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Tom Cowan

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Everything posted by Tom Cowan

  1. 5 days a week mail delivery, that would work Post Offices, mail sorting and mail transport between centers should not stop on Friday at 5pm and how some people mess things up...
  2. and the call not to use the USPS? https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-election-ups-fedex-exclusive/exclusive-ups-fedex-warn-they-cannot-carry-ballots-like-u-s-postal-service-idUSKCN25B00I
  3. Well, if that is what it takes to get some people to wear a mask...
  4. describe to me in English what this power does--- It is a 10,000 deg plasma wash (blast) for .2 mico seconds (only going to cook surface)
  5. Not sure if I should be laughing or confused. My county has more active cases then that.
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/student-suspended-showing-fellow-students-065443749.html looks like things are going well... bad as I felt they would
  7. https://www.herogames.com/forums/forum/37-player-finder/
  8. can you teleport in/out if the wire if it is insulated? ie, only if you can contact the conductor?
  9. If the bear wants to chill in the pool, the bear can chill in the pool. Who wants to go to DQ for something cool? Waking up a bear may get you a grumpy bear
  10. maybe https://www.heroforge.com/
  11. I would rate the infectious disease lab safer then the schools as long as you are not a test subject.
  12. hmm https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/the-cdc-changed-its-advice-about-kids-and-coronavirus-right-before-recommending-schools-reopen-181605702.html
  13. school starting with in person class ... that is going to as... well... bet a lot of school districts will go back to online by the 5th time a school gets closed by a report of corona in one buildings
  14. Both movement powers would have the same disadvantages Naked Adv maybe a bit 'cheesy' if there is no down side but you can add that. Have you looked a mult-power?
  15. looks like we are 'do a good job' https://www.yahoo.com/news/texas-hospital-overrun-coronavirus-cases-124224673.html Yeah, we should be doing better.
  16. hmm, I export to what ever, then print to PDF the old built in PDF was broke with a JAV update ☹️☹️
  17. Only if the 'right' people with the millions die.
  18. https://www.herogames.com/files/category/2-export-formats/ has some
  19. I go with small 'waves' all the way back to prehistory. The last three 'waves' have come in the 90 years, and stacked on each one and have hit all the world. The past norm was one at a time with 250 to 1000 or more years between them over only a small area, say only middle east.
  20. That is as close to good new as we could hope for with how things have been going.
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