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Everything posted by Christopher

  1. Sorry, used the wrong term. Still, +2d6 normal damage is quite a lot. Somewhere between doublng the damage then increasing it by 50% in a Heroic game. I figured something like that for Heroic Levels. But then the question is if it is needed at all: Your STR based HTH-Attack does not need a Transform to give the enemy a blue eye. Nor does a sword need a special power to chop of your Leg (on a very good hit or if you have enough time to aim). In heroic games the special effects of money bought equipment often have more abilities in themself. Something they should not have in a superheroic genre. Treating it like a Programmers questions my question would be: Is this "marking" a primary purpose of the Ring? Or is that a minor effect that would/should happen with every signet Ring in your world? If it is there for marking, I am not sure Cosmetic is expensive enough. What you affectively give that person is a "Distinctive Feature" Complication via the marking. The ability to hide it (and thus price) might varry based on where you marked him/her/it. Like a Batfleck Bat-branding.
  2. Being the "first in" is kind of the job of a government. Considering actually privately funded initiatives, it is doing that quite well. Also I have to rejet that notion about "nobody to rob". There is nobody who even lays claim to it, so it is a free for all!
  3. Can't find the Movies right now, but here are few Honest Trailers about them: I am the first to admit they were fun as a Kid. But as a Kid I did not bat an eyelash about "flying so fast around the planet to turn back time, yet not to fsat enough to catch both missiles"(1), "throwing his S" (2), "Super Amnesia Kiss" (2), "Wall of China Repair Beam" (4), "a sentient supercomputer that somehow lacks basic Chemistry knowledge"(3) and "squeezing coal so hard it turns into diamonds"(3). And those are only the mistakes I have not supressed utterly.
  4. Then stop purposefully miss-interpreting it every other sentence: No, becasue Pa Kent wanted to give him enough time to grow up and decide for himself if he wanted to reveal himself. This is exactly what I meant with not turning off your brains. The video establishes the reason for 10 minutes. You say "I was bored, so I make up a reason that runs 180° counter to the stated one". That is not hating it because it is bad, that was having decided to hate it before you even watched it. Then looking for incredibly flimsy excuses like this to justify that hate. For me that argumentation is as flimsy as the one of Creationists, except they at least picked a position that is impossible to disproove. For you I need a single line from the Movie. That his how bad your position is. He did ban 95% of all Kryptonians to the Phantom Zone. Sacrificing the Ghost of his father (together with the key that contained it) to do so. Let's sum the 2nd Film up: He had a Depowering Chekovs Gun that he used on himself. Then he somehow found a repowering Chekhovs Gun. Then he tricked the villains into being around while he reversed the polarity on the Depowering Checkhovs Gun, Also he threw the shield from hist chest somehow (I dunno, maybe cryptonian tech? How he manifested his super telekinesis?) The "just make some Power/Chekovs Gun up" so he never needed to change was only interesting while I was under 20: Since they are so overwhelmingly awesome, when have you actually last watched those old films, while you were not a kid/watched it with your kids? I mean how many decades? Let's do that right now. They should be findable on youtube. I watch them. You watch them too, then we can come back and tell what was all good about it.
  5. The idea behind a prision is relatively simple and goes back to the Ethics of freedom: "You are free to do whatever you want to do, as long as you do not interfere with the freedom and wellbeing of another person." Prisions are at the same time a punishment for the crime and a protection of the General Populace from you (because you have issues with the non-negative interference part). Whatever they have to do to keep you locked up, they are justified to do it. Or they would be force to just kill you instead, because you can not be contained. Can't find the part of Grrl Power that dealt with incarceration right now. Guantanamo is a iffy thing here. It kind of is a way for America to detain person "that are likely to harm it", but they have no legal standing to incarcerate them. They can justify at least for themself that those persons pose a danger. But at the same time they did not trust local authorities to deal with them.
  6. That are teh ideas I got too. But I wonder: What is the use for the wielder of the Ring to "scar" thier target? Would the scaring effect work through a mask of some sort (skymask, clothing), so it could help later identifying a perp? How does a signet ring casue a whopping 2D6 HKA on top of STR? That is doubling the damage ability of an average human ring wielder. Is this for a Heroic or Superheroic Campaign?
