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HERO Member
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Everything posted by HeroGM

  1. Re: Teen Champions INTERIOR Art I have to agree with MitchellS. Some of it was good, some of it was bad. A LOT of re-used art is in there. There are some art styles out there I wish they had used but didn't, ah well.
  2. Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO Or (fuzion or not) you could find a cheap copy of the game and see what you can draw from that.
  3. Re: Teen Champion Cover! Have to agree with the majority. For an ad it would look wonderful, as a cover it just looks like it was tossed together. I'm just hoping the art inside is up to pre-DC:TAS standards
  4. Re: Batman VS Captain America! yeah right... And from the way it looks in JSA, Atom Smasher will be joining Suicide Squad in the near future. Belle Reeve Prison + Amanda Waller = Suicide Squad.
  5. Re: Batman VS Captain America! yeah right... I could see Kobra/Naga-Naga taking over Hydra. Both groups are on the levels of cults, at least depending on who is writing it.
  6. Re: Slayers Webpage needs help Don't voluenteer. Now get paid on the other hand.....
  7. Re: Batman VS Captain America! yeah right... JSA/Invaders, written by Geoff Johns, art by John Byrne. And before anyone starts byrne-bashing, that's my opinion, if your entitled to yours, I'm entitled to mine.
  8. Re: Batman VS Captain America! yeah right... Captain America & Batman oneshot & the Avenger's/JLA mini.
  9. Re: The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Wu Been watching Undercover Brother?
  10. Re: More Who Stuff: Build a TCE TARDIS = Special Effect.
  11. Re: Is Doctor Who pulp? The TARDIS also gets him into as many problems as it gets him out of. In all honesty, I'd have to ask which Doctor are we talk about? The first was supposed to be educational, which didn't last. The second I honestly haven't seen much of so I can't judge. The third Doctor had a pulp/james bond type feel to him. stuck on Earth and playing around with UNTIL. About the time Sarah Jane came along it seemed to get more sci-fi and less james bond. Baker and Davidson...well they just seemed over the top sci-fi comedy. Some tragic moments but overall it semed to be one-liners along with saving the day. I haven't seen any of the Doctors after that, well I've watched 4-5 episodes of the current series thanks to a friend who's over there They seem to have a lil more dark/edgy style to them mixed with one-liner sarcasam. Rose brings new meaning to Companion though, in the first episode she pretty much saved the day, though she tends to screw up as much as the other compainions did. Oh, and let's not forget the Mater. He screams pulp to me. Deathtraps, on the Heroes equal...used rarely so when he shows up you know it's going to be something.
  12. Re: Firearms granularity That's why I asked if Dark Champion's was available. If so then they can use that, or the person intrested in such things can plop down the money and then decide to use it. And not to flame but sorry, poeple like that just bother me. They want to take everything down into a game form and rules layer it to death. I've known people who want to built the Doctor's Tardis on xxx points when all it is is Dimensional movement and special effects, you don't have to sit there anad go "ok, the inside is supposed to be yyy by xxx meters and zzz levels with..." Yeah you can plan it all out if you want to but why? A Tie Fighter in Star Wars goes BOOM when it's hit, you don't always have to come up with exact stats until either the players get in one or you stat passing notes to other GM's. Ok, rant over, sorry.
  13. Re: Firearms granularity Sarcasam tells me to say "Get a life, it's a game" Do you have Dark Champion's?
  14. Re: New Avengers? Actually I loved it when Spider-woman stabbed Logan in the neck with his own claws
  15. Re: New Avengers? The current issue of Wizard has a break down of everything that's going on with comments by the writers/artists.
  16. HeroGM

    Comic books

    Re: Comic books I'll hav eto find the issue # but there's a good one of What The..? that had the Thing marching down to Marvel's offices (and litterly kicking down the door) to complain about an issue of his comic. In the book it's a long drawn out fight last 22 pages, in reality though the fight last 2 seconds when all the Thing had to do was flick the guy with his pinky finger. The writer in question told him they had to make it more intresting to fill out the book. Was hilarous watching the two stories being told from different perspectives.
  17. HeroGM

    Comic books

    Re: Comic books Take a look at Todd Nauck's Wildguard universe. Superheroes (and villians) are so meshed with the media it's crazy. Wildguard is a take off of reality shows. Hundreds of heroes show up for tryouts and only a handful are selected to appear on the Wildguard reality show.
  18. Re: Traveller Hero questions That's how it reads to me.
  19. Re: Dark Champions: The Animated Series Apprently my copy has either been lost or is stuck in transit. FRP has been nice enough to send another copy.
  20. Re: VPP vs Multipower you could use the armor table that Steve set up in Gadgets and Gear. Each part gets so many active points. I'd have to pull out the book to see what points go where.
  21. Re: Dark Champions: The Animated Series
  22. Re: Dark Champions: The Animated Series --Rant-- I would love to say how good or bad this book is. I ordered mine from FRPGames though on the 15th of June and it has YET to get here. Maybe I'll get it sometime before GenCon . --/Rant--
  23. Re: How to - The Creeper? http://www.toonopedia.com/creeper.htm#cont
  24. Re: Which Edition of Champions/Hero System Worked Best for Your Champions Campaign? 4th
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