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Everything posted by bluesguy

  1. FH Campaign Setting as detailed and interesting as Harn. Fully detailed out history for multiple kingdoms, cultures, travel, food, economics, cities, magic and lore. A campaign setting is not a series of adventures, it is a place with a history and feel that makes it come alive. The best campaigns I have played in and run have come from a campaign setting with a solid foundation to build upon. Once that is done then encourage the writing of adventures (single shot or series) that are played in the setting. There might be some 'rules' around how much an adventure can change the setting or history. And if you really want to go hog wild make it possible to use the setting and adventures with Realm Works Miniatures would be awesome - especially female miniatures that don't look and dress like strippers.
  2. Hero Skill System book, pg 250, "convince, persuade, and/or influence individuals. They can also tell believable lies and argue/ debate convincingly." Also it later states that a GM's option, Persuasion can be used to taunt an opponent, usually only once per combat, which cause the target into making a hasty attack. Also Persuasion is not Mind Control. In my campaigns most players use Persuasion to either convince/persuade or lie/detect lie.
  3. So I start running this campaign next Sunday. I am super excited. I have mapped out the first adventure arc.
  4. I ran a Harn campaign for a while. It was gritty and low fantasy. There was a bit of magic involved, almost could be explained by natural means. I would recommend using all the combat rules to get the real gritty flavor of Harn. Players should treat combat as an opportunity to be seriously injured, lose a limb or die.
  5. I have been very happy with many of my purchases from DriveThruRPG for PDF maps/schematics. I tend to print color either on card-stock or regular paper. With card stock, I will glue (glue sticks works well) the pages together into a large sections and then use self-adhesive laminating sheets to protect the map. If I just print them on regular paper then I use DM Scotty's 2.5d approach. Here is a search from Drive Thru RPG for: Science Fiction bases, space ships and other science fiction locations Super hero bases, locations and modern locations A couple of examples. This first one shows the card-stock method and the second one the 2.5d method.
  6. Absolutely put them in the download section and then post a link here.
  7. Also you might look at old Thundarr the Barbarian cartoon. They fought some really nasty and otherworldly creatures.
  8. When I think of a very skilled heroic fight vs. a bunch of minions I think of scenes like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3NuwwetZtc. Every once in a while someone gets in a lucky hit. And then we have the fight between our hero and someone who is pretty skilled.
  9. Very nasty those aliens and of course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnHmUk_J6xQ
  10. First adventures I have run included: Save people form a burning building. The heroes are in the news - most don't want to be in the news. As part of the same session the players all happened to be at a local indoor/outdoor mall when an armored truck full of cash is being robbed by Ankylosaur and his goons. Best part was when my wife's brick (Wonder Woman homage) and our daughters psychic (she had TK powers) pushed a really big truck very hard into Ankylosaur - can you say "Move Thru by Mack Truck"....
  11. Sounds like fun. I am also nearing the end of preparing a space/sci-fi game. Putting the final touches on the first adventure. The players won't have a ship and will be more like trouble shooters.
  12. bluesguy


    Yes "No Capes"..
  13. I don't know anything about MHI but I do know about Hero. One suggestion I have for you on how to introduce players to Hero is to read this thread http://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/89345-experiences-teaching-people-hero-game-system/. Good luck and have fun!
  14. I tell my players that vitals includes things like kidney/liver/heart. Hitting someone in the chest means hitting some in the rib cage but not necessarily getting thru the rib cage.
  15. One of my wife's characters had noble as a perk. She was baron's daughter who ran away from a marriage she didn't want to be part of. She had the money Perk as well. It was just enough so my wife wouldn't have to do any gaming bookkeeping for the day-to-day life stuff. It gave her the ability to get into places other people in the party couldn't get into.
  16. My answer is this video (I am not saying you are a damn fool)...
  17. The players either use called place shots in my game. Almost everyone who does this has bought PSL vs. hit location penalty. Mooks can't pick hit locations and I don't roll hit locations for them (actually HCM has a setting for mooks so they don't roll hit locations - shameless plug). For other NPCs they can either do placed shots (with penalties) or it is a random hit location roll.
  18. In my fantasy campaign, Nyonia, I came up with a magic system that was based on the idea that the kind of magic you could practice was based on where you came from. And once you learned one kind of magic it was virtually impossible to learn another kind of magic. Mages who did learn two or more kinds of magic and then tried to combine them caused cataclysmic events to occur, often impacting the entire planet. Here is a link to that gives a brief description and it has a link to each of the races/cultures types of magic. Also there are people with a natural talent for magic. These mages are able to command much more powerful spells (i.e. higher active points and few limitations) than people who just learn how to cast a few spells. Here is a link to the game mechanic description of magic. Part of the magical game mechanic involves maximum active points for kinds of spells (offensive, personal/group defensive, movement, sensory, etc.) This was my attempt to limit the idea of the 'generic mage' where everyone has a fireball, magic missile, etc.
  19. You might want to check out this thread (it is long) that may have the kind of information you are looking for.
  20. The very first campaign world I created, in college, took place 100k years in the future on Earth. This was a post-nuclear-apocalyptic world. It took place mostly in NM, Texas and Colorado. I was able to purchase USGS maps which were a great help. There was magic and different races, monsters and the like. All the result of the nuclear war that had occurred (rapid mutation for the monsters and races; magic because the fabric of reality around the earth was damaged). There were places in the world where you could find the results of the war but no one knew what had really happened. For instance I would describe places where there were huge craters, filled with a black glassy material and covered with strange mounds and monoliths (i.e. large cities that had been hit). Each of these places was invested with undead (zombies, skeletons, and ghouls) . Every once in a while I would let them find a small non-functional piece of technology. They even went to the WIP site in NM (where they store nuclear waste) because some mage was looking for a special metal that he thought they kept there. They ran into a hydra at the site. I also mish-mashed a bunch of things together without thinking everything all the way thru. In the end the campaign collapsed due to the inconsistencies.
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