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Everything posted by fbdaury

  1. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist Yes, but without the helmet he is still versed in dozens of different martial art styles- the helmet just overrides his own knowledge with that of others- PS:Oracle is still pretty darn dangerous and would likely be up there on the top fifteen if not top ten were she able to walk...
  2. Re: DC's Best Martial Artist 1.Shiva/Cassandra Cain 2.Batman/David Cain/Connor Hawke/Richard Dragon 3.Bronze Tiger/Question/Nightwing 4.Nightshade/Black Canary/Zeist/Prometheus Okay, that's more than 10 and I don't know the exact order that I would put them in except to say that Cass is #1 and Shiva #2...
  3. Re: Pro & Con: Using Points for equipment Was debating recently for a game conversion that I was working on for the mental exercise... I figured special magical devices that could not be permanently removed would be bought with personal points, while everything else could be done with DC style Resources Pool... worked well enough for me- well equipped characters can just pour more into their pool.
  4. fbdaury

    Rifts HERO?

    Re: Rifts HERO? Rght now my computer needs a new power supply but once I get that(hopefully soon), I will then type up what I have come up with so far for Rifts Hero and then load to the Internet... Just don't hold me to any timeline on all of this...
  5. Re: Wheelchair hero One question on that adapation... why the buyback on swimming? Many wheelchair-bound people swim actively as their upper body can still be uised for movement and the lower body still has sufficient bouyancy that they are not dead weight(so to speak).
  6. Re: Power help: Hyper-Dexterity? Well, for the character that I recently made that was a super acrobat, I had some of the following: 1)Super Defensive movement- Desolid, no pass through walls and no defense vs. area attacks but can be used to 'evade' attacks or fall safely from any height without getting splooshed. 2)Acrobatic combat MA 3)Combat luck as passive combat movement You could also add Missle Deflection/Reflection defined as catching/throwing missle attacks, flight only along surfaces to do a Matrix-style wall run, teleport for movement that is so quick or defensive that character cannot be attacked while moving, etc.
  7. Re: Glitter Boy for 34 points- is that sick? I have the feeling that your versions would be much lower leveled than what I ended up with, since before package limitations, my Cyber Knight, Crazy, and Juicer packages were all in the 300+ point range.
  8. Re: Glitter Boy for 34 points- is that sick? Most starting classes that I have been stating out have required 250 point characters plus use of the old package rules where package disadvantages don't count against the character's disadvantage total. I don't use EC for the powers, although that would save points it just doesn't feel right to me, not anymore leastways. So far, Juicers and Crazies will have the least amount of variation amongst themselves due to the high cost of their packages, while the Non Combat classes are the ones that are likely to have the most variation(points) available to them, as it should be. I do use resource pools, with the same starting levels as the Dark Champions game, and then certian character classes will buy up their pools(like the CS Grunts and other CS agents, and the GB pilots).
  9. Re: Glitter Boy for 34 points- is that sick? Yeah, I was old school on the Pal List way before the website- back to about 93 or 94 anyways- I hated MS and her arbitrary changes to the way the system worked although it doesn't really matter anyways since the Palladium system always has been the epitome of suck, except maybe in the Fantasy game.
  10. Re: The Doctor is in...Doctor Apocalypse that is..
  11. Re: Liefeld's Titans Or cut off both his hands so that he can draw with his teeth, couldn't possibly be any worse than what he does now...
  12. Re: Liefeld's Titans Wow, I knew you could get dumber just reading Liefield comics but I didn't know his evil was so great that reading threads about his comic would melt your mind as well...
  13. Re: Glitter Boy for 34 points- is that sick? Drain to the damage reduction, requires skill roll on system operation skill to hit that "Sweet Spot" frequency I guess- once the roll is made, every shot after that will bypass the reduction. Sample Variable Frequency Laser Rifle: 5d6 Rka Armor Piercing(+1/2), No Knockback(-1/4), Beam(-1/4), OAF(-1), 4 clips of 10 shots each(+1/4), Real Weapon(-1/4), Str Min 6/Does not add(-1) Active Cost:131.25 Real Cost:35 points Variable Frequency Laser: Drain-Damage Reduction 4d6 at range(+1/2), 0 end cost(+1/2), standard effect:3 points/die, only vs Glimmery Man laser resistance(-1), OAF(-1), Requires a Systems Operation roll at -4 to roll to use(-1/4), full phase per roll(-1/2), Linked to Rka(-1/2) Active Cost:80 points Real Cost:18 points Gun total:53 points from Resource pool, meaning the user would need to have bought up their resource pool at least 5 points, at the cost of 1 character point How about that?
