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Everything posted by Syberdwarf2

  1. Er... Um... You mean Player Characters , right?
  2. Heuristic Electronic Logistical Liason-Being In Total Control of the Heroes. H.E.L.L.-B.I.T.C.H.
  3. I would probably go with this if for no other reason than ease of paperwork and it's 'cleaner'. However, Zornwil had a good idea with the VPP. If the GM agreed to it, you may want to conider this. Just make sure that you employ the house rule; "can only use pre-game written arrows". In the end, it all depends on how much each version would cost. I'd figure out an example but IDHBIFOM.
  4. Following the broken record treend, I'd also say the the Leader is the most indespensible. However, in most Champs game sI've played in, the money has to come from somewhere. Anybody that has lots of money and is self-motivated enough to put his life and fortune on the line on a regular basis probably has good leadership qualities. The Mony Guy usually ends up as the leader. After all, how did he get all that money if he can't at least reasonably lead people?
  5. Very nice. Was the 'Fireman' I take it, at least partially inspired by John Criton a la Farscape?
  6. Thanx Steve. Now, I assume that you were refering to the sidebar on Page 44 of 5E... It lists +1 Damage Classes as 4 points, and Weapons Elements as 1 point. Not to beat a dead horse,.... sorry but my ignorance is inversely proportional to the amount of coffee I've consumed that morning, but I assume that for the weapon elements as listed in the styles tables in UMA, I would pay the "1 point for the weapon element"? Thanx again....
  7. I'm in the middle of building pre-made PCs for my Dark Champions campaign, and I decided to do a martial artist that practices Krav Maga. I just picked up UMA about a week ago (long overdue, I know) and I was a little confused about how weapon elements work. I understand that having a wepon element allows the PC to use his martial art with a weapon, but what is the cost? For example, from UMA page 37 (under the 'Krav Maga' table); Elements: Weapons +1 Use Art with Blades +1 Use Art with Clubs Does this "+1" mean a combat skill level, Damage Class, or something else? I tried looking up FREd, page 266, but to no help... it ony got me more confoozed.
  8. One of my favorite shows, until they fired their, IMHO, best writer, Rob(?) Wolfe. It was this show that inspired me to start working on a SH campaign as soon as I heard the book was slated for release. Has anyone worked up anything for the Andromeda Universe? I remember, vaguely, that D-Man had started a thread on the old boards. Lemme know if you have anything. I'm gonna try to do a write-up on the Andromeda Ascendant, well... eventually.
  9. It all depends on who you ask. For me, since I just went to the used bookstore today, I looked up in my recently accquired copy of ST:TNG Technical Manual..... From page 55: "Field intensity increases geometrically and is a function of the total of the individual field layer values..... For example, a ship travelling at Warp Factor 3 is maintaining a warp field of at least 39 cochranes and is therefore traveling at 39 times c , the speed of light." Also according to the book: Warp Factor 1=1 cochrane = x1 c (speed of light) 2=10 cochranes=x10 3=39= x39... and so on. The full 'progression' is 1, 10, 39, 102, 214, 392, 656, 1024, 1516. Hope this answers your question.
  10. Seriously, I got the idea from my daugther's first name. The Mama part came outta nowhere, just sounded clever. But I digress... What about giving the PCs comm links to the AI. You could put them into the form of tatoos on their arms that spell out "Mom", "Mother", "Mudder" or some such.... I guess the name was also partially inspired by the computer from the original 'Alien" movie. It was called 'Mother'. Besides, the Mama Cass reference fits. Especially if used in a Silver Age campaign...