  7. Yes they did. But End Reserve and LTE have nothing to do with one another. End Reserve is a form of 0 End that is not tied to the AP of the using power. Or more detailed Fuel Charges that recover during adventure. 6E1 205: "Endurance Reserves do not have or provide Long-Term Endurance (see 6E2 132)" Wich I interprete as: Do not consider End Reserves to suffer from LTE Loss/have LTE. Of course it could also be interpreted that they can not be used for cases where LTE draing would occur. But that would run counter to the whole idea of using them as reactors.
  8. APG 1 128 has rules for "Psionic Surgery" using Transform. "Te primary form of Mental Transform is Psionic Surgery — the ability to erase, change, add to, or otherwise affect a person’s memories, personality, Psychological Complications, Enraged/Berserks (and other psychologicallyoriented or psychosomatic Complications), Mental Powers, and the like. Typically Psionic Surgery is written up this way: Psionic Surgery: Major Transform 4d6 (erase, change, add to, or otherwise affect a person’s mental “objects”; heals back normally), ACV (uses OMCV against DMCV; +¼), AVAD (Mental Defense; +0), Works Against EGO, Not BODY (+¼) (60 Active Points); Limited Target (mental “objects” in the minds of sentient beings; -½), No Range (-½). Total cost: 30 points." Generally Memory/Fact alteration requires a Major Transform, with one Cosmetic and Minor change thrown in (mostly for EGO+0 and EGO+10 Mental Illusion level of effect). However one has to wonder how much of that is actuall memory alteration, and how much of it is plain mind control that reached the "target can not remember being controlled" level.
  9. To 3, let me get this straight: You want to trigger a literal Radiation Accident in the middle of a compound full of already dangerous and powerfull criminals, not all of wich had literal radiation accidents before? I am not sure if we should put the designer in there (due to insane levels of negligence) or if he might be hoping we put him in there, so he is around for when that horribly backfires. Geothermal power might be a much better idea. No radiation, much lesser security risk. And Geothermal energy is surprisingly abundant: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2015/07/13/geothermal_heat_from_planets_core_is_melting_the_west_antarctic_ice/ http://news.ucsc.edu/2015/07/antarctic-heating.html http://dailycaller.com/2015/07/15/study-surprisingly-high-amounts-of-geothermal-heat-melting-antarctica/ Also can not be used to power the average villain McGuffin as easily as the nuclear option.
  10. You recover only one per turn for free. That "Taking a recovery" action is not really that helpfull in a actuall combat. it more or less explains why you are going to be back on full End/Stun with the next combat.
  11. It never happened in a Univese where a gun is a HKA, Batman has only about normal human defenses and no enemy has a CvK. Actually, quite the opposite. He still tries to do the right thing. Him doing that despite it backfiring so often makes him the symbol he is. Failure is the most important part of a heroes Journey. You are depicting it as if he went: "Have to Fight Zod. Necksnap". The ENTIRE FIGHT before that was him trying to subdue Zod WITHOUT snapping his neck. Superman should not kill, even to save innocents? Yet superman should not also not fight the villain to subdue him without killing him? Then what should he do: Ask the guy making a "I will make them suffer because you care about them" speech to take the fight somewhere else with less people around? Should he just have not been there supermanning, letting humanty (and the women he felt strong atraction too) die from the Terraforming? Should he just not have any film? Batman is literally about "Striking fear into the heart of his enemies". That is WHY HE DRESSES UP LIKE A BAT. He was actually once considered for a Yellow Lantern Ring, so deeply is he rooted in the emotion fear. He literally wants "to scare the criminal intent out of Gothams Criminal Element". Branding a human trafficker/slaver seems rather in line with that. "You either die a hero, or life long enough to becoem the villain". Batman is on the later path of that yourney after about 20 Years of Batmanning. Yes, Batman does Brand People in that Movie. However, Lex hires the other Inmate that Kills the branded Person as part of his Scheme to "let them fight". And how much those claims "the Bat Symbol is a death sentence" is actually true or just fabricated by Luther/Overdrawn by the press is not clear. We only ever see the one guy getting killed. Because LUTHOR HIRED A ASSASIN. He also clearly abandons that practice, after being reminded of Superman that you can stay a hero. Seriously guys, stop turning off your brains. Or at least watch EGA Batman v Superman. The answers are right there. You are complaing "this math book has no value for Pi" while staring at the the two pages dealing only with Pi and mentioning it's value 5 times.