  14. Re: Glitter Boy for 34 points- is that sick? Nah, I gave it 25 hardened and wrote it as a vehicle, so it would be very hard to do any body to it, [plus I gave it a 40 Body as well, to represent that even if you hurt it, it's damn tough! The railguns with x2 Pen rounds will be able to do 3pts. damage a shot or more with a spray (autofire 5 with these rounds), but even then it will be hard for them to easily do much harm to a GB. 40Body/3 per shot requires 14 shots to land to destroy a GB, while one shot from the Boom Gun will paste a Samas pilto quite well I would thnk. Brings new meaning to the term greasespot, it does... Oh yeah, gave it the 50% resistant energy damage reduction vs. light based attacks only(-1)- trying to stick to the whole 1/2 laser damage thing from the original game.
  15. Re: Glitter Boy for 34 points- is that sick?
  16. Re: Glitter Boy for 34 points- is that sick? The next day that I have plenty of Internet access and the books handy that I'm writing this up in, I'll start to send this stuff out somehow. Bang Gun, by the way, came down to 8d6 AP RKA and has an 11d6 Hearing group flash that does knockback- ths handles the kick against an unanchored bot as well as the sonic boom effect of knocking you back and deafening you at same time.
  17. Re: Glitter Boy for 34 points- is that sick? Actually, just re-wrote the GlitterBoy, now it squeks in at 32 Character Points for the required upgrade to the base Resource Pool required to 'buy' this monster. Other things that I've managed to stat up: Dog Boys; almost finished the Psi Stalker(their ability to completely drain a mage's End reserve or drain half a psychic's End pool was way more mexpensive than I expected, but it is a powerful ability, so...); the rules for Missles in the game; the basic Samas stats and a few of the Colaition classes; all but the Super Psionic powers; and I am part way through the Cybernetics/Biosystems/Bionics section of the book. Have not even started in on the skill-based classes or the Headhunter(as it requires that I finish the Cybernetics write-ups first). I want to finish the main book before branching out, since I want to focus on the more human-based aspects of the game over the new monster of the week approach that the game has gone to in their books.
  18. Re: Your "2005" Pet Gaming Projects Finally picked up the Rifts game book so that I could get around to the long threatened Rifts Hero game I've had rolling around in my head for a while now.
  19. Re: Glitter Boy for 34 points- is that sick? Currently my own computer is out of commision so I post here from the communal use comps at work where I cannot bring in a desk to store info, so at this time I only have my write-ups on paper, buit If I can find a cafe or something that has internet rental this weekend I will endeavor to post something, either here or through e-mail for those interested. Short notes: I have decided against using ECs for Juicers and Crazies, instead I gave them package deals that included huge disadvantages that do not count vs, character limits. I have decided on 250 point high level heroic characters, Resource Pools will be incorporated, ala Dark Champions, and Robots are Vehicles while Power armor will be a focus(but SAMAS and GB will be counted as Robots). I have statted half the Psi section of the main book, figured out how to do magic and statted out the magic classes and have statted the following packages: Crazies, Cyber Knights, Juicers and the magic groups. I really doing it sort of piecemeal right now.
  20. Doing my long threatened Rifts conversion to Hero and stated out a Glitter Boy PA and it came out to final cost of 382 points. I have decided to use DC resource pools and with the starting 10 points for vehicles, it requires 382/5=77-10= 67 points. At 2 Vehicle Points for every CP, that equals 34 Character Points for the points needed for the vehicle pool to buy a GB. Is this way too easy or what?
  21. Re: B.J. Zanzibar's WoD I hadn't realized that the site was still up... I had a few things up on that site back in the day, guess they still must be there, somewhere.
  22. Re: Silver Samurai Build question No, any advantage added to the HKA or HA powers can add the strength to them for no extra cost but the strength becomes pro-rated based on the advantages. In this case, +2 1/2 in advantages means STR25/3.5, or about 7 pts of strength added to the attack(earlier I divided by 2.5 when it should have been 3.5 for the proration on strength). It's in the Ultimate Martial Artist, if not FREd.
  23. Re: Silver Samurai Build question The strength used on an attack does not affect the cost of the naked advantage, you would just prorate the strength applied when the field is up, so that it could do 3 1/2d6 Hka with Str25 normally or 2 1/2d6 with Str25 with the field up...
  24. Re: Silver Samurai Build question Actually, the base power is 30 pts. for the 2d6 hka, I just made an error in the AVLD and stated it as +1 instead of +1 1/2, so with the Does Body advantage and AVLD on a 30 point power, that's a 75 point cost on the naked advantage and with the x2 end cost(-1/2), full phase to activate(-1/4), and costs end to activate(-1/4) limitations, it would cost 37 active Points and would cost 15 End total with the limitation. Base Katana:2d6 hka, 0 end cost(+1/2, which does not affect the cost of the power for the Naked advantage cost determination), OAF(-1) and Real Weapon(-1/4).
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