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Everything posted by AmadanNaBriona

  1. Re: Weapon Bind: New options Nice job! This is going into my options for my FH game. Well done... expands weapon bind the same way that Ninja Hero originally expanded Grab. Repped
  2. Re: Your favorite PC vs.. well..I have a couple of favorite champs characters, so lets look at them against one of my favorite villians, Deathstroke. Blackjack, my martial artist gadgeteer, most likely gets it handed to him. He has a lot in common with Slade, including the artifically enhanced IQ and having origins with the Super Solider program, but Deathstroke uses that intelligence, IMO, for a lot of superskill tricks that would nail Backjack first go around. In a rematch, there would be a lot more parity, as Blackjack is a technical boy, and gadgeteers with time to prepare are nasty. Revenant, however, is a different story. First off... Slade would be hard pressed to do him any harm... hes already dead, and nigh invunerable to Deathstrokes kind of fighting. Slade could probably figuire out how to deal with that annoyance anyway, but Revenant's Aura powers probably wouldn't give him much of a chance... Slade doesn't seem to be all that well defended against adjustment style powers, and Revenant is a pretty hard hitter too (He's been known to one punch Minuteman robots in the right circumstances)
  3. Re: How to do this necromancy ability Healing/regeneration with appropriate adders and limitations to reflect the need for "raw" materials (ewwwww......) plus a VPP similar to a mimic pool, once again with appropriate limitations. Possibly a few other bits such as cramming (for "instant" knowledge gains) Everything I know I learned by killing smart people and eating their brains
  4. Re: Finally figured out what I hate about Star Wars in RPGs Can beat that one.... In one campaign I played in, one of the two main close combat fighters was taken out during the inital charge by an abysmal failure on a movement/manuvering roll. Well... the berserker just stepped in a gopher hole and broke his leg in three places. You're on your own now... Oi And then there was the time that another character was instantly killed by a halfling with a miners pick. Sooo off topic. I agree with the AVLD build for lightsabers. Its how we eventually did them back in our old Space Hero campaign. I'd add combat luck to the applicable defences as well, which would explain Obi Wan surviving two hits without losing any major body bits. Unless you rule it as a Force power: invisible TK force feild. And the blaster deflection/reflection is without doubt a force power... remember that Vader did it without a saber. I recon the main reason for using the saber is to get the bonuses from martial manuvers, weapon bonuses, and skill levels. And perhaps the Reflection adder needs a saber as the focus?
  5. Re: Pulp archtypes. This is the Archtype I like to call The Eccentric Genius (EDIT): Also... I noticed that there was no specific mention of the Professional Solider Archtype, a subcategory of the Strong Jawed Hero. Examples off the top of my head include Brendan Fraizer's character from the Mummy (whose name I can't recall) and John Carter, gentleman of Virginia.
  6. Re: Pulp archtypes. Only two I can think of off the top of my head are... The Great White Hunter & The Noble Savage
  7. Re: Anyone done a Riftwars Hero Had to laugh at seeing this thread ressurect. One of the only non-hero RPG books I have with my FH stuff is a copy of the 3rd edition of Cities by Midkemia press. Comes in very handy on occasion. And my Heroplie art thread has my campaigns Mordhel, which were initially stolen from the Riftwar Saga. My campaign version has been modified to unrecognizable levels.
  8. Re: Passing Strike (martial maneuver) Unbalanced? Not to mention the movie version of Flash Gordon One of my all time favorite high camp pulp sci fi pleasures. *Go Flash Go!*
  9. Re: Two Weapon Fighting if you come right down to it... If you're paying points for your weapons, forget the 2 weapon fighting skill... Technically, you can buy an extra copy of your weapon for only 5 extra points and then perform a Multiple Power Attack with them. LIke I said...its a pardigm shift, and takes some getting used to.
  10. Re: Two Weapon Fighting And to clarify... In the FAQ Steve said ... "A Sweep generally applies to two or more targets and involves the use of a single Maneuver/power, though the rules have optional provisions for Sweeps involving multiple Maneuvers/Powers. The rules do allow for Sweeps against a single target, but these are rare and generally involve things like Sweep Grabbing multiple limbs or Sweep Disarming multiple weapons." OK... my emphasis Section in Bold confirms that the rules allow it. section in italics is Steve attempting to estabish a common customary rule, essentially. This was a fine line of thought if Sweep was the only multiple attack manuver, but with Multiple Power Attacks and Rapid Fire manuver, it became increasingly obvious that the customary ruling was unduly harsh versus Hand to Hand attacks Just another $ .02
  11. Re: Two Weapon Fighting Yes it does. As does Rapid fire. Which is a ranged variation of Sweep, mechanically. And the only requirement for a MPA is that you have the powers to perform it with. And I think that rthe reason people keep bringing up sweep is that in practice and application, Sweep has in fact become the default "Attack more than once, at full power" ability. Talents and superskills are now built in a variety of places to take advantage of the sweep mechanism to reflect multiple attacks, and most posters on the board, and most written expamles from various genre books are mostly universal in adopting the Sweep/Rapid Fire mechanism as the means of conducting multiple attacks. Period. I might suggest that you adapt your thinking a bit to the new 5th edition paradigm... charcters can attack at full power more than once per phase. Its just how the system is now. It took me a while to wrap my brain around it, but it really does get easier this way.