  12. Personally I would just base it of "Increased Endurance Cost". "Cost LTE" should be proportionally to "Costs Endurance" of an equal level. A simple way might be to just add a "LTE Multiplier" to the Limtiation Value. As both Steve and Ndreare poit out, it is a lot more limiting then mere costing Endurance.
  13. Yes, you can add the Martial Arts Maneuvers and STR to the HTH Attack. MA just is another source of extra DC, like Haymaker/Move Maneuver and STR. However, you will need the proper "Weapon Element" for that Weapon/Attack. Each Attack Power bought with points counts as one Weapon Element, while each Weapon Class (Heroic Games only) counts as one Weapon Element (any onehanded Sword). The name once again implies nothing about how that ability can be justified. It is entirely possible to build a constrictor snakes grab & coking abilities using Martial Arts (the rules construct). All Martial Arts get one Weapon Element for free. While it is usually asumed to be "unarmed Attack", nothing says it can not be "Rapiers" or "Katanas". There are several example Martial Arts in HSMA 6E, all with a list of possible weapon Elements (in case multiple would make sense). Some of those are dedicated armed styles. Of course Martial Arts does have to be considered for Campaign Caps on Attacks/Combat Values. I like to think of it as a cheaper (because more limited version) to buying plain STR and CV's. I tend to avoid it for Superheroic settings altogether as it's pricing might be simply off.
  14. Oh, we were talking about a Photo-Camera. It just occurred to me that I have been using the Video Cameras so long, I totally forgot those existed. Despite me actually having a old Greyscale Camera and even doing some basic work developing Photos from the negatives. So my post is utterly wrong. Ah well, happens. If I had to make a oldschool Film, propably "Eidetic Memory, Still Sightimpressions only(-?), Concentration, OAF(-1*)". Because using cameras will take up more attention then using a gun (you actually have to point onto the target for longer then it takes to squeeze the trigger). The only reason it would cost any points is that powers have a minimum cost of 1 CP. In the end it is like the Ammunition for a gun: How it is build will not really mater on the Limitations part. What skills and limitations apply for using that gear, matters. *Everyone in the time still knows what a camera is and that the film does not take light so well.
  15. Superman: He was outnumbered. An absolute beginner. And he was not willing to damn the last people of his race to death/fate worse then death just on the word of his space-dead-ghost, without at least talking with them first. He tried to stop Zod without killing he. He tried his best. But he failed. Killing him was the only way he could save that familiy Zod was about to murder just to hurt him. How is that not like Superman? Batman: Batman was world weary by the time Superman appeared. He had propably lost 2-4 Robins and Batgirl by that time. He was only a human against enemies that used weapons. He did try to disarm them when possible (as seen when saving Martha). But they were still armead with weapons and threathened innocents. Except for the Goons Luthor hired to smuggle radioactive Material into the country. Only the contact with Superman made him remember the good guy in himself, as can be seen near the end. Seems pretty human of him.
  16. What you asked for is not the camera or not only it. It is also the recoding part. Camera, CCTV system or Television: All three can be defined as Clairsentience (Sight). Possibly also hearing. As usual for Clairsentience (Sight), it does not provide a Targgeting sense connection. Television can also be build as "HRRP, Radio And Television only(-?)" That asumes somebody is actually broadcasting for you to just perceive passively Recoding to VHS tape, DVD or a disk would be "Eidetic Memory, only for Camera" or "Eidetic Memory, Only Sight and Hearing" (if you record your direct senses like a Shadowrun Cyberimplants). Possibly also a Focus (the VHS or DVD variant). As that tends to be incredibly low point, you can usually just handwave it away. The Focus would end up with minimal body and defenses either way.
