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Everything posted by tiger

  1. Hey all I need more maps for my play sessions. I have all the maps that came with the old Champions box set, the Resource kit and even from the old Different Worlds mags. BUt I need more, more I tell you. Actually I'd like to find some building layouts that I can drop a hex grid on to..Anybody have an idea where these can be found?
  2. Re: Alignment Issues I've always felt that it's the item, not the believes of the character that causes the damage. No differentthan a dragon slaying sword or a sword doing double damage vs reptiles. The alighnment itself governs how a character interacts with the world around them. If they would stop a fight or start one. Kill someone for looking at them worng, help a blind person. That's the characters outlook on live, not physical. Read any write up on alighnment you care to and its only talking about an outlook on life, it seems to me. This actually make alighnment even better in the Hero System. One character could worry about it where another doesn't, in D&D your stuck with it.
  3. Re: Alignment Issues Personally Alighnment to me is just a psych limitation. Its a characters outlook on live which would fall in that catagory. The degree moderate/total is the commitment to the alighnment the character has
  4. Re: Running through the forest I have the campaign book from 3rd/4th edition it has stats for rob..not sure how good they are though
  5. Hey, somewhere I saw an alternate speed method but can't find it. I tried to search but no luck
  6. Re: Hollow Earth Expedition! While I don't have the book, and not a pulp fan, it looks like it could easily be adapted to other generes as well..Seems a bit expensive for that purpose though.
  7. I recall reading somewhere, hard to tell where, that the old FH spell disadvantage of needing X amount of points in spells before one could take a "unique" spell was not valid. Is this correct or have I lost me marbles?
  8. Re: Old Adventurer's Club magazines 27
  9. Re: Official Champs Uni = Marvel Uni?
  10. I've rarely used this advantage so I'm a bit confused. The write-up states that the victim "takes 1 point of effect for every normal body done." SO: If this was added to a 3d6 range killing attack and the dice roll a 2 4 & 6. a) Would the victim then take 3 points of effect? (using normal body rules.) Would this be body? Sorry if this has been asked before, in our playing it never came up till now:)
  11. If you have used extra limb to buy 2 sets of hands, how many time would you have to buy amberdexterity? We had this question come up in our Star Hero game
  12. Re: Dungeon World Could be that there was a large realm wide mage world that destroyed the surface. The surface dweller's went underground for survival. Start excavating and made the underground complex that is the basis of the campaign. Characters could find other tunnels or large caves that where unknown to the general public. Could hook into old complex and dungeons of the world. Could even find away to the surface and adventures there
  13. I didn't explain myself very well, sorry. Is the damage the character takes always stun. So, if penetrating is added to HKA. Would the penetrating part of the attack be converted to stun damage. I figure it will because otherwise seems that +1/2 to have the body penetrate just seems to low.
  14. The write up doesn't really say for sure one way or the other. 1)On penetrating attacks I know the "body" of the attack is used to determine damage, but is the actual damage taken stun? 2)If it is stun how would this effect a automation?
  15. I was concerned that paying 5 pts for duplicate item would stop them from being concidered to different items because they were merely duplicates of each other.
  16. If you have two gadgets, say twin swords with multi-powers inside, would you be able to use a slot off each item at full power in the same phase? Say a darkness or invis off one sword, and a EB off another?
  17. Re: What?? Bruce Wayne isn't Batman??? I think it would be awesome to have some of the older groups and villians that DOJ as decided don't fit their new universe layout. I'm betting that there are lots of GMs that would like to have the stats for their campaigns. DOJ could start a "non-Offical or outside the Universe" line of books or even PDFs
  18. Re: Superhero Images Is that on this thread?
  19. Re: Superhero Images Step-by-step would be great! Not like you have anything else to do Oh wait there is that city book thingy, but I'm sure this is far more important Bad puns aside, this will help alot. This and a whole lot of trail and error!!!
  20. Re: Superhero Images What do you use to make a pic in the "Animated style" like These two?
  21. Re: What?? Bruce Wayne isn't Batman??? I love C.L.O.W.N, even had a Hero apply for membership. His pledge prank was putting up signs directing people to the Arizona State Garbage dump, Also known as the Grand Canyon, The park was wondering why the heck all the garbage trucks were showing up and wanting to know where to unload Also like Neutral Ground & Voice, There are several other good characters from the enemies books that haven't showed up as well.
  22. Had an old character that basically look like a big lump of clay until he changed into the form of some object. Was kind of fun to use.
  23. peircing could work as well..or have a extra sharp sword do a littel more damage than normal, so +1 dc or something along these lines.. really totally up to how you want the sword to work in relation ship to other weapons in you campaign
  24. Unless I dense, maybe, if the Talent Rapid Archery would be allowed to be used with other weapons, daggars or spears etc., then they would still have the 1/2 DCV penalty because it's part of the Talent as much as the weapons. Right?
  25. In the talent Rapid Archer it states that the characters DCV is 1/2. Is this because of the talent or using a bow? So I guess the question I have is if you allow this talent to be used with other weapons, say throwing knifes, would their DCV also be 1/2.
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