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Everything posted by Tasha

  1. Re: So many questions... Well you can buy that a couple of ways. One is to purchase it as a "Follower" give it all of the powers. It then becomes a character in it's own sense and while I will follow orders, it may not always do what you want. This would be best for a mini-bot that is one of a kind and always follows the character around. You could also purchase it as a Summons. It has all of the limits of a Follower but it won't always be around (ie you have to activate the summon ability) This would be best for a pool of bots that you can activate when you want the powers to be active. For both of the above instances you don't have to spend time directing the bot's ability. They are considered AI's and will act like on their own according to your orders, or in such a way that it fulfills their programing (ie their Psyc limits). The Third way you could purchase those powers is as a Multipower. Said MP has Focus Robot, and the charges for all of the powers. With this build, the powers are directed by you and use a part of your action to activate. The robot becomes a nonAI, and is more special effect for the powers activating. Perhaps buying it a bit like this: Cost Power 25 MiniRobot Powers: Multipower, 50-point reserve, (50 Active Points); OAF (Robotic Assistant; -1) 5u 1) HealBot: Healing BODY 5d6 (50 Active Points) 3u 2) Robotic Helper: +4 with all non-combat Skills (32 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) 3u 3) Slinking around (Scout Mode): Clairsentience (Sight Group And Normal Hearing), Mobile Perception Point (can move up to 12" per Phase) (35 Active Points); Physical Manifestation (-1/4) 1u 4) Suicide Zap: Energy Blast 3d6 (vs. ED), Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset, Two activation conditions apply simultaneously; If Robot is Grabbed by enemy, or if Missle Deflected; +1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), No Normal Defense (Being Grounded, more than 14pts of forcefield.; +1) (41 Active Points); 1 Charge (Recovers Under Limited Circumstances- Must be recharged or Repaired; -2), Lockout (Once used, other MP abilities Locked out.; -1/2) Powers Cost: 37
  2. Re: So many questions... I recommend a purchase of Hero Designer. It's a VERY cool Java app that makes character building MUCH easier. It also makes build legal characters easier as it knows what limits/advantages can and can not be placed on certain powers. Also the 5th edition version will upgrade to the 6th edition version for free. Tasha
  3. Re: Constant END That's why I tend to buy Constant powers with the advantage "Costs END only to Activate" that way I spend the End up front, and then don't have to worry about paying again. Also in 6th edition, there is a Duration Advantage that allows you to set a time that the power is active (I think that it makes the power 0 end). Its in one of the previews of 6e. For passive defense powers, it doesn't seem to be that fair for high SPD characters. Though for attack powers it is more balanced as you do damage with them on each of your phases. So I guess it balances out.
  4. Re: Urban Fantasy sources
  5. Re: Confused about 6th edition Sixth Edition doesn't only stop bullets, it reflects them back at the person who fired the bullet!
  6. Tasha

    Which way?

