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John Desmarais

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Everything posted by John Desmarais

  1. Re: Team Norfolk Campaign Blog Interesting. Me and a couple of friends have a shared setting call Neptune City that is a fictionalized version of Norfolk. JD
  2. Re: Team Norfolk Campaign Blog Ok, I'm curious. Why is someone in Illinois running a campaign set in Norfolk?
  3. Re: Fantasy Hero http://gameroid.blogspot.com/2007/12/clan-cave-brute-odms.html That's one unattractive group right there...
  4. Re: Skrull vs. Avengers It ain't pretty, but the Annihilation stories have been about the best thing Marvel has going right now. It's big selling point? It all takes place very, very, very, very, very far from Earth and it's post-Civil War angst.
  5. Re: I had a descussion with Steve about buying some Hero's books... Although this does sound kind of like the direction Hero is leaning for 6th edition (splitting the rules out into multiple core books ala GURPs)
  6. Re: Double The Hero Excitement! I'd buy that for a dollar!
  7. Re: Neptune City Nope. She's in Neptune - other side of the country from Neptune City. Too far to walk for a walk-on role.
  8. Re: Teen Champions Resource? Volume two is out? Cool!
  9. Re: Neptune City We like it.
  10. Re: Neptune City I'm still kinda bummed that the Golden Age game didn't happen. Heroes versus Nazi frogmen....
  11. Re: The book I want more then any other.... Yes, but a long time ago (much has been added since I did it) so I'm not really even sure where it is...
  12. Re: The futures of the past. Without tail fins on your helmet you can't turn...
  13. Re: The book I want more then any other.... Is there some particular reason why a fan managed project like this http://lostcoastgaming.com/files/masterlists.htm can't fill this need? I'm kind of in agreement with Steve L on this one. It's be a boring book for him to write and I don't think that many Hero customers would really be that interested in it for what it would cost. But as free fan generated content, it's pretty cool.
  14. Re: A Common Origin Story For An Entire Team ? I've never done it for a "real" game (convention games where I pre-build all of the characters don't count) but I love the idea and, if I ever find myself with a group of players predisposed towards it I'm keen to try it. When I was a kid, and first exposed to comics, the superhero team books were always my favorite - and of those the Fantastic Four was the one I always thought had the best origin as their origin provided a reason to not just become a team, but to stay one.
  15. Re: Deathray Commerical My villain needs these...
  16. Re: Rocket launching aircraft carriers How much do you suppose the rear end of that ship sinks during launches?
  17. Re: OKay here's a toughie... Leave off the "Cannot Form Barriers" and it can stop a bullet (and be used in other defensive ways).
  18. Re: OKay here's a toughie... How about instead of mucking with the SPD chart (which sets off many of my GM disads) you just do a moderately large area invisible Entangle with personal immunity, Takes No Damage From Physical Attacks and Cannot Form Barriers, Cannot Be Escaped With Teleport (and maybe and Works Against EGO, Not STR). Limit it to only last for a fixed amount of time and you're all set.
  19. Re: Certain gods in real-world pantheons I'm not sure the concept works. On the whole, there really isn't a god of evil in most real-world pantheons. Instead, evil is usually attributed to "those other guy's gods" or "the gods that our gods displaced to make the world a perfect place for us". For the Greeks, the Titans were evil. For the Norse, the Giants (and a few others) were evil. Egypt. This one is kind of funny. Set became the god of evil after the unification of Egypt (during the reign of Narmer) because the religion of Set fell into disfavor with the state religion (probably due to a failed rebellion followed by the typical "history is written by the victors" thing). Prior to Set, the "evil" deity for them would have been Apep (or Apophis), the Destroyer - but he's really more a figure of folklore and was never actually worshiped. (It's interesting to note that Set's original role was to battle Apep and keep him from destroying the Sun Boat of Ra.)
  20. Re: Legion of Super-Heroes Package Deals I've done Legion-like campaigns before, and I've always done them the same way (this assumes a long running campaign). Each player makes three characters, each one on a different point base (low-power super, high-power super, very-high-power super). Periodically, I'd have the players switch out their character. "This week's game is going to require the Legion Espionage Squad." "Today we'll be needed the planet busters" Here's some more notes on a LSH type campaign: www.herostuff.net/campaigns/c3k/index.html JD
  21. Re: Hero All-Stars 2008 The last convention game I did in this time period included the following PCs: Alie Dunbar Arsene Lupin Digory Kirke Irene Adler James Douglas Henry Jules de Grandin Martha Canary Thomas Carnacki
  22. Re: Looking for HPA Pulp Adventure Recommendation
  23. Re: Building the Animated Justice League Well, since you asked...
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