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Everything posted by RobCRogers

  1. Re: Superhero Images Hey, I like it. Very cool. Thanks.
  2. Re: Who was the LAMEST? The Green Goblin hero wasn't the original Green Goblin. He was a kid who found the suit, equipment, etc. and decided to be a superhero. Not a terrible character or book, really.
  3. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Cascade, a brick made of hardened water, snuck into an enemy base through the pipes, coming up through the toilet just as an agent was unzipping his fly and preparing to do his business. He one-punched the guard. Other player: "Hey, Cascade cold-cocked him."
  4. Re: Hero A Day...Sorta... Take my opinions with a grain of salt--just make it looks like Enforcer 84 wants. But I tend to favor "classic" export templates that look more like character sheets.
  5. Re: Hero A Day...Sorta... Neat site. Great resource. I know it's more work, but setting up separate pages for each character would be a great help, as might a different export template for them (something a little easier to read that doesn't run all the way across the page).
  6. Re: Wedding Bells Are Ringing! I don't usually participate in these things, but here goes: Captain Coca-Cola would send a year's supply of Coca-Cola products and would make sure that there were plenty on hand for the wedding itself. Cascade, on a teacher's salary, would be somewhat nonplussed as to what to do and would pick out something in the $25 range from wherever the couple registered. Barring that, he'd pick out a knickknack of some sort. Bandit would forget to bring a present. At the last minute, he'd teleport away to Paris for something nice, be surprised that all the stores were closed, find a café open late, and purchase a set of coffee mugs from a surprised store owner. Nordkapp Man would create ice sculptures for the couple's wedding and give them a copy of a book on philosophy. Veritas would give the happy couple a book of psalms and two joints.
  7. Re: Superhero Images These are all nice, but a little small. Any chance you could share bigger versions?
  8. Re: Okay, how do you want them to handle the OTHER Organizations? A few random thoughts on this thread: I like the Captain Patriot idea as a source for Cyberline. I love parts of the PRIMUS electronic book, but I agree that it's just too dark in concept. Man, I'd love to see a 5E version of VOICE. There, the agents really take back seat to the supers, and it's a very cool collection of supers, at that. The stuff about the Cult of the Red Banner was cool. Thanks, Lord Liaden.
  9. Re: X-Men Continuity Question (shudder) concering Emma Frost. He fairly quickly grew beyond that. The issues where he was the dumb barbarian got old, but the cannier and more educated he got, the more interesting that title became. The biomechanical aspects of the X-O armor were very interesting. I can't really argue with you there. It got more interesting in the later issues, first where it focused on his son, then later when Keith Giffen had an interesting run on the title.
  10. Re: X-Men Continuity Question (shudder) concering Emma Frost. You know, the best continuity I've ever seen out of a comic book company was from Valiant (the first few years, at least). It was tighter than tight; they kept careful track of character crossovers, established facts, etc. They kept a detailed timeline/calendar. They knew what on what date certain main characters would die and how. And (and this was a favorite bit of mine), they kept a tight rein on their universe. For example, there were only a couple of alien races who impacted Earth, there were only a few origins of superpowers, etc. It had its flaws, sure, but continuity wasn't one of them. I still miss those comics...
  11. Re: Fire Extinguisher Go Boom Superhero level. A brick can't hit a shrinker, so he's trying to create a little explosion to hurt her by squeezing the fire extinguisher until it pops, even though he'll take the damage, too. I'm inclined to lean less toward realism and more toward drama here (especially since the extinguisher was developed by the local brilliant scientist, so it's a "super" extinguisher). But I don't want to screw over the shrinker's player...
  12. Re: Fire Extinguisher Go Boom That's what I get for playing too much Duke Nuke'Em in my younger days...
  13. I'm running a combat where a villain just can't manage to hit a (tiny) PC. So he's come up with the idea of attacking her with a fire extinguisher. My trouble is, I'm not sure how much damage he could do with the thing. Assume this is a high-end, all-purpose fire extinguisher (he stole it from the hero team's suped-up vehicle). A. If he just bashes her with the thing, I don't see it causing any additional damage. Because it's bigger than his fists, I might give him a +1 OCV or something, but that's about it. B. What if he sprays her with it? Would it be a Flash? An NND? What effect might it have (she's tiny enough that she'd be enveloped by the spray). C. What if he just got into her hex and squeezed the thing until it exploded? What kind of damage might it do? Thanks!
  14. Re: Forgotten Golden Age heroes No, not unless that's a recent innovation (yuck!). They were separate characters.
  15. Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged." These are great. Any chance of posting the Hero Designer files? I'm one of those rare people who actually liked much of European Enemies. Sure, there are lots of errors that should have been caught by the editors, and some of the concepts are pretty lame, but there are also several useful and fun characters there. I've got a particular fondness for Argent Anarky, who I've used more than once.
  16. Re: Superhero Images Thanks very much!
  17. Captain Coca-Cola Here's an old favorite of mine. As for technique, I edited a Freedom Force character skin, put it on a mesh, and took a screenshot of it in the Freedom Force character viewer utility, then cleaned that up in PhotoShop. I'm attaching the character sheet, too.
  18. Re: Superhero Images I really like all of these. This one's particularly fun. It reminds me a little of one of the DNAgents.
  19. Re: Wanted - old Adventurers Club magazines Try eBay. I see them there pretty frequently.
  20. Re: PLEASE ! No more 'What would your character do ?' threads And another Amen. I could care less if they were moved elsewhere, but they're dominating the Champions area and drowning out the threads that are actually interesting or worthwhile. Stick them all in one thread or put them somewhere else, but don't keep inundating us here.
  21. Re: Whatever happened to the Wyvern?
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