    Re: Which way? 13 Black: (Cybernetic and Genetically enchanced Black Cat (Large Domestic Cat). She would help the girl. She would stealth into the Alley and use her TK to trash the bad guys. After defeating the thugs, she would approach the young woman looking cute and purring loudly. Making friends, she would then introduce herself. Once she gets past the "I must be insane that cat is talking to me" phase. She will then introduce her to her best friend, A human woman who is into the whole "Animal rights" movement. Eventually 13 and her friend will get the young lady trained in Self defense. Also, we will do everything we can to be a friend to her. Who knows we might save the world. If the teams were BSing, then they have made a new friend. Yeah, 13 is one of my most unusual characters. She was quite fun to play
  7. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far AOEs are figured differently than in 5th edition see Sixth Edition Showcase #3: Area Of Effect And Damage Shield for more details AOE becomes MUCH more flexable, the amount of advantage is based on the size of the AOE in Meters. So you can make very small to very huge AOE's without the cheese that existed in 1-5th edition. The showcases are a really good place to see some of the coolest changes coming in 6th edition. They are stickied at the top of this forum subject. Tasha
  8. Re: Chibi Lolis of DOOM! I read that as Cute funny girls of Doom. ie Chibi= Cute/childlike, Lolis being LOL ie funny, Doom being destructive. Didn't even think pornographic. Now, Ben Grimm taking Saffron out on a "Date" would be more of a non-date in Ben's mind. Where he's taking the small child who spends her days locked up in a prison out to Ice Cream and her favorite Movie. To him she would be like a daughter or a little sister. Now to her it could be dream date time. She could have a huge crush on him. Sounds like she is a mini-hulk. Is ok unless something makes her mad or scares her. Then it's destruction on a massive scale with nearly noone being able so stop her, but her bestest friend Harry. Interesting. It's something that would be fun to inflict on an establish campaign.
  9. Re: Was Fantasy Hero 2nd ed self-contained? How was it?
  10. Re: Invisibility vs. Sight OK this is the easy way to think of how it works. We have 2 Powered Armor Suits, One is a large mechanical monster that uses levers and petals to control the systems. Also the Operator percieves the outside world though the viewport and his HUD that he sees in front of him projected onto that viewport. The other one is an advanced design that is controlled though the operator's neural interface plugs. What the suit's sensors percieve is piped directly into the user's brain. So the Villain Light bomb uses his 12d6 Flash vs Sight Group attack and rolls 12 segments of blindness on both of our Heroes. Both battlesuits have built in radar, but unfortunatly, the first Battlesuit cannot use his radar because he cannot see the readouts (he probably should have taken a limit on said radar btw), Our supertech Battlesuit is blind with his visual sensors only, and can switch over to radar perception as she doesn't have to see any dials (the sensor info is pipped into the person's brain). For Invisibility, it sounds like the player wants something for free. If he has a mystical Invis that clouds other's perceptions to the point that said person will not even notice him on mechanical sensors, then he needs to purchase ALL of the sight groups he is invisible to. If you want to be technical, if the character hasn't purchased the power, then he doesn't have access to it. So if he hasn't paid for a sense group, then that sense group percieves said character period. Tasha
  11. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? I met my Partner online We are happily Domestically Partnered, until we can become Married Tasha
  12. Re: Was Fantasy Hero 2nd ed self-contained? How was it? That's a nice idea and all. The real argument is will it really sell enough to at least break even with the printing costs? Also, will the time it takes Steve to edit down 3 books into your condensed genre book be worth the money it makes? Or would Steve's valuable time be better spent writing new Genre books that they have a sure audience for (ie guaranteed Sales)? Also it costs money to pay the layout guys to create said book. Unfortunatly, it seems that the best way to get new players is for us fans to convert as many people as possible to Hero 6th. Also running Convention demos of Champions and Fantasy Hero also generate interest. Hero Basic Rules should also mitigate the sticker shock of purchasing the main rule books. I think that Steve and Co. are doing the best they can with the limited resources at hand. We have to remember that the is one guy writing and editing all of these books. Even when they have guest writers, Steve ends up editing the books to make sure they are up to his standards. Hell, I am constantly amazed by the amount of material that one guy puts out in a year. Tasha
  13. Re: How does your world handle Magic/Psi? I brought this up in another thread. In a world where folk can generate blasts of energy from their bodies, Magic won't be seen as that unusual. It kind of blends into the other 4 Color heroes doing their 4 Color thing. Anyone who is exposed to magic, will mentally write it off as what ever the current explanation for Superpowers. Psi being so buried would be different. It would be like how the PsiCorp is handled in B5. A bunch of telepaths who join an organization because they really have no other choice, but are still treated like dirt for what they can do. Any mental ability would cause a lot of mistrust by the public (the whole, I wonder of so and so is reading my mind right now? OMG they might find out my deep secret!) I had once wanted to run something that was similar to this. A genre crossing UrbanFantasy+Champions game. I realized that adding Urban Fantasy to Champions wouldn't cause a ripple. Magic isn't that much different from having superpowers. What I ended up doing instead was running a high power Urban Fantasy game. BTW your campaign sounds quite interesting
  14. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... In my Gonzo CyberHero/Champions game, the Vampiric Demon used to go out for a "Six-Pack" of..... Criminals.
  15. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? After game concern is a good thing. It means that you care about what you players think of your game. It can be constructive, in that you look at what went well and what felt flat and then use that to do better next game. Sounds like everything turned out fine. I would probably just let BloodClaw fade away, without a word. If one of the PC's brings it up then you can worry about a story excuse for him. Otherwise I would just let it go, kind of like the character never existed. I agree with the poster who recommended that if BC's players comes back in the future, that you should make him create a new character that is Team Oriented with Out of Combat skills etc. Basically have him make a character that could integrate with the rest of the team. Also letting any new players know upfront that you run a more "talky" game with lots of skills being used and rare combat may help lower the amount of new player churn. Never be afraid to put your foot down over any character you suspect that won't fit in to your group. I am glad it worked out Tasha
  16. Re: That Mechanon fella jest ain't right: a roleplay question It would be hard to be completely free of the baggage that the Mechanon Name comes with. My characters would be happy to have such a resource, but the player would be awaiting the Train wreck. esp with the "programmed with the brain patterns of dozens of serial killers, rapists and terrorists." Also profilers aren't necessarily stable either, with all of the time spent with dead bodies and getting into the minds of monsters. (no offense to any real profilers who may post here). I would recommend naming him something else during this "friendly" stage. Also altering his appearence a bit will help others relate better to this "good" robotic resource. If/when he goes homicidal he can then alter his name and appearance to the Mechy we know and love. Wrote this before I read Tesuji's post. He is much more detailed than I was
  17. Re: New to Champions. Nothing wrong with playing homages of your favorite comic characters. So you have a Brick, Energy Projector and a Martial Artist/Killing Machine. Good balance.
  18. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? No he sounds like the guy that scares off the female players after they game once. What some guys think is acceptable behavior while in character... don't get me started. This whole Discussion reminds me of this essay on Beth Kinderman's Gamer Chick Website The whole site is quite nifty. Worth a look by all genders
  19. Re: New to Champions. Well Good Luck then! I can't wait to read about how it went tasha
  20. Re: Campaign: Pulling The Fangs Sorry was out of town. This is not the genre that I enjoy. I am not really into horror stuff, I am more of an action-fantasy person. I kind of enjoy my more or less traditional High Fantasy (ie D&D style non-humans etc). Thanks for answering my questions. I am really sorry for not getting back to you sooner with my decision. Tasha
  21. Re: How to make the Loner feel not so Lonely? There are players (and people) who do stuff to get a rise out of someone. So it is possible that he is doing this to make you squirm. Just another reason to talk to him
  22. Re: Making the PC's PAY!! (Dearly) Just because you have a license to do something doesn't mean that it comes with a paycheck... BTW having the heroes be licensed may also have a mitigating effect on your problem child. It would give the other PC's a reason to keep a lid on his excesses. Also the "Magic" could be assumed to be mutant powers on official documentation. Bureaucrats love pigeonholes, they don't like folk who don't fit into their worldview. So it's possible that the examiner would hear magic powers and put "Mutant" or "late onset Mutation" on the official paperwork. The Psi could be a problem esp if she could prove it (ie strong Telepathy). Tasha
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