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Everything posted by Tasha

  1. Re: New to Fantasy Hero There's always running one of the established D&D worlds and use the spells/races/monsters and equipment as they are presented in Fantasy Hero and The Hero System Bestiary. That way your D&D loving friend can play in the world he's grown accustomed to and you can use your favorite rule system. Once you get used to it, converting critters to hero is pretty simple. Tasha
  2. Re: Interdimensional stories Robert Adams "Castaways in Time" series also deals with multidimensional stuff. It's also a bit of fun "alternate history".
  3. Re: No Gliding Limitation (6E) Ok since I obviously wasn't clear. 6e1 pg 228 "If a character only wants to be able to Glide, he can buy Flight with the -1 Limitation, Gliding. In this case, the character's Full Move with Gliding is defined as he number of meters of Flight he bought, but otherwise all the rules outlined above apple (including that Gliding costs no END to use)" (Italicized words are as they appear in 6e) Tasha
  4. Re: No Gliding Limitation (6E) It would be the same. Since limiting the power wouldn't change the active cost. ie Yes gliding costs more endurance to use.
  5. Re: Does this work in 6e? It's a kind of "Force Push". He used it last night in my inaugural 6e game. My feeling was that it was potentially too powerful for my DC12 game. (the initial use pushed the badguy back 44m) Though I might allow it at that level as a final strike, difficult to use power (ie having extra time, Requires a Roll, and/or Extra end) Tasha
  6. Re: Champions Background Information All of the Champions that were in the Genre Book get an upgrade in News of the World. Though Dr Silverback doesn't get an upgrade nor does he appear in NotW.
  7. Re: Champions Background Information I wasn't going to say this, in fact I edited a post earler containing this quote. From Steve's original post. He did point out that the Champions were detailed in the Champions Genre Book. I am sorry that you missed that paragraph and that you are upset that you purchased everything but what you wanted. Now all of these books contain the Lore of the Champions Universe from BEFORE Cryptic bought the IP. There are changes that will be detailed in the 6e version of Champions Universe which is coming in the next few months. (ie there is no write up for Doc Silverback in the original CU). Tasha
  8. Re: Champions Background Information
  9. Re: Champions Background Information the Champions Genre book is a really well done genre book and has some really nice stuff in it It also includes their base, and it's AI Socrates, and their V-Jet. BTW some of the classic Champions Villains are also in the Champions Genre Book. ie Pulsar, Mechanon, Icicle, Green Dragon, and Talisman (Witchcraft's evil sister) So it's a good book to have.
  10. Tasha

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess Yeah, in 6e OIHID powers cannot be normally aborted to (example 6e pg 21). Though it would depend on how the ID is changed.
  11. Re: Potential new player... where to start ? Different company. Video game Localization folk probably wouldn't be the best people to translate a rules book. It would probably take either DOJ/Hero hiring someone to do it or for them to find a company to licence the translation to (that other company taking the risks, and possible losses or gains).
  12. Re: Potential new player... where to start ? 1- Point based, build anything you can conceive of system. The system uses a 3d6 roll low Skill based system for everything. Basically it's skill vs skill. Quite easy. 2- You Need just the core rulebooks. I recommend picking up the new 6e rules. You will need both the Character Generation (Book 1) and Combat and Adventuring (book 2). I would also recommend the purchase of the computerized Character Generator "Hero Designer" it makes character generation much easier (though you can still build using paper and calculator) The superhero Genre book Champions is a nice optional purchase, but I would advise waiting for later this year for the revised version. Also a Campaign Book Champions Universe (Based on the New MMO Champions Online) will be available later this year too. It isn't needed, but can give you some pregenerated characters, and a world to play in. You only need the 2 rule books. the rest is just nice gravy. 3- I don't thing that 6e is available in French yet. I imagine that if translations are in the works they will be available later...
  13. Re: Univeral Focus in 6E FH 1E was where Independent was invented. It was created so characters could spend XP to fuel Magic Item Creation (BTW Monte Cook borrowed that for 3rd ed D&D), buy using independent the item could be made cheap enough that the XP expendature wasn't too insane. It became part of the core rules in 4e when Hero went to the Universal system. It was explained there that it was not to be used in a superheroic game. Of course, munchkins jumped on the limit sensing that most GM's wouldn't rip a character's heart out by destroying an independent item. It is actually one of the few things that I will flat out say no to if I see it on a character. Glad it's gone from the base system. Good riddence! Tasha
  14. Re: Thats one nimble little bull Since you can abort to multiple Defensive actions (6e2 pg 21), I would allow a character a chance to reallocate their skill levels into defense. I mean if I can dodge and turn on my forcefield, why not allow the reallocation of skill levels. Tasha
  15. Re: Univeral Focus in 6E Losing points really isn't a staple of any decent Hero game. Independent was a limitation that was NOT made for Superheroic games. It was something that was there for a mechanic to create magic items for a Fantasy Hero game. Some people abused the Independent limitation by using it in Superheroic games. It's something that should be gone from the system and thankfully Steve Removed it. Characters shouldn't ever lose their powerpoints. They might become temporarally depowered, but they should always be allowed to rebuild their characters with the same amount of points (base +exp)they had when the depowering happened Now having your powersuit destroyed and then rebuilding it differently (ie upgrading it) is a staple of the genre. Heck IronMan redesigns his powersuit regularly and regularly gets it shot to pieces and destroyed. Tasha
  16. Re: The Galaxy With Two Supermassive Black Holes: Will They Trigger One of the Most V
  17. Tasha

