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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Re: T-Minus Fourteen Hours and One Minute (Or So) To Gametime Y'know, I think it was Mas Oyama who said that he could take one group of students and run drills all day, and have the other group meditate on actual combat and the practice of karate all day, and that the second group would be superior. I assume you've been thinking about Champs quite a bit, considering -- so put the past problem with the unrelated group behind you and go in with no expectations. Or, as my dad said, "Quit playing the last hole and play this one." Of course, I'm running tomorrow and I've got stage fright, and these are people I've RUN before.
  2. Re: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Wooden as a fence post. When she is happy to give up her immortality, it doesn't seem to have ANYTHING to do with the fact that she'll be "free" to date the kid. Kind of a nebulous relationship to give up eternity for, IMHO. Her lack of ability was distracting.
  3. Starting a Rocketship Empires 1936 one-shot tomorrow, to see if my players like the concept. It's outer-space pulp, based on a roughly WWII technological facade over Martian biotechnology. So, naturally, our characters will start out in a bar. However, they're pre-cooked and already know each other, being crew on a tramp "freighter" which is more like a light gunship. More to come.
  4. Re: Superhumans pulling an Authority I became interested in this thread just because so many contributors to it eventually got banned. As to the original idea, it makes a better story than a game, IMHO. His characters would, as was pointed out, wind up setting more policy than kicking a$$. Why not just play Diplomacy or something similar? I prefer a$$-kicking games. More cathartic.
  5. Re: What's the Simplest Way To Do This? Hmm . . . 'link' was a bad word, especially since I was envisioning a disadvantage. The first MP would be the "control". You build the MPs with the same amount of slots. Each of the "slaved" MPs would be bought with the disadvantage, "Can only use the same number slot as control". Disadvantage level to taste, I'd give it a -1/2, but I could see it as high as a -1 considering the way it could lock out 2/3rds or more of the powers at a time. I like the concept, may try it for a shapeshifter.
  6. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Weeds Numb3rs Mad Men Burn Notice -- go Bruce! Loved the recent "Con the Conman" episode Finished rewatching Angel.
  7. Re: Between a Brick and a Hard Place: Martial throw Wow, that's a lot of g-stress starting and finishing. Looot of g-stress. If we break the phase down into sections, half would be move, a little less than half would be attack, and then a small slice of time for k/b. I think a throw of 40" would be about half a phase, and flight would be a full phase, so there's your ability to catch up. Knockback would technically be much faster accelleration and decelleration, but not as much raw top speed, or they'd go much farther. Or, whatever's more fun.
  8. Re: What's the Simplest Way To Do This? VPPs are so expensive, though. If not MF, I would rather use two or three Multipowers -- even four, depending, with linked powers. It'd be cheapest, I think. Might be a fun gedankenexperiment.
  9. Re: Skrull vs. Avengers Wow. Why aren't YOU writing the Avengers?
  10. Re: Skrull vs. Avengers There's gotta be an equation that correlates over-exposure and diminishing returns. He was my favorite character in the early eighties. Now, I just kinda groan inwardly when I see him, and I see him EVERYWHERE. :
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Don't . . . even . . . want . . . to . . . know . . .
  12. Re: Exact wording of this Dr. Strange quote? Quick! Dive for cover!
  13. Re: Which sourcebook will help me out the most? Heck yeah! (What were we agreeing on? I forget. )
  14. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) "Beauty mark" HERO
  15. Re: Savate: Sport and Martial Art Honestly, I think an escrimador would rip up the cane-fighters. Too much emphasis on the aesthetic. I see a largo mano clip to the wrist, then going deep inside for maximum ownage.
  16. Re: CthulhuTech? I loved the Known Space tales.
  17. Re: league of extraordinary PULP HEROs After his mother died, victim of a mugging/shooting in the streets of Rome, Dr. Giovanni Rossali turned his back on a huge criminal empire built on his powers of hypnosis and blackmail, and turned his attention towards avenging his mother. An outcast from Rome's underworld, he preyed on street criminals, interrogating them in alleys under hypnosis, and then dispatching them with fists or pistols. Once he tracked down his mother's killer, he realized he could never return to crime, and now he sets his sights on crime, wherever his wandering uncovers it. And many are the criminals whose last vision is the tall man, with the black clothes and trenchcoat, and the hellish, mesmerizing eyes . . .
  18. Maelstrom


    Re: Chtulhu I've been through The Mystic World, and I can't find Vulshoth mentioned anywhere. Is he in another book? My research powers may be weak.
  19. Re: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor We need more Atomic Rocket movies.
  20. Re: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor They got Maria Bello (Payback, History of Violence) to play Fraser's wife. I also though Yeoh should have gotten more screen time, since she was probably the best actress in the piece. The mention that mummies were found in South America after the brother leaves for there to escape mummies . . . so no bet, it's a sure thing. Not that big a fan of Oded Fahr, not when you compare him to Jet Li.
  21. Re: The Practice Effect Yes, but only the L'Toff could make the improvements permanent. How about this: you can only double the amount of points 'built into' the weapon at the beginning. The last point has to be from a character's own reserve of XP to be permanent. Or should it cost more?
  22. Re: If you act, as you think . . . Exactly. Being able to see or sense underlying patterns in seemingly coincident forces or events. He sees the leaf, and fires because the straight fall of the leaf indicates the straight shot, even without a causal connection. Not synergy, btw, but thanks.
  23. Re: Cool Guns for your Games Worse yet -- trying to get an actual tenth round in the magazine is not worth it -- so I only put in eight. Stupid California.
  24. Re: Soon I Will Be Invincible Didn't care for the end, but I liked the rest of the book.
  25. Re: Genres HERO GAMES may want to avoid (intended to be humorous) Cham-beer-a Hero Hey, they can't all be gems, y'know.
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