  12. Re: I want to play Hero, I have felt your pain before. During my "moving around a lot" period, I had constant problems finding players willing to give HERO a chance. Wound up playing D&D 3rd ed. which I disliked but didn't suck as bad as I had expected, and had finally convinced my fellow gamers to let me run them a FH game when I had to suddenly uproot again. Then I wound up playing Palladium, which is now my all time least favorite RPG. I still have the softcover Mechanoid Invasion books that I picked up at a con way back in prehistory, and I can't beleive that such a huge collection of books has grown out of such and incredibly cumbersome fanboy D&D system ripoff. Keep the faith, and your best bet for helping them see the light is to cheat... build a really COOL campaign that you're only willing to run in Hero, then talk with your friends while developing it and including them as sounding boards while brainstorming ideas. Next thing you know, they'll be asking you when you're planning your game. From the kind of stuff you currently play, I'd say a good space opera Star Hero game wiould be an easier sell than Superheros. I could be wrong tho. Good luck
  13. Re: Herophile Fantasy art Thanks for the compliment (and rep ) And just tween you and I... He actually has two working eyes, of sorts (at least in my campaign) Its just that if he goes around showing off the magical ruby thats replaced his missing eye, people notice him a lot more. And it can see through the leather, so the patch makes life easier.
  14. Re: Herophile Fantasy art I really like the elaborate chasing on the armor... Very cool
  15. Re: Aikido as a Damage Shield/ Abortable Attacks? If no one beats me to it, I can probably write up a couple of naked advantge powers for you to mess around with. But not till tomorrow. I've been halfway on the boards all freaaking day, and should really get off to bed.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Bad things always happen when you try to kill a Mockingbird. unless, of course, its a two kilo mockingbird. Then you have lunch. (edit...I really need to go to bed...I'm getting punchy)
  17. Re: Experts? I haven't gotten DC yet (hasn't shown up at the FLGS again, and I'm trying real hard to keep credit card purchaces to buisness only), but the idea, from what I see, sounds great. In our 4th ed games we pretty much decided that Scholar could also act as an Expert kind of modifier... no game differences in that case, but it allowed someone like a viking ranger to have all the various KS's he wanted without seeming bookish or a powergamer
  18. Re: Teamwork wait just a gol-darned minute here... Has something changed that I've missed? In the past coordinating attacks always added damage taken after defences together to see if a target was stunned. So how could one attack that did 3 stun and another that did 0 stun your villan? Or am I missing something huge here?
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Hey...I just realized that my last non-NGD post was # 300. And the new system lets me come in and say so without changing the number at the top of my profile.
  20. Re: Herophile Fantasy art The men are warriors, as their status within the clan is based on strength be it martial or reproductive. Fanatical mordhel warriors sometimes swear oaths before their gods, joining the members of a warband together into a pack. These oathsworn Huntsmen (yes...ganked from Lloyd Alexander) are fearsome foes, for their lives are linked, and if one falls, his brothers gain his lifeforce. Best attacked by ambush, with overwhelming force.
  21. Re: Herophile Fantasy art So..speaking of Bad guys... the next two are represenatives of one of my campaign "bad guy" races, the Mordhel (name stolen directly from Raymond Feist, with all due credit). Basically very savage, cruel, sadistic, carnal lesser dark elves. Esssentially they are to Dark elves as Wood elves are to High elves. in my world, they are incredibly fertile (magically, chaotically so, similar to the Gloranthan Broos), and the women of the clans control most of the political power by both their compatable amatomy (Mordhel breed true only with their own kind... all half breeds are born as Formori... monsters) and their midwiving skills. But, in order to deal with the very agressive males, the Mordhel women are trained from a young age how to hurt without killing, and are gifted with their trademark barbed salted whip at thier coming of age ceremony.
  22. Re: Herophile Fantasy art I've been know to do stuff on request before My old group of gamers was somewhat lucky to have several artists among the crew, but I've wound up as the proverbial "house" artist for almost every game I've been in since I've been moving around. I looked at the description, and I might just give it the old college try... nasty looking critter
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