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Everything posted by StGrimblefig

  1. Re: And this is my special eff... er, I mean, my Sidekick. I am wary of the "separate person" limitation. Is there an example of a similar limitation somewhere? Making the little guy an inaccessible focus would imply that he always stuck close, in that an opponent could not take him away from you. If you want him to be "occassionally at school or not around or something," you might consider an activation roll. I do like the fact that, as a focus, he is a unique "item" and not easily replacable with just any kid off the street. "Inaccessible" feels wrong for a sidekick, but I think I understand why you want to use it in this case. This is a sidekick that never gets nabbed by a bad guy, cannot be knocked out because he is annoying an opponent, and doesn't wander off and stumble into the trap meant for the hero.
  2. Re: Spacecraft size A couple of quick thoughts. The spaceship construction yards are going to be high priority targets, wherever they are built. Therefore, they are not just going to be simple shipyards, but full-fledged military bases that house the largest collection of high-tech defensive and offensive weaponry in existence. They will also be the center of more espionage and intrigue than you can shake a shoe-phone at. Regarding the combat drones, are they autonomous, or remotely controlled? If they are remotely controlled, finding and either jamming or destroying the source of the control signals would be more important than engaging the drones themselves. If they are autonomous, then spoofing and confusing the drones' sensors would become the game of the day. Of course, there is also the problem of philosophy: The militaries of the current world are reluctant to put weapons firing mechanisms completely under the control of a machine. Modern jet fighters are effectively capable of becoming unmanned air vehicles, but they still need the human pilot to pull the trigger. Just my opinions, take them or leave them as you wish.
  3. Re: Designing Sword Schools It has been a while since I read it, and I do not have it with me, but I do remember UMA having a breakdown of several different styles of Kung Fu. That could give an example of how to take a single martial art (fencing, in this case) and differentiate several styles that each have a distinct feel.
  4. Re: Heroes for HERO? I do not remember seeing the Haitian there with HRG during that scene. He was there when they captured Sylar, though. The problem is, since this "suppression field" does not seem to be a visible power (i.e. there are no visible indications that it is active, or who is using it), we cannot be sure that it is in fact the Haitian that is doing it. It is interesting to note that the Haitian does not speak to or near HRG, but he did speak to Claire -- a Reputation, perhaps?
  5. Re: Anime series as a campaign BPS - Battle Programmer Shirase -- Freelance programmer (who can program a mainframe from a borrowed cellphone) fighting against evil hacker the King of America. O.K., so this one hasn't officially made it over here yet. And it is probably not active enough to make a roleplaying campaign. I just want to be in a session and yell "Hissatsu! Double Compile!"
  6. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game A mid-level Mastermind IS a team. And teaming with other masterminds only slows everything down, anyway. I once got on a team of 8 with 4 MMs -- I couldn't find any enemies to target for all the minions on the screen.
  7. Re: Legends Universe Is this list just covering the currently active heroes in the universe? Are you going to have the current crop be the first set of heroes in the world, or is there a history of superheroes in your universe? Shaft had an interesting timeline that melded historical DC and Marvel heroes together. It can be found at http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51555/ And then there is Odd Hat's extended Wold Newton universe timeline (at http://bobtokyo.robertdorf.com/Timeline%20II.htm ) that includes (almost) every fictional character ever created. Of course, it takes some liberties with the origins of and interactions between several superheroes in order to tie them into the larger world, but it is still a very interesting read.
  8. Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game Methinks you neglected to put the "t" in his name right before the "m," too.
  9. Re: Terran Trade Authority There were several artists, but a few names keep coming up: Angus McKie, Tony Roberts, Bob Layzell and Colin Hay appear several times. I had the Spaceships book when I was in Jr. High, and lost it. So I was tickled to see the new version.
  10. Re: When you hear Urban Fantasy... Would Callahan's Crosstime Saloon fit? Even though there are plenty of aliens and time travel, there is also a leprechan and a couple of other fantasy creatures.
  11. Re: Muppet Champions How about the Muppet News anchor, who has a massive unluck that always has something bad happening to him related to the story he is reading? (The Muppet Wiki was instrumental in finding this character)
  12. Re: Heroes for HERO? Shaft, Unfortunately, all of your links point to Claire. Yeah, I know -- "Save the cheerleader, save the world," but this is ridiculous.