  17. And if you cast Mind Control on the enemy, you could force him to admit all these wrongdoings without having actually done them. With MC build the question of what was actually his sayng and what you force him to say. With Telephaty, no such issues.
  18. If the prision is taken over by the inmates, the outward facing weapons effectively become a fortress. Look at the "Lockdown" storyline of Megallan to see how that can backfire: http://magellanverse.com/lockedown/ Also with Air/Land defenses, you lock all incursions into subterranean/underwater approaches. Inlcuding the Superheroic ones. So you definitely want those defenses to be not integral part of the walls. The primary purpose of a Prision is to keep the Prisioners in, not potential incursions out. Also how does that interact with the Ant-Arctica Treaties? They usually prohibit putting military weapons there.
  19. Or the same build as for drugs, Psionic (-1/2)
  20. I do not see what all the hate/fear regarding DC is. If you cut past the stupid cutting done for the Theatrical release (or life in a country like germany, where they were cutting a bit more sanely) the story makes absolute sense and matches perfectly. Watch a Few Cinema Wins on teh mater, it puts all that "so bad" stuff into context: Still have to watch Suicide Squad but as I heard they cut the important Joker scenes out. Again those losses on the cutting room floor. And stop watching Cinema Sins. They went all overboard with "finding mistakes that do not actually exist for a high score". In How to Train your Dragon 2 - a children movie - they recently complained about "too few deaths".
  21. I am not that special. So we are not stuck. We just need to aim for the right problem.
  22. Star Trek introduced Transparent Alluminium to SciFi. Now it was found in the real world: http://screenrant.com/star-trek-transparent-aluminum-real/
  23. "Simplicity is the ultimate form of sophistication." - unknown. Maybe it helps if I write down my ideas? SPD and REC: SPD and REC price is increased by 3/existing values are cut by factor 3 (we can later consider more granular approach). SPD cap is accordingly set to 4. Default SPD is set to 1. Truns, Segments, Phases, Defense: Turns take 4 seconds (rather then 12), split into 4 segments. Stuff measured "Turns" has the duration Trippeled (due to Shorter Turns). Stuff with duration in Phases or Segments is unaffected. You can act (have Phases) on SPD number of those Segments. Phases are taken in sequence. You take free Recoveries at the end of Post Segment 4 (that is why Rec is also cut). Defensive actions cost you one or a half phase at the end of the turn. But thier effect lasts until the end of the turn. Hm, does not quite have the elegance I saw in SR5. I still need to figure out how to translate the SR5 Initiative Score+dice Calculation too Hero Atributes.
  24. At first glance a D20 variant, but way differently from what I know from those. The bonuses are more and higher, being based on Stats and Gear. With Rolls you have to track "degrees of Failure". Rather then rolling damage and tracking HP, you roll resistance to the Attack (with a Attack based DC). The effects remind me a bit of West End games Star Wars D6, but with a D20 spin. Or maybe a D&D style savng throw. As far as those intro rules show, there is no form of Multiple Attack, only basic D20 Initiative. A trigger would still work. But a bonus to OCV would simply allow the borther to do stuff like Haymaker or Multiple Attack his next phase (does open him up to followup attacks). A Rating 12 attack is a insanely high amount. The highest for the example Characters is a 8. 5 Seems to be high. 2 Small (inlcuding Ability bonuses). It could be that the defensive Weakness of non-bricks is simulated by exceptional high damage for Bricks. One question I have to the original concept: Is that one Character, or two? I mean is that one Sheet that has two seperate characters acting? Or two seperate characters (played by two different players) that just happen to have that gear?
  25. That. It is one of those things where you have to go beyond simply how it is written up and consider what it is meant to do in the Grand picture. And if Hero can not model that better anyway. Splitting a 2d6 attack 50/50 between two Elemental Types is wonderfully at getting some damage through defenses in D&D. But it could not be worse at it in Hero. Edit: Found the quick start PDF, that should help with translation. http://freeronin.com/3e_files/MnM3_Quickstart.pdf
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