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    Sketchpad reacted to Duke Bushido in Champions: The Super Hero Role Playing Game (2nd Edition) pages 37-44   
    A family thing came up; wont be home until tomorrow.  I appreciate the offer, but honestly, it will be just as easy to copy the file to the flash flash drive and drop it in the mail Monday.  It works well,enough: that is how we did Western HERO, Horror HERO, Cyber HERO and the Adventurers Club books, so I have to say that the method is quite well-tested.   
    Oh, and if you are wondering, no: no one is hurt or injured.  I had a chance to pick up a running, low-miles Goldwing engine and gearbox for the sweet price of "come get it," but it had to be gone be today, and it was quite a ways to travel....
    It is a "family thing" because we all went, just for some together time, so we havent hurried at all.
  2. Like
    Sketchpad got a reaction from Doc Democracy in Building With the BBB!   
    I agree, Doc. I've been working on a new layout for stats that strips the numbers out. 
  3. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Doc Democracy in Building With the BBB!   
    To me, it is a build sheet, one with ALL the numbers. Useful between sessions but less useful on play.
    I prefer stripping away the extraneous details and numbers.  Almost no-one but the GM needs to know the real points of powers or skills.
  4. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to IndianaJoe3 in Sell Me on Heroes In A Hurry   
    It has a lot of Hero Games B&W stock art from previous products. I  didn't see anything new.
    ETA: I have the draft version from the Hero Games Patreon. The finished product might have different (better) art.
  5. Like
    Sketchpad got a reaction from HeroGM in Sell Me on Heroes In A Hurry   
    Interesting. This helps a lot, BJB. Thanks!
  6. Like
    Sketchpad got a reaction from BigJackBrass in Sell Me on Heroes In A Hurry   
    Interesting. This helps a lot, BJB. Thanks!
  7. Thanks
    Sketchpad reacted to BigJackBrass in Sell Me on Heroes In A Hurry   
    Obviously not a free peek, but the PDF was released in sections through the Hero Patreon. I've been laid low by covid and a post-covid lung infection, so although I have the files I've yet to even start reading them, I'm afraid. 
    Glancing at it now, there are indeed nine sample characters at the end of the book. The format is various modules you assemble to make a character. I'll put a screenshot of the ToC here, which of course I'll remove if it's not acceptable to do so:

  8. Like
    Sketchpad got a reaction from Khymeria in Human Torch Durability?   
    While he's Flame On, Johnny should have some heightened defense, maybe some Damage Reduction (particularly for Heat), Flight, and, of course, a Damage Shield. In some stories, he's also slightly Desolild too. There have been some comics where Johnny's gotten some power boosts, and that may be what the article is referring to. The previous story to the current had Johnny consistently radiating heat and flame due to something Doom had done. He's recently returned to his normal self, only with a porn 'stache. 
  9. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Beast in Sell Me on Heroes In A Hurry   
    I saw it there
    I asked if there where hdc files
    Otto said no and he does not have HD
    for me the Hero Machine pics where a turn off on the GA characters
  10. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Joe Walsh in Comic Characters My Versions (5th Edition)   
    Wouldn't sharing a creative effort with those who are interested be enough reason?
  11. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to HeroGM in Sell Me on Heroes In A Hurry   
    All I've seen is those three examples. I honestly wish I could say more or point you where to go outside the Facebook group.
  12. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Beast in Sell Me on Heroes In A Hurry   
    Are these just pre-generated simple characters with simple backgrounds?
    is it a random table version of CCCC?
  13. Thanks
    Sketchpad got a reaction from Instant Coffee in Sell Me on Heroes In A Hurry   
    So the description is a bit sparse for Heroes in a Hurry, and I'm wondering a few things...
    Is it basically templates for powers, skills, etc.? Is there anything there for the veteran player? What types of heroes can be made using it? Are there specific power types?
  14. Thanks
    Sketchpad reacted to HeroGM in Sell Me on Heroes In A Hurry   
    This is three characters that was cut from the final product that the author shared on Facebook. Golden_Age_Trio.pdf
  15. Like
    Sketchpad got a reaction from Beast in Sell Me on Heroes In A Hurry   
    So the description is a bit sparse for Heroes in a Hurry, and I'm wondering a few things...
    Is it basically templates for powers, skills, etc.? Is there anything there for the veteran player? What types of heroes can be made using it? Are there specific power types?
  16. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to LoneWolf in Limitation - Requires Luck Point   
    I prefer to use the alternate luck options out of the advanced players guide instead of the standard luck.  Specifically, the one where you roll your luck dice and count the BODY and get to reroll a number of times during the session equal to the BODY you rolled.     By being fairly selective on what is rerolled you can be really effective.  Since you have to roll better saving it for when you almost made it makes it really reliable.  I have used that on several characters in both Champions and Fantasy Hero.
    The Champion's character was a precog, so the special effect of the luck was not actual luck.  He saw the future and would change something in the past when he wanted to change the outcome.  He had enough luck that he could affect others. From a game mechanic point I would decide I wanted to use one of my rerolls and the roll would be rerolled.  In game I would give a warning or change something before the event happened without getting into too much detail of what I changed.  It might have been a cryptic warning before the event happened.  It could be something like a warning for another character to check their gun earlier in the day when I wanted a reroll on a failed burnout roll.  
    For a luck-based character buy some luck using these rules, but use the activation roll instead of requires luck for the other powers.   This will get you a really effective character that is actually lucky.  Buy a few overall levels as well with the special effect of luck.  They don’t get any limitation and work like overall levels, but you can get fairly creative is the actual reason you succeed. When a character misses you because you put the overall level to DCV they slipped on a banana peel just enough miss hitting you.   
