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Everything posted by Steve

  1. I've been toying with the idea of imposing a campaign characteristic maxima in addition to using NCM. The limits would be different for different races based on the characteristic adjustments in their racial packages. The idea works as follows: 1) NCM is in effect, requiring double cost for characteristics after reaching NCM maxima numbers, but the campaign maxima would be 25 (or maybe 23) for Humans. Figured characteristics would have a NCM+25% campaign maxima as well (5 SPD, etc). 2) Other races would extend that maxima by the points they have to spend increasing the average characteristic. For example, a race gets a +2 STR modifier, so their campaign maxima for STR is 27. They still pay double cost after the NCM cap is reached, but they can go a little higher on the top end. Has anyone else tried anything like this? I was hoping to encourage non-humans a little without skewing things too much in favor of them.
  2. Re: Thrilling Places Comments For the most part, I liked it. What was a little bothersome was the table of contents, since the pages listed did not match to where entries actually began. I've seen TOC errors before in Hero products, but not this bad.
  3. Steve

    Starting Money

    Re: Starting Money Since characters can theoretically spend points to gain a lot of wealth during their pre-adventuring life, it becomes a little trickier to talk about starting cash for campaigns. You should talk with any players planning on spending points this way, since that money could cover a starship purchase and then leave them with about the same amount of cash for personal stuff as other players do. Or you could forbid the purchase of Wealth entirely. If you choose this route, then it just becomes a matter of looking at the books and seeing what you want them to have. A blaster pistol and some light armor to start their quest for fame and fortune? Or do you want them to have powered armor with all the extra options, heavy plasma rifles, and fusion grenades suitable for vaporizing vehicles?
  4. Steve

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Magnum P.I. Great War veteran Thomas Magnum is now a private investigator working in Hawaii, helped out by his friends from the War. Not only does he have to deal with crime and Mafia hoods, but he's also troubled by problems arising from his past as a soldier.
  5. Steve

    Pulparize It!

