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Everything posted by BNakagawa

  1. Space Lion 2020 goes live in 4 and a half hours. (9pm pst)
  2. It's time we blew this scene. Get everybody and the stuff together...
  3. The simple fix is to require all police to carry individual malpractice insurance policies. Settlements for wrongful deaths etc. get paid by insurance companies and the premiums pay them in advance. Of course, once an individual has proven to be a bad risk, expect the premiums to rise accordingly...
  4. the plot thickens... https://kstp.com/news/george-floyd-fired-officer-overlapped-security-shifts-at-south-minneapolis-club-may-28-2020/5743990/
  5. I suspect it's more like protective custody, given that a police precinct was set on fire yesterday. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/29/us/minneapolis-george-floyd-friday/index.html
  6. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/05/27/national/crime-legal/police-arrest-suspect-kyoto-animation-arson/#.Xs4eh1VKiUk it's complicated.
  7. No. they're going to suspend the counting because it's a federal holiday.
  8. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/498375-trump-says-hes-been