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Lord Liaden

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Everything posted by Lord Liaden

  1. Re: How do I update 4E to 5ER Thanks to zornwil, we do have a conversion of page number references between FREd and 5ER, including brief notes as to what's been added to the Revised version: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=26915 . Almost everything that was added to 5ER came out of the original rules FAQ, which is still on the website, in both online and PDF versions: http://www.herogames.com/SupportFAQs/rulesfaq.htm . It's not as well organized as in the published book, but I don't have 5ER either and I do pretty well with FREd plus the FAQ. I hope that helps.
  2. Re: Amerca's Best Comics, Tom Strong, Promethea, Etc This being the Champions forum, might as well trot out the HERO writeups - in this case, from Top 10: http://surbrook.devermore.net/adaptionscomic/comicchar.html#TEN
  3. Re: Clearing Away Soil Over thirteen hours, we get twenty-four replies and eleven different suggested methods. I love this system.
  4. Re: How do I update 4E to 5ER I think this may be helpful to you: http://theemerged.blogspot.com/HERO425.htm
  5. Re: New Plot Seeds For folks who might not be aware of what Brick is referring to, some time ago our own Hermit started a thread for developing original plot seeds for published 5E Champs characters, which turned into a major collective project. Here is the original thread. You can also download a free PDF compiling many (though by no means all) of the seeds alphabetically by character, courtesy of Nate "Nato" Barnes; you'll find that here. Now, on to Brick's request for a Tezcatlipoca plot seed (and my thanks to FenrisUlf for inspirational material): Smoking the Mirror. Tezcatlipoca has begun to insinuate his influence into the Mexican drug trade. Combining his magical powers with modern pharmacology, his followers have created a powerfully addictive new drug that's entering the American market. However, the drug also has the effect of inducing "spiritual" visions of Tezcatlipoca in its users. The god is using this drug to draw desperate people to his worship, rebuilding his power-base in the modern world. The most loyal of his new followers are inducted into Tezcatlipoca's deadly jaguar cult. The PCs attempt to stop what they believe to be a simple criminal drug-smuggling ring, only to stumble upon fanatical cultists practicing human sacrifice, backed up by fierce were-jaguars and practitioners of ancient Aztec sorcery. Will they be successful in thwarting the cult's activities? And if they are, will that anger Tezcatlipoca enough for him to confront them personally?
  6. Re: Clearing Away Soil Hey, I went there first! I was the first one to offend Sean! Me!
  7. Re: Hero Prime Directive No disrespect intended, kehrer1701, but has something changed to cause you to start another thread on this subject so soon after your previous one? http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=39838
  8. Re: Clearing Away Soil A few things that come to mind: EB or KA with Area Of Effect, Selective Target, plus an Enhanced Sense like N-Ray Vision to perceive what to avoid hitting; Telekinesis with Fine Manipulation to avoid damaging fragile items; Tunneling with Limited Medium, leaving behind everything that's not of that medium; For something more exotic, Extra-Dimensional Movement, Usable As Attack, Only vs. Soil and Rock; And of course, the always-reliable and -maligned Transform.
  9. Re: Best published adventure Yes, What Rough Beast is IMHO the best one-shot "dungeon crawl" adventure published for Champions. It also happens to be available on the Internet, with full stats (updated to Fourth Edition HERO), maps, and illustrations: http://www.patric.net/morpheus/hero/beast.html
  10. Re: Sick of Wolverine It's taken you this long?
  11. Re: Vibora Bay vs. Hudson City Based on those criteria, IMO Hudson City by far.
  12. Re: JEFFVERSE - Jeff T's name quest Ooo, now that's just plain cleverer than me. Also Reppable. Since we're tossing out various villain org suggestions, I did use an ancient Illuminati-like group manipulating world affairs behind the scenes. Those few who knew of their existence, called them The Unbroken Chain. Linked to the past, and with links to many power-groups around the world, holding them in secret chains of bondage. The linked chain was their symbol; if you wanted to make some of their activities more overt you can use that to identify their operatives.
  13. Re: Vibora Bay vs. Hudson City Good catch on the VB catalyst, MS. SS, it's interesting that you say you want to set this off in the "Champions Universe" rather than the general "Hero Universe." Does that mean you want the supers background to the setting to figure into the event on some level? If so I have to agree with MitchellS that Vibora Bay has a lot to recommend it.