    Re: Pulparize It! Seven Days Shell-shocked Great War flying ace Lt. Frank Parker is recruited into a secret government project on time travel. The only problems? The sphere can send a man back in time only seven days, and the process is extremely painful and induces madness. The first mission is to save FDR from a Japanese kamikazi who flies a plane into the White House and kills the President. Can Frank Parker and the scientists undo this event?
  6. Re: [Compilation] "to Star HERO Conversions & Adaptations" Isn't there a Gamma World Hero conversion floating around? I thought I'd seen it, but I can't find it on a search of the forums.
  7. Re: The Gem Archetype I believe Beryl would work. It's a yellow gemstone of an aluminum silicate. At least it sounds better than Citrine to me. Have you ever seen an old DC comic called Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld? She was a magical girl sort of superheroine. Royal houses were named after various types of gemstone: House Emerald, House Ruby, House Amethyst, etc.
  8. Re: Korgoth of Barbaria Bit Torrent is a wonderful thing. I downloaded the episode to watch. Yes, it had a strong Heavy Metal movie feel to it, and it was like a Conan story on crack.
  9. Re: Legend of the 5 rings Using Ninja Hero, Ultimate Martial Artist and the Asian Bestiaries, you should be able to flesh out a conversion pretty quickly. I'd suggest that the different Rokugan clans would be variations on the Samurai package deal from Ninja Hero, maybe with some skill substitutions or changes on characterstics included. A Crane package, for example, could have a higher COM included and focus on more courtly skills. The one thing that would probably consume the majority of conversion time would be Shugenja magic, how it works and conversions of individual spells.
  10. I was curious if anyone had ever run campaigns set in this time period, either for Pulp Hero or Dark Champions style stories. Which "style feel" did you use? For examples of military stories, I would imagine the best known are Nick Fury and his Howling Commandoes (Marvel) or Sgt. Rock and Easy Company (DC). However, there was also plenty to do for spybusters and vigilantes to do on the home front in America. The Batman was pretty busy, for example. Would his comic be an example of Dark Champions or Champions? Can you do Golden Age style Dark Champions, or is that a contradiction?
  11. I was browsing through the forums for the Serenity RPG, and I came across this player resource: guns printed on business card stock. It seems an easy way to keep track of weapons on hand or in an armory as well as ammo. Has anyone done something like this for Hero System weapons?
  12. Re: What do you consider “Modern Paranormal”? I would classify it as somewhere between X-Files and Buffy, and not so much CoC. One of the major differences between the two (IMO) is that the things that go bump in the night are not as hidden in a Buffy-verse as they are in X-Files. Lately I've been thinking of running a campaign that is something like Surbrook's Phenomena Department.
  13. Re: Your favorite team flavor... These two seem to be the most common options my playing groups belong to. I've also played in one corporate sponsored superteam. The Elite Guardians option always tends to have more of a Silver Age patina to it, since that seems to flow better for me in playing or GMing. But when I'm playing or GMing a vigilante type of campaign, it will not tend to go too far Iron Age. Deaths among superhumans were more common, but not a regular occurrence.
  14. Re: Thrilling Places In Warehouse When does it hit the online store?
  15. Re: Character: Daredevil (compelete) I'm a little puzzled on how you're getting the numbers on your figured characteristics in PD, ED and SPD. SPD is the real puzzler, since a 23 DEX gives 3.3 base SPD, plus 7 points spent should be a 4, not 5. I didn't even notice that PD and ED were off until I looked at SPD. Other than that, a great write-up. Sorry to be a points nitpick. It's the accountant in me.
  16. Re: [Campeign Creation Project] Pirates of the Naebbirac Astroid Belt Thinking on the political side of things, the old FASA Star Trek universe had this region called "The Triangle" which sat in this region of stars bordered by Klingon, Romulan and Federation space. It was sort of a no man's land of unclaimed stars. Perhaps the system of Naebbirac sits in such a region, a sliver of space that isn't really claimed by anyone... yet. Some of the surrounding systems may be colonized by groups that pretty much just want to be left alone by the interstellar empires surrounding them. It would give a wild and woolly frontier feel to things, where Perseids, Thorgons and Humans can roam around (assuming this is Terran Empire space).
  17. Re: [Campeign Creation Project] Pirates of the Naebbirac Astroid Belt Perhaps there could also be a central pirate hangout, one you could call... Agutrot? Hmm, using the name of Tortuga spelled in reverse I can immediately see jokes floating around the starport there about the types of intestinal diseases that might come about if the water filtration systems are poorly maintained. Better bring your bottled water, folks. "You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy..."
  18. You know who they are, from the evil wizard who terrorizes with style to that nondescript scoundrel with uncanny sword skill. They are your villains, the antagonists to your heroes. One of my oldest creations that I still remember was known only as Blackblade, killer for hire (but with sardonic style). I modeled his look and personality after the bad guy character Dirk Blackpool from the brief and cheesy series Wizards and Warriors from the 80s. This was back in the day when 1st Edition Fantasy Hero was out, so this goes back a ways, but he was a fun one. So who are your favorites that you've created over the years? Were they epic master villains like fallen demigods or dark wizards? Or more mortal like wily rogues or dark knights? Or were they from that all but unementionable group... Lawyers?
  19. I was wondering if anyone had converted races from Fantasy Hero into Star Hero. I'm not talking mechanics or packages, more in the line of concepts. For example, Elves may not be an immortal race in Star Hero but merely extremely long-lived humanoids (2-3 points worth of Life Support: Slow Aging). Would you keep their culture as it usually is shown (forest dwelling nature preservers with bows) or change it in some way to reflect a more science-fiction galactic backdrop? Maybe they are a contemplative race of esthetes? Perhaps they are keepers of lore, like secret martial arts skills? I would picture Orcs making for a warrior race, maybe much like Klingons. I'm just looking for ideas, to see if anyone has used the fantasy races and modified them for inclusion in a sci-fi setting.
  20. Re: Help with alternate U.S. history? One other thought. Nevada could end up going it alone, since the collapse of the central banks across the nation opens up an opportunity for a state like Nevada to establish itself as a sort of American Switzerland, with "no questions asked" banking and a currency that other regional powers may use as a means of barter among themselves. Of course, it could then afford to hire militia forces from surrounding states to defend it from Mexico, which might be tempted to do a little land grabbing. I'm not sure what Nevada has in the way of armed forces. I doubt Canada would try the same thing, so the northern border would likely be relatively stable. Of course, the reverse might not be true. A regional power could attempt to annex parts of Canada, which would add to the fun.
  21. Re: Help with alternate U.S. history? You might also consider creating a sixth region, since the large percentage of Mormons in Utah, Idaho and northern Nevada would probably be a big influence towards consolidating those areas together into a regional power, which most alternate historians tend to call Deseret. While it would be landlocked, the Idaho corridor would allow trade access to Canada.
  22. Re: Kim Possible - Modern Day Pulp Heroine? Here's a question on Ron. He pretty much has a Reputation as Kim's sidekick, which frequently causes their enemies to dismiss him as almost beneath notice. Would "Reputation: Kim's sidekick" be a Disadvantage in this case? He can never really impress the bad guys it seems, and most of them can't even seem to remember his name. Draken is a perfect example, since while he usually focuses his attentions on dealing with Kim, Ron is usually an afterthought of his. "Where's the buffoon?" is one of my favorite Draken quotes concerning Ron.
  23. Re: Kim Possible - Modern Day Pulp Heroine? Wow. I didn't know he'd written them up. It seems I must check his site more frequently for characters.
  24. When you look at the elements in the show: a brilliant, tough heroine who's the daughter of a rocket scientist and a neurosurgeon, an arsenal of gadgets, her silly sidekick, and over the top villains with weird science and world-conquering plots, it seems like modern day pulp. Anyone else notice this? How many points would you use to build characters in a campaign to simulate this series? I'm thinking 100+100 for Kim, at least.
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