  13. Re: Heroes for HERO? Micah seems to focus on electronics/computers.
  14. Re: Heroes for HERO? Okay, what about Peter's ability? It doesn't conform to any of HERO's Power affecting abilities (Absorbtion, Drain, Suppress, Transfer), since it doesn't appear to diminish the ability of the one he is copying. So, the only way I can think to model it is with a VPP. It would have limitations like "can only copy abilities of metahumans within X meters/feet" and "abilities fade when not in the presence of metahumans," but it would need to be at least as powerful as the most powerful of the others' constructs. I do not think we have seen him copy or use more than one ability at a time. When he was alone with Sylar (who we know has multiple stolen abilities), he still was using the cheerleader's ability, and we did not see him use another then. Has Peter been in the presence of more than one of the others at a time? He does also seem to have an ability to have precognitive dreams, even when not in the presence of Isaak.
  15. Re: Name That Cult Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow . . . oops, that one is taken.
  16. Re: Evolution of a Leader Step one: have the character realize that, in the "real world" (i.e. outside the school), the team leader gets more recognition (both good and bad) than the other team members, usually gets more screen time and is the first (and sometimes the only) team member interviewed (win or lose). Step two: Having realized that leadership is an avenue to fame, she needs to find out how to be a leader (or at least how to fake it convincingly). In a Teen Champs setting, this might mean emulating or asking advice from a teacher/adviser, and older student leader, and/or a famous hero. Steps three through n: the 80's music montage ("Legally Blonde"-style? or maybe "Back To School"-style?). She will try (and fail with) several things before becoming the leader she was meant to be. As the title of the thread says, it is an evolution, not an event. It will take time, and trials, but it could be a good side plot of personal growth for the character.
  17. Re: Name That Cult What is the purpose of the cult? In HS's absence, are they working toward a means for his return, or preparing the world for HS to take over when he does return? Do they merely pursue personal technological enlightenment and await his return? Do they attempt to "heal" the bad tech and promote "good" tech (regardless of that tech's owner's desires)? Has another leader stepped into the void HS left and is directing them to some other purpose? Do they have a "mission statement" (they ARE tech-nerds after all)? I ask because it would help get a handle on what name best fits. Although, given the description we already have, it should probably be an acronym.
  18. Re: Extra information from 3d6 Spreadsheets are great for generating brute force statistical analysis with minimal effort.
  19. Re: Extra information from 3d6 Just a quick statistical reference: There are 216 permutations of 3d6. Of these: There are exactly 6 triples, or approximately 2.78% There are 90 strict doubles (that is, doubles that are not also triples), or approximately 41.67% I was a little surprised at the large percentage of doubles. Because of that, I would tend to assign a lesser effect to the doubles, and more to the triples.
  20. Re: My Traveller Hero campaign Ahem. How can you call it Traveller if you just build your character, without any chance of him/her/it dying in the process? But, seriously: A VPP for psionics seems kind of open-ended. Are you going to restrict the PCs to using psionics abilities that they have written up (and received approval for) between sessions, or is it going to be entirely on-the-fly (or something in between)? How strict are you going to be about each pool's concept? How far can one stretch the concept of "Telepathy?" Is the Psionics skill only for the actual usage of the ability, or is it going to include some background knowledge as well? If the latter, how much information about the other psionics abilities (the pools the player has not chosen) does the skill provide? iirc, psionics were supposed to be quite rare in the Traveller universe, and met with a lot of distrust by the general populace (and especially the Zhodani, if you weren't one). Does the character that buys the pool also have to buy a Social Limitation?
  21. Re: Bullet Time? Silly me. I always thought switching from non-combat time to combat turns WAS bullet time.
  22. Re: Modern Magic setting...opinions needed There is one thing that bothers me in this: This statement Does not seem to agree with :
  23. Re: I can't help it, I'm obsessed, made my own STUNx d6 Using a saintly laying on of hands, StGrimblefig revives a thread that was only MOSTLY dead... How about a slight redesign of the wildly popular HERO Dice? With no ado at all, here is a "paper die" version of a HERO Multidie:
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