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess It's worked the same way since 4th edition. Changing clothes (ie getting into Heroic ID costume takes a Full Phase (pg 41 BBB aka Champs 4th ed, aka Big Blue Book). The limitation mentions that "There is usually some difficulty in Switching forms, unless character bought Instant Change" (pg 110 BBB). Therefore OIHID would take a full phase in 4th edition 5th edition says "For this Limitation to be valid, the character must have some difficulty changing forms - the change must take a full phase if not longer (during which the character may do nothing else), and/or there must be other difficulties or ways to prevent him from changing identities 6th edition says exactly the same thing as 5th edition. It does include some extra examples where the limitations are greater than a full phase (armor taking longer than a phase to put on. not being able to say a magic word while gagged) Again I say to you, that you have been using a faulty interpretation of the rule since at least 4th edition (I don't believe that OIHID officially existed in 3rd edition). 5th spelled out what was implied in 4th edition. 6th edition just changes the name, not the rules behind it. So forget what you know about the rules. Reread everything from the beginning with the idea that this is a new edition and that many things have changed. As for you throwing cars at Heroes in Secret ID, that only works for SpiderMan. You would never see a comic author setting up their characters to die. If you are setting up situations where this happens you are doing a disservice to both your game and your guests (ie the PCs) who play in your world. You put them in an impossible situation that will only cause their characters to die or be put out of the game for a long time. IMHO that is just bad GMing. Tasha
  18. Re: Well, we haven't talked about Killing Attacks in a while... Turns out it won't affect the Heroic games we tend to play. Those games use Hit Location which didn't recieve the Stun Mod nerf. For my Champions 6e Game,I don't think my PCs have any Killing Attacks. Of course, I haven't gotten all of the characters yet (only have 2 out of the 6 characters)
  19. Re: The Galaxy With Two Supermassive Black Holes: Will They Trigger One of the Most V One problem with that. If it had exploded 750M years ago the light of said explosion would be reaching here at the same time as the radiation. So we would be seeing the biggest fireworks show in the known universe. Remember it all moves at the speed of light (or slower). Tasha
  20. Tasha

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess Um, why? So you can have a binder of houserules for situations that are covered very well in the 6e rulebook? I am much more positive about the changes to 6e than I was to the changes in 5e. In fact 6e fixes many of the issues I had with 5e (ie no Regen). The rules are still new. Not many people have actually hard copies of the rules yet, so may not have read them as closely as they should. 6e is one of the best laid out RPG books that I have ever owned. Fred has proven himself to be a grandmaster of Rule book layout. Great typeface selection, great color choices, Tables look beautiful. It's a bit expensive compared to other editions, but for the pagecount is quite economical (I spent more on 4e D&D books which have less page count). Tasha
  21. Tasha

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess Powers that normally cost end.
  22. Re: Dresden Files meets Supernatural Which was why I did mention Novas, Falcons and other 70's cars that use many of the same parts. --- So by meeting up with Supernatural you will be doing more ghost stories and the setting will be a bit more grim and the Supernatural enemies will be pretty nasty?
  23. Re: Dresden Files meets Supernatural Yeah, I would guess that he would be safe in vehicles that are older than the mid 70s. That was when they started to add all of the Smog systems and simple electronics into the cars. So Harry COULD be driving a decent Muscle Car and still have a reliable car. Arguably more reliable than a 70's aircooled VW Beetle.
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