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Tom Cowan

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Tom Cowan

  1. Sorry I missed the game, got stuck working nights. some one quit. went to the con but by 1pm was half asleep
  2. Drain DEF? so target takes more damage and say the more damage taken is added damage from the chaos. hmm can you have negative DEF?
  3. Event signups have been delayed to 4 PM due to system issues
  4. A lot of 'older' PCs have a lot of EXP. thou villains should get EXP too.
  5. for the sniper, would you know the person was a sniper from a mile away? you could see the fact there is some one there, but is the person a danger?
  6. The web site is always a work in progress or it's an abandon site
  7. yes, or nano-reserve or what ever. charges are there own limitation, also removes the END cost (but you can add it back with the costs END limitation.)
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