  17. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Duke Bushido in Limitation - Requires Luck Point   
    Like other folks above, I would think an Activation roll would serve your purposes: it is considerably more reliable than a Luck roll, doesn't require you to buy something (negating the savings and Then some), and declare "luck" to be the SFX-  that's kind of on you to declare on a case-by-case basis, but shouldnt be too difficult.
  18. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Tech in Limitation - Requires Luck Point   
    Gotta agree. Have tried a Luck-based villain, everyone disliked it. Also, realize you're spending points on Luck just to get a limitation; seems counter-productive.
  19. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Duke Bushido in Limitation - Requires Luck Point   
    In the stricter sense, you are recreating Requires a Skill amd pinning,it to the worst possible skill roll you could have chosen, odds-wise.
  20. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to unclevlad in Limitation - Requires Luck Point   
    First, lemme say I'm not fond of this, and I agree with LW...an activation roll feels better.  Luck rolls are supposed to be at GM discretion.
    Let's do a bit of math.  Probability of success on a luck roll == 1 - (probability of no successes).  Probability of no successes is easy:  (5/6) ^ N, where N is the number of dice.
    So probability of success, and approximate conversion to an activation roll:
    1 die:  1/6.  7-
    2 dice:  11/36 (30%), closer to 8- than 9-
    3 dice:  91/216 (40%) only slightly better than 9-
    4 dice:  671/1296 (52%) slightly better than 10-
    So, RSR unmodified 7- is -1 1/2.  But this also requires extra points to be spent.  I'd consider an extra -1/4...with a caveat.  To how many points is the player planning on attaching this limitation?  
    Active Points -3/4 limit -1 1/2 limit extra points saved 30 17 12 5 50 29 20 9 70 40 28 12 100 57 40 17 150 86 60 26 200 114 80 34  
    Note that buying 3 extra dice (to go from effective 7- to effective 10-) is 15 points, so it's break even if 100 points are getting this limitation applied...and no *other* limitation.  That's simply the nature of limitations:  diminishing returns.
    This also shows that it's gonna be incredibly frustrating playing this character...for the player, AND the GM, AND all the other players, if it's being applied on anything routine.  My take as another player is, why would I associate with this hapless moron (the character, not the player)?  I'd argue that even 11- is simply too unreliable.  As a player...as a GM...regardless of the game system, the character(s) have to mesh.  A fundamentally unreliable character is not going to be retained by most parties, and the other *players* should not feel obligated to accept the character if their characters wouldn't.  There can be storyline reasons to do this, but as a principle, I think it's the better starting point.
    As an alternative?  Roll 1d6.  Roll a 1, get -1 on the roll.  Roll a 6, get +1.  Otherwise, it's unmodified.  Or make it 1-2 and 5-6 if you want luck to be a little swingier.)  Note that this wouldn't even slow up the game, per se, as long as the 'luck die' is distinguishable, then you just include it on any skill-like roll and can check on the fly.  +0, could be added to...well..almost anything you wanted to add it to.  (But I wouldn't push this *too* far, myself.  It's the kind of schtick that IMO will get really old to everyone else, really fast.)
  21. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to LoneWolf in Limitation - Requires Luck Point   
    How many dice of luck do you have?  The more dice of luck you have the less of a limitation it will be.
    You also might want to reconsider this.  Luck is most often used when a character is at a disadvantage or in a bad situation. In earlier versions of the game, it specifically stated to only use it when the character is having a hard time.  The general rule was rolling luck when the player was having bad luck, and unluck when he was having good luck.  
    Personally, I would use a normal activation roll instead of a luck roll.  This would give you more control over when it activates.  This would allow the character to be lucky more consistently. The idea of having power based on the level of luck seems like a good idea, but in reality, it makes for a very unreliable character.  If your concept is the character alters probability in his favor so always seems to be lucky the activation roll is going to work better.   If the concept is weird stuff happens around the character the luck level could work. 
  22. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to Grailknight in Limitation - Requires Luck Point   
    How many dice of Luck apply?  I'd start with -1-1/2 at one die and go down from there.
  23. Like
    Sketchpad reacted to RPMiller in Ideas for a short (4-hour) one shot for a group of new players   
    We had our second session yesterday. They are sold on Hero and will be giving it a more thorough run now. They were extremely impressed by all the stuff they could do. A big surprise came when I asked Squirrel Girl to make a Smell PER roll, and they were amazed that was a thing. LOL
    One important take away was that if you aren't using a VTT that fully supports Hero you are going to waste a great deal of time. I'm hopeful that the developer for the Foundry Hero Module will be able to get it working 100%. Other than that one, I think the only options are Roll20 and MapTool. Never played with Roll20 so not sure how integrated it is. Used MapTool a bunch, but admittedly it can be difficult for me users to get up to speed with it.
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    Sketchpad reacted to RPMiller in Ideas for a short (4-hour) one shot for a group of new players   
    The game went well! Unfortunately, we lost about 2 hours trying to get Foundry to cooperate and get things set up, but they enjoyed the game, and were pleasantly surprised by how flexible Hero was compared to D&D, and they were able to do stuff without having to come up with crazy house rules and such. We are going to finish next Saturday, so I have a week to try to get Foundry to work better - if I can. Just wanted to give all of you a huge THANK YOU! for the scenario and character recommendations and such. It really helped a lot.
  25. Thanks
    Sketchpad reacted to Hugh Neilson in Damage Reduction & Damage Types   
    I believe Acid Proof will work only against attacks defended by ED, so it's standard negation with a limitation. 
    Damage Negation against the Acid Special Effect would defend against, say, Acid Adjustment Powers, an Acid AVAD vs Power Defense, etc.
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