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Everything posted by HeroGM

  1. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did This is the way I look at it. Continuity is needed so that people know who they fought before and what's gone on. Fans (and I do include myself in this) have gotten so anal about it though. If something doesn't fit the way we percieve it to be then we get in a hiss because it's not how we remember it. Evil Genius: HA, I have returned to attack you again! Hero: But...you fell down a volcano! Genius: I did?? Hero: Yeah, it was in that appearence you did in #15 of another book!!! Genius: Oh, I guess the writer for this issue didn't read that one... Stan Lee and Jack Kirby did 50+ issues of the Fantastic Four with the flimiest(sp) of continuity, and they were great books. DC did 50 years more or less with little to no continuity at all. There were not 6-12 issue story arcs, no inflated writing so they toss them into trades later. Although not a big company like DC or Marvel, Archie has been doing stories with no continuity since the 40s or so? AND they're still in High School!
  2. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did Bozz Chronicles
  3. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did
  4. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did Welcome to Days of Future Past. I remember in 86 or so when they had the Mutant Registeration Act going on. Same thing writ large.
  5. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did Worse, Civil War From what's been shown the New Warriors try to take down several villians, including Nitro. He goes BOOM causing a small disaster. Wizard had a 5pg preview and I've seen it on a few sites (newsarama and some place else).
  6. Re: Comics you loved...but apparently no one else did !pact Checkmate Tangent 1961
  7. Re: Doctor Who 2205/2006 Writeups? Yes, Tennent shall be around for awhile but Billie Piper will be gone after the next season.
  8. Re: Darkseid? The Omega Beam will also wipe a person from time as well, so that those destroyed will eventually be forgotten by friend and foe alike, even by family members. Also note that Darksied has personal immunity to it. As he said "Of course I survivie whelp, I could not host the energy otherwise"
  9. Re: Doctor Who 2205/2006 Writeups? I like Mickey, and I've heard Rose get flack too. Personally I find them both (well, Jackie too) as more human then most of the companions they had on there before. Oh yeah, Sarah Jane, Stuart and others were human and were nice characters. Rose and her lot seem to actually have flaws. Theyve made the characters a lil more realistic without loosing the "fantasy/scifi" aspect of it. At least that's how it comes across to me. Most companions leave with the Dr. return and that's it. Sorry to spoil, but if you see the episodes, Rose actually cares enough about what her mum will think and Jackie (shrewish as she is) actually cares enough to report her missing. Although Rose may be the first real person we've shown that still has connections to her old life on Earth. And sorry for the thread drive and just as a total aside. My first contact with David Tennent was Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire (Barty Crouch Jr). Amittedly he had few appearances in it , but when I saw him it blew my mind when I saw him as the Doctor. Not only the way he spoke and general appearance, the way he carried himself and behaved was completely different. While I know he has a good carreer already, I honestly wouldn't be suprised if he became another Michael Caine or Alan Rickman.
  10. Re: Doctor Who 2205/2006 Writeups? I might take a crack at them. And Jackie dislikes the Dr. 'cause he turned her down when she hit on him.
  11. Re: Patriotic Heroes Force of July apprently is making a comeback if this cover (Night wing I thnk) is accurate.
  12. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I wish Todd Nauck had done it.
  13. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. And the crazy thing is Shaft is Liefield's redesign of Speedy from the Teen Titans.
  14. HeroGM

    Re-Imaged X-men

    Re: Re-Imaged X-men Not just effort but some actual thought. And yeah, I agree some of his designs are hit or miss. I loved his Feb/06 redesign of Blastar & Anihalus(sp). AL for March Wonder Girl Poserized Wonder Girl AL Version
  15. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Saw the priect and thought 7th Sea Vatacine, though I miss the lil arc on the cross.
  16. Re: Firestorm the Nuclear Man And if the origial is like the old one, not against living creatures.
  17. Re: Champions Worlds Look at DC & Vertigo. Both happen in the same world, both hardly cross over. To me it's the same thing.
  18. Re: Champions Worlds wow, I killed the conversation
  19. Re: Power Build: Super Archery Variable power pool,
  20. Re: Champions Worlds Just for the heck of it. Did the graphic a little bit ago. Personally I have a 2" 3-ring binder with ideas of what alternates I want to use and how I would lay them out in my campaign using a "who's who/marvel universe" type style write up. Nothing specifici, just enough that I can grab it and flesh things out. Oh and to settle the little debate about Hudson City. Taken from Hero Universe pdf that's in the free stuff
  21. Re: The Developmental History of HERO For some reason I think the original Golden Age Champions' has 150+100 - 150+150 as suggested values.
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Rebecca [new slayer of Torchwood, Tx]: So let me get this straight, I'm going to a school in a cursed town, vampires are real, and the coach hexed the football team into being perfect, but it backfired and they were possessed by demons, just so they could win the homecoming game? Stephen [Watcher]: That's correct, and they will be fully possessed and transform at the dance, if my calculations are correct. Rebecca: Great, the quaterback asked me to it.
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Raven: The power to destroy suns! The strength of a million men! The ability to control men's minds with a single thought! Stalker: Or a simple shake of your tits...
  24. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Yeah, sounds like me (and yes, my last namei s Kendrick)
  25. Re: Golden Age speedster advice needed
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