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Everything posted by winterhawk

  1. Okay, influenced by one of the Alternate Earth threads of many moons ago, I have decided to make an alternate earth Crime Syndicate version of our 4th edition hero team. I've Mirror-Mirrored the rest of the team, complete with goatees and eypatches, and have stopped dead on my own character. Winterhawk aka Dr. Wade Hayes is a genius in the fields of thermodynamics and aeronautics, who applied his talents to create the Winterhawk armor as his graduate thesis, eventually realizing the thrill of heroics. He has focused more on freezing and cold effects of his studies. He strongly believes that science can be used for the betterment of mankind. His evil counterpart has taken his scientific curiosity to an extreme, foresaking the humanitarian aspects and embracing the cold, clinical side of science. He is fascinated by the gamut of thermodynamics, and uses both heat and cold weaponry. Along these lines, I want to call him Doctor or Professor 'something'...the 'somthing' reflecting his mastery of thermodynamics, both heat and cold. Unfortunately, Dr. Equinox, my first choice, was already a PC in another campaign. Any suggestions?
  2. Re: Silliest Disadvantage Ever I had a player try to pass of Suc: 3d6 from Cheeze Whiz, explaining it as an allergy. Ever since, a stupid/goofy Disad has been known as a 'Succeptablity to Cheeze Whiz' with my circle.
  3. Re: Bronze Age Team Build I totally agree. Burst is in. Unfortunately, I already have a character named Burst in the campaign. I'm thinking Overdrive. Keep 'em coming.
  4. Re: Lookie what I just bought! Sweet! Those really take me back to my youth.
  5. In creating the Silver Age team of heroes for my campaign background, I took a look at the membership of the popular comic teams of the era (the JLA and The Avengers) and mixed and mingled some of their concepts to create some interesting characters. For example, I mixed Black Canary's powers and Captain America's patriotism and came up with Anthem (although, I think I stole that name from someone on the boards). I combined Hawkman's raptor motif and Thor's mythological background and got Horus. I thought it would be an interesting excercise to take the most popular teams of the Bronze Age (at least I think they are considered Bronze Age) and throw 'em in a blender and see what would result. So I pose to the Learned Panel: Pick a character/s from column A and mix and meld with a character/s from column B for my homage Bronze Age team. Column A: X-Men circa Giant Size X-Men #1 Cyclops Nightcrawler Storm Banshee Colossus Thunderbird and the most beloved/hated character in comics: Wolverine Column B: Teen Titans circa DC Comics Presents #26 Robin/Nightwing Wonder Girl Kid Flash Raven Changeling Cyborg Starfire To get things rolling: Totem (Changeling/Thunderbird), Native American with the ability to morph into North American animals.
  6. Re: Need Name For Telekinetic Villain WooHoo! Cool sounding character BTW.
  7. Re: Help Name an Online Superhero Magazine. "There's a swingin' town I know called...Capital City..." I'm a Simpson-obssessed freak...only reason I noticed it. Actually, that is a pretty good Silver Age city name come to think of it. Damn, Storn, if KA doesn't use this, I'm going to steal it.
  8. Re: Help Name an Online Superhero Magazine. Did you steal the name from the Simpsons or was it unintenional?
  9. Re: Help Name an Online Superhero Magazine. Since your looking for something classic, I remember the Marvel fan-mag from my youth...FOOM (Fans Of Ol' Marvel), so how about... HACC (Hero Admirers of Capital City) KA, I have to ask...are you a Simpsons fan?
  10. Re: The Zoo Crew Returns!
  11. Re: Character Background Help Very sweet idea...almost an Elseworlds Dick Grayson...the Powers sections looks like its for someone else BTW.
  12. Re: Take the 5e Solo villains, and make a team out of them The Beastiary: Armadillo, Fenris, Hornet, Menagerie and any of the villains listed under the Animal Villains subtext box on p. 146 of CKC. Not too bad individually, but put them together and they could be a threat. Add Foxbat for comedy The Rulebreakers: Nebula and Captain Chronos. 'Nuff said.
  13. Re: Character Background Help You need a reason?!...I thought all clowns were evil psychopaths Seriously, I had an assassin called Gunplay who adopted the clown motiff simply because it was creepy.
  14. Re: MCPD Superhuman Crimes Unit PBEM bump
  15. Re: Gadgets and Gear Much the same way as USPD, it allows for quick character creation, especially with the HeroMaker plug in. It has a ton of write-ups for devices used in the comics (great for making "tribute" characters per Dr. C, something I'm guilty of). I do agree that its not as comprehensive as the USPD and that there are a lot of duplicates. I had a gift certificate for my FLGS so, I got it for like half price. I still would have paid cover.
  16. Re: Gentlemen Start Your Engines My current campaign group was formed in just this way...it was a lot of fun...and I really hate reality shows.
  17. Re: Name for a water guy... I have an NPC almost exactly the same as you've described...Pipeline. This post entered simultaneously with Hex.
  18. Re: Need Name For Telekinetic Villain
  19. I've decided to try my hand at a PBEM on Hero Central. From p. 59 of Millenium City : MCPD is a Standard Hero campaign (75+75) set in Millennium City as per Champions Universe and Millennium City Sourcebooks. The players are detecives in the MCPD’s Superhuman Crimes investigative unit, looking into crimes with costumed/superhuman involvement. The campaign will focus on roleplaying the investigative elements of police work, with a little action thrown in to keep things interesting. Its influences lie in TV shows such as Law & Order, NYPD Blue and CSI and comics like DC’s GCPD and Image’s Powers. Language and Themes will be similar to an R-rated movie. Please mail me if interested lanceskijr@yahoo.com
  20. Re: Need Name For Telekinetic Villain How powerful? If he is a master villain, how about something really dramatic... Cataclysm Attrocity Maelstrom
  21. Re: Redwood Academy:The Raptors! I get the 40 Active, but what about characteristics...are you using the Low-Powered Hero ranges from Champions for things like CV, SPD, Defenses and the like?
  22. Re: Redwood Academy:The Raptors! Any other limits like characteristics, defenses, etc?
  23. Re: Things a wise super hero should NEVER say
  24. Re: Supervillain Images I'm using photoshop with some templates I found online, if you were inquiring about my meager submissions. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Mangog, you are a very talented artist. To Mr. Mathews of the DOJ: Can you get this guy some work?
  25. Re: What superhero character concepts are you tired of seeing? I agree with ZootSuit. Nothing worse than a page long Multi-Power with a three word origin: "I'm a mutant." "I'm a wizard." "I'm an alien." etc.
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