  11. No, but I hear that the big screen TV continuously plays Scooby Doo reruns.
  12. C.A.S.S. - Computerized Assistant & Sentient System also known as "Mama CASS"
  13. Ah, the old 'running it past She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed'..... Been there, and it ain't easy. Luckily for me, I had it relatively easy. My wife and I have two kids born 10 months apart, so our time is pretty full. There's a restauraunt we used to go to every saturday, but had to stop going because the girls were too fussy and we just couldn't relax. since we would normally run up a 25-30 dollar tab, on my wife's suggestion, we decided to start staying home. Also on her suggestion, she said to set the money aside that we wouldve spent at the restaurant, and if it was still there at the end of the week, I could get a book online with it..... Basically, show her that you can cut something unecessary (in her mind) in order to , hopefully, justify getting something important (at least, important to you anyway). Hope this helps. Good luck.
  14. Here's a website that I use a lot for when I'm stuck for ideas. Go to "settings" on the main menu, they have a government name generator and set it to generate as many as you can do at once. I'd never really use the stuff as presented, but it works GREAT as a springboard for ideas... http://www.seventhsanctum.com/gens/index.html enjoy
  15. -Interstellar Federation -Terran Federation -Systems Federation -Systems Alliance -Galactic Alliance -Terran Confederacy Just a few of the top o my head
  16. You... are... e-v-i-l......... BAD squirrel.....BAD!!! Seriously, I like this character. I would suggest giving him a tendancy to speak in military jargon. He sounds like the kind of person who would still respond to questions with phrases like "Roger that." Just a thought Nice character.
  17. Mental Paralysis: PS: McDonald's Drive-Thru Attendant 8-
  18. I agree. In fact, to ammend my earlier post, the BBB would be very useful to you. I'm not advocating NOT buying FREd, but as said, if cost is a factor.... That way, you get what you need, at a much lower cost. Then you can save your pennies and get the newer stuff as you're able.
  19. Personally, get FREd and stick with it. As GhostArcher suggested, limit the powers and point totals for the characters. Also, you may want to establish some 'ground rules' as I have done with my current campaigns. You see, I've played RPGs for many years ('bout 15, maybe more) but it's been a long time prior to FREd that I actually played HERO, let alone anything else. So, to help introduce players to gaming and make it easier on myself, I set forth some basic guidelines such as; -No Rules lawyers or Rules Rapists. -Keep things simple. -We are here to have fun, not prove our superior understanding of the rules. Doing so only promotes negativity amongst players, and I won't stand for it. If you cannot play the game simply for fun, if you must prove you're 'better' than everyone, you WILL be TOLD (not asked) to leave. -Play will be handled in a way that is conducted for convenience of time. That pretty much covers the basics of my initial "Writ of Sanity" (as I call it, not as it's titled) that I give to all new players. Getting back to topic..... Just remember to keep things simple. If you get a copy of an earlier edition you'll run into a number of problems. For one, a lot of players DON'T have access to earlier editions. For another, earlier editions for all intents and purposes should probably be considered collector's items, held onto by their owners for sentimentality/novelty reasons. Not to say you shouldn't get them, just not for actual game play, your money would be better spent elsewhere, like on the products and core books considered most current. Let me reitterate one last time..... I'm NOT trying to sway you from getting earlier editions. I'm simply suggesting that you focus on the current line for purposes of game play, getting maximum enjoyment of your hobby, and reducing your disappointment from having "out-of-date" material. I hope this helps.
  20. LOL.... and his trusty sidekick; Gutter Rat
  21. Weight Watchers HERO McHERO Used Car Dealer HERO Sanitation HERO
  22. Re: How to create a "Stun Field" Okay, here's my first take on this; 160 Stun Field: Entangle 8d6, Takes No Damage From Attacks (+1/2), Area of Effect: Radius (+1); Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4) base: 80 active: 200 real: 160 Of course, you could stick it in a multipower or EC to make it a little cheaper. Not to mention that you could offset the cost with a "villain bonus". But let's say that it's just too expensive. After all, the entangle is not affected by attacks..... just lower the dice of the attack to, say, 4d6 or lower, and watch that point cost plummet. I mean, (now that I think about it) just how much entangle do you really need when you can't direct an attack at it? You may also want to link the power to a Drain STUN..... Just my initial thoughts to help you get going. Hope this helps.
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