS not immune to adjustment Powers? Need to check it.
  2. That is Teleport UAA. And if you allow that in your game it is your own damn fault and you have to learn the hard way why it is a bad idea Might not be the worst of the bad ideas to try out for a spell (you can always later disalow the power, refunding the points spend on it). Some Experiences only work if you gathered them yourself. As I said, the damage does not really have me worried. That cheese would become obiously quickly. The ability to teleport the enemy 50m sideways of the walkways/cliff or outside the building (when the enemy has neither flight nor the ability to come back), that has me really worried.
  3. So I count 2 from Badger (Slim Shady, Nightshade), one from Death Tribble (Shade E) and one stub from Pinecone. Just Shade actually got into this outfit thanks to some misstranslations and the press. He is a German villain that originally went by the name "Schadenfreude". Wich was shortened to "Schade" or "Schaden" and later misstranslate to "Shade" or "Shade N"*. And then it kind of stuck. He is a Martial Artist dedicated to taking out the enemies with Trips, Shoves and the like near ledges or drops whenever the opportunity arises. He is also prone to laughing about anyone elses misfortune, inlcuding his teammates ocasssionally. In case that counts as Nr 5, I got no team to post. *Some english to german translations are really, really bad. I make it a habit to never play a game on german dub if I got the english one or original plus english subtitles (in case of japanese ones).
  4. "3. CC is 6e in a different package." It is different enough that I feel like mentioning it as something seperate is waranted. Weren't Mindclassses removed in CC, among a few other changes? Yes it is strong. Wich is why it's active points would still be way over the normal for attack powers. Just exceeding the caps already needs GM allowance. One issue I saw with the CE build is that it is a 20 CP absolute. At least the Blast build would scale accordingly to the power of the target (defenses and Constitution). I always consider scaling a plus on any power build.
  5. Oh, I totally forgot that example: Schroedinger needed to invent the cat example to even make sense out of a part of Quantum Physics for Laymans (in this case, Heisenbergs Uncertainty principle).
  6. Do people decide to get vertigo? Or do they get vertigo thrust upon them by the environment like motion, or poisionous food? The core ouf our senses of balance and motion is the "Vestibular System". A very old evolution thing says: If the movement measured by the eyes and Vestibular System do not match up, something is not right. Asume your are poisioned via food and vomit to avoid getting more poision into your bloodstream. I am pretty sure cat's and dogs can vomit just as well, so it is not unique to our human phisyology/mind. We just managed to create a world where other sources trigger that old mechanims: We were never evolved to drive across the ocean with a boat. the contradicting motion might trigger that old poision food defense. Im an also prone to get "close to vomiting" vertigo from driving with some busses. I asume one medicament I take reduces my vertigo threshold considerably (and it was not that big to begin with). If it is entirely "in the mind" of the target, stuff is getting a bit harder. One of hte APG's has the "Psionic" limitation. Basically that takes any power and makes it "against (human class) minds only". It can be applied to otherwise absolute powers like Shape Shift or Invisibility to limit them down. Alternatively, you might be able to go with Mental Illusion. But figuring out what effect level "having vertigo" is might be tricky.
  7. And apparently "reaction mass" is often called "propellant" before it has been ejected too, like in the case of Ion Drives. Kind of like the difference between Magma/Lava. For the scientists involved it is propably so refreshing to be able to explain the problem that they are solving to laymans, that they could not care less for the proper wording. One of the biggest issues with science right now is that you need to be a scientist to even understand what the problem is, why it might be worth to solving and thus why a solution approach might be interesting. Nobody understood what you could learn from Quantum Physics back in the day. What use could Quantum Tunneling ever be for the average person? The counter question is: Do you have a SD card, USB stick, SSD or other Flash Medium? Then you can literally hold the use in your hands.
  8. They are writing so normal people understand it too, not just scientists. And "Fuel" in "Space" in general means reaction mass. With Ion Thrusters it is technically know as propellant. But for common people, "fuel" does fit the bill.
  9. We are so overtaxed with "things we need to fear", we have no way of approaching any of the issues. Realising what we did accomplish will get more done then having a new "thing to fear of the week". I our soceity not supposed to be aging? Are we not supposed to get smarter with age? Then why is the entertainment and news industry appearing dumber and deeper into fear/hate mongering every yera?
  10. The "wild fusion" does not need to be moddeled. It is simply the special effect for creating another character/game element that has properties of both original gems. It is outside what Hero has to simulate. I thought something like this up. A Dragonball fusion like character(s). My idea was: Single character sheet/character for gameplay purposes. Multiform and Duplication in a a Multipower. The character can use Duplication or Multiform, but not both at the same time. I order to turn one on, the other must be turned off. Naturally the character still can not exceed caps onthe fused form, but may benefit for the seperated form.
  11. Upgrading to 6E: The big change is between 5E and 6E, not so much 4E and 5E: Abolishing of Figured Chracteristics. Elemental Control removed (replaced by unified limitation). Most of the powers are now derived clearly from other powers.
