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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. Maelstrom


    Re: Chtulhu No apologies necessary. Considering the mass of source material, sometimes I forget that putting enhanced senses in multipowers is illegal until people nudge me halfway through chargen.
  2. Re: shadowcats superhero insanity shop: Justice Laundry Superteam Your team looks prêt-à-porter. I'd add a character, but all mine are bespoken for.
  3. Re: A Multiform Power Suit Don't forget the automatic jacks and the buzz saws.
  4. Re: Opposing Force: Taking a Walk on the Vile Side Use "The Italian Job" idea to bring them together. They have an uneasy truce, but then gel when the NPC betrays them all . . .
  5. Re: Does anyone have a write up of Gloop/Gleep from the Herculoids? Hm. I assumed they were siblings. But I had a younger brother. Project much?
  6. Re: Heroes from All Fifty States I still think California's super should be Captain Bureaucracy and his Staff of Justice!
  7. Re: How would Stronghold imprison your character? Maelstrom? Peel him out of the suit, and he's just a . . . SEAL. Air pressure cell. Wolf/O-kami? A ninja with access to magic? You'd have to use mind control.
  8. Re: Royalty Character
  9. Re: Purple Powers Fanta Or gravity. I think Graviton from Marvel used purple.
  10. Ever wonder why Moriarty was a professor of mathematics? I've been watching the archives of this show -- and using the way that Professor Epps solves crimes could easily be used as a mastermind-level villain's thought process. I don't want to give too many examples due to spoilage. But in nearly every case, I watch the episode with a notepad to check the more interesting theories. In one, another mathematician, working on Rieman's prime factoring, had his daughter snatched. Check it out, and take notes. It really is fun to watch people being brilliant, and how you can twist that brilliance to your own . . . um, your player's benefit. (power! limitless power!!)
  11. Re: Skrull vs. Avengers I want to see the face of the Superskrull who was assigned to the Mystery Men. "Aww, these guys SUCK!"
  12. Re: World of HEROCraft? It's a tiny tiny place, but look at all that room for growth as they keep 'discovering' continents. Maybe in a few years we'll see another major 'continent'. Eventually, as much land mass as Earth . . . by the time we're living in Orbitals. Ooo, WoW orbitals. Hmmm . . .
  13. Re: Lance of Faith How about using Change Environment to give your whole party a +2 to OCV? Might require careful positioning, but isn't that what D&D is all about?
  14. Re: No Horses For You My first FH character rode a donkey. A donkey that had been sorcerously mutated by dragon blood. Eeesh. Check out Randall Garrett's The Bronze of Eddarta and others for telepathic, intelligent, riding-cats. Fun stuff. I'd build it as a follower more than allow it as a purchase. I like the WoW approach too.
  15. Re: Savate: Sport and Martial Art Ok. I was confused by "de Combat" and "de Arme". But then, I confuse Pagkalikali and Arnis de Mano sometimes too.
  16. Re: Lightsabre Combat! Wow, TB! Yer my hero! I may restart my SWH game now.
  17. Re: campaign idea: Secret Service at a circus Getting better and better.
  18. Re: Rocketship Empires . . . and, of course, they won. What they actually found would take a lot of explanation, but they defeated the Qin, and won a prize that caused them to gasp, and they're actually eager to continue this as a campaign. So I won too.
  19. Re: Ideas for combat runes Point totals. Don't allow him frameworks. Wait, metagaming how?
  20. Re: campaign idea: Secret Service at a circus Brother elevated to Senator or President would do it. Ah. Sister-in-law replaces dying Vice President. That way she's a target, but not a prime target for terrorism.
  21. Re: If you act, as you think . . . Very cool, Vanguard.
  22. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Also from my game today: "Next time, buy a fireproof cat."
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Dang, I don't remember back that far anymore. I remember RC being good once upon a time, but as I get older, "sweet" isn't that attractive to me anymore.
  24. Re: Hard sci-fi adventures? Here ya go: http://skeletonkeygames.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=13689&it=1 http://www.rpgnow.com/product_info.php?products_id=13689&it=1
  25. Re: Savate: Sport and Martial Art I think it's funny that the street-level empty-hand stuff is so, indeed, formidable, but the WEAPON form is based on aesthetics. Of course, kung fu has scholar sword, too. Escrima isn't that aesthetic, and I used to work out with a Dog Brother, so I'm just prejudiced. I think the acrobatic and aesthetic h2h stuff is great, but I prefer weapon arts to be pragmatic. Just personal choice. Savate cane IS pretty, though, and I'm sure it's a good workout.
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