  14. Re: Best published adventure Yes, by Allen Thomas, author of DEMON: Servants Of Darkness, Teen Champions, The Valdorian Age and several other cool Fifth Edition books. It features the Black Paladin and greatly expands on his background as described in Conquerors, Killers And Crooks, as well as adding three new villains, some nice artwork and several very good color maps. Most people who have read it agree that it's some of Allen's best work. SOB is a 97-page PDF available for download from the e-books section of Hero Games's Online Store for a very reasonable $12.00 US, or $14.00 on CD. You can view some free samples from the book here. One of the maps alluded to in the text of the adventure was left out, but can be found for free here on the website; it's a good example of the general quality of maps in SOB. You can view that map via this webpage. BTW Herr Baron, it's very nice to have you contributing to the boards again. You were missed.
  15. Re: Vibora Bay vs. Hudson City I love Vibora Bay because I love mystical supers, but if you're doing a heroic-level game where supers aren't a factor then Hudson City has it beat by a mile on the content front. This is the most detailed fictional modern-day city setting I've ever seen: places, people, culture, history all lovingly delineated, backed up by Keith Curtis's magnificent maps. There's even more stuff about it available for download in the "Free Stuff" section of the website. The overall tone of the book is pretty dark, but if you're doing an apocalypse that will most likely work well for you.
  16. Re: JEFFVERSE - Jeff T's name quest For your supermage, I've always liked Umbra as a shadow-related name. If you look it up I think you'll find that it's pretty cool. Since we originally got that whole "superman" thing from Nietzche, and the German term is ubermensch which can also be translated "overman," I always thought that a logical name for a supers-monitoring organization would be Oversight. I would like a bit more info about your villainous org before I offer any name suggestions: history, goals, resources, modus operandi, etc.
  17. Re: IK Hero? A while back, naturaltwenty posted a link to a small PDF he'd created for a HERO version of a warcaster - I'm assuming it's a conversion of a published Iron Kingdoms character, since he said he'd based it on some of the available preview downloads: http://www.naturaltwenty.com/downloads/iron_kingdoms_warcaster.pdf
  18. Re: Disease examples? Well, there are writeups for Rabies and Bubonic Plague in the HERO System Bestiary, pp. 22-23. Might not be the best examples for your purposes though... they run from 112 to 187 Active Points.
  19. Re: Dimension Brainstorming: The Dimension Of Lost Stuff Just to elaborate a bit on my earlier suggestion: Corvus the dimensional ruler may have many crow/raven manifestations in the mythologies of many cultures. As the Raven of the Americas he is a creative and transformative force, but also a trickster and master of deception and chaos. Other aspects are the messenger ravens of Odin, Hugin ("Thought") and Munin ("Memory"). It's his aspect as Munin that particularly prompts Corvus to gather up things and people that have been lost and forgotten by the world, bringing them to Limbo where they can be preserved. BTW Mayday, excellent suggestions and research for Mnemosyne. Rep for you.
  20. Re: Best published adventure If the group already has a rationale for coming together as a team, I think that The Island of Dr. Destroyer makes a great one- or two-session adventure. It's pretty straightforward and can be used to introduce Dr. D to a campaign at a power level where even beginning heroes have a chance against him. If you want a good motivation to draw your heroes together, I favor VOICE of Doom. The plight of the Freedom Squad makes a fine team-forming rationale, and gives you an established basis to build your PC team on if desired. Both of these are for Third Edition Champions. IIRC TIODD is in the Online Store, as part of the 3E GM's Screen, and pretty cheap. OTOH there are very extensive 5E updates to VOICE right here on the discussion boards.
  21. Re: Dimension Brainstorming: The Dimension Of Lost Stuff Well, the most literal term for this kind of realm would be Limbo. While the name has a strict theological definition, according to my Oxford Dictionary it more generally applies to "A place or condition for the relegation of unwanted or forgotten persons, things, etc." As for a ruler of the dimension, I'm going to suggest Corvus, Latin for "crow." Besides its ominous connotations, crows, ravens and other corvids are well known for stealing and hoarding attractive objects that catch their eye. There's also an association with tricks and deception, through the Raven of Amerindian myth.
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