  12. Buy the Sense Modifers, "right eye only". Maybe you could even slap a Focus or material manifestation on top of it. But honestly, how much does it mater that only one eye has those powers? He usually has both his eyes and will instinctively use the fitting/working one. And if he looses the Focus, he looses the powers. What is the nessesary downside of having only one eye with those powers? I would not consider it a OAF. Obvious I can understand, but accessible? Is it really as easily removed as a weapon from his hand? Seems a bit excessive.
  13. Depends. In 5E it still would. That might have been one of the few uses Figured Characteristics ever had. But for 6E or CC? Sure, not an option. Would have to expand the effect. And using Adjustment powers in the first place is a bad idea. Using it on SPD? Yeah, let us not try that. Let us see what Wikipedia has to say on Vertigo: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vertigo I would attack DEX, OCV and DCV too. In a way being "Con Stunned" or Knocked out could be interpreted as a extreme (disabling) case of Vertigo too - so any damage power could work here. CE in APG I has a "STUNNED" effect, but it is marked with a Stop Sign. To make instant stunned effect I would build an very strong attack (beyond caps), "only to stun the target". A interesting side effect is that it can induce nausea. Even vomiting (eyes and positional sense in ear not adding up is a sign of poisioning).
  14. You could maybe build that trick as a HKA with a certain amount of damage. He only ever used the "teleport up to let them drop" move agaisnt mooks/normals without any counter training. People that by design should be easy to dispatch, one way or the other. Generally if the goal is to deal damage, you should buy a power that deals damage. if the itended effect only happens indirectly, your build is propably on the wrong track. "Teleporting up to drop them" is just the special effect (and maybe a limitation). That is Heroes rule of building game effects, not special effects. What has me most worried about this power is the ability to take enemies out of the fight with "a cheap trick". Something that is much cheaper then the attack you would needed to do so and without any reasonable defense. Generally you can take somebody along while teleporting, even a unwilling target if you grab him. There are two special rules about teleportation that apply: Teleportation has a weight limit indepedantly of your strenght. It defines what you can take along. Megascale Teleportation puts you at NCM penalties for 2 phases before you move. So it is really not a combat move.
  15. Let's start with the Elephant in the room: Powerlevels. Jedi and those that work beside them are on the line between very high powered Heroic and Superheroics. You have to decide on wich level the characters start and wich one they will work towards. Depending on wich level you choose, a lot of builds have to be done differently. The force itself can be mostly done using Mental Powers, in particular Mind Scan, Psychokinesis and the like.
  16. Pigeon Guided Missile Blue Peacock
  17. What is the game effect of vertigo/dizziness even? After you know the game effect, you can look at how to build them. Or do you want us to throw out some possible game effects?
  18. In our current press climate that focuses on the "next big scare/distraction" this might have been overlooked. But the Ozone Hole is finally closing: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/06/antarctic-ozone-hole-healing-fingerprints/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/jun/30/ozone-layer-hole-appears-to-be-healing-scientists-say http://abcnews.go.com/International/antarcticas-ozone-hole-shrinking-study-shows/story?id=40277104 There was a bit of a odd dip, but that most likely caused by volcano activity in Chile and only affected those specific months of those specific years. But overall the hole is decreasing/forming later consistently over years.
  19. Extra History recently combined both of these John Snows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLpzHHbFrHY&list=PLhyKYa0YJ_5Aq7g4bil7bnGi0A8gTsawu&index=59 "You know nothing, John Snow."
  20. Primarily it would make you immune to choke attacks on the neck. It would not protect you from being drowned, gassed, hard vacuum, being burried or the like. Possible builds: Self Contained Breathing, with severe limitations. Maybe extended breathing (breathing through skin is a "unusual evironment"). But this is one of those cases where the price should better be based on the actuall utility in the campaign. i.e., how likely chokehold is vs all the other ways to kill suffocate a person. But maybe you actually want to aim high for self contained breathing?
  21. Funny thing with those predictions: Did you know that the Ozone hole is actually shrinking again? http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2016/06/antarctic-ozone-hole-healing-fingerprints/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/jun/30/ozone-layer-hole-appears-to-be-healing-scientists-say http://abcnews.go.com/International/antarcticas-ozone-hole-shrinking-study-shows/story?id=40277104 It is the proof we can stop ruining the planet if we just try. Might take a few decades to see the effects, but they are there. I am tired about all the fear and hate mongering. Can we stop with that fad already? It grew old half a century ago.
  22. So the signal is "propably terestial origins". In other words humanity is so lonely in the cosmos, it started talking with itself.
  23. Wasn't that only viewing Australia? Granted, the rest of the world must not be doing so great either if they did not intervene.
  24. Actually that pretty much sounds like Non-Combat movement for me. No idea if 2E had that already, but it would be a good fit without so many houserules and constructs needed. It does also limit his OCV and DCV, no idea if that is wanted to not.
  25. APG I 104 has those rules. Basically it allows you to parition the Leap Movement between several target points. You do not have to leap it all "in a single bound", but you still are locked into "one flightpath" after starting. Leaping, also known as "Flight, has to log a Flightpath ahead of time". You can do a Move by/through maneuver with Swining and Leaping. Really anything short of FTL, EDM and Teleport. He does not need ranged taste. Just having stretching on his tongue does cover that. But applying his full bodies STR with the tongue propably requires Extra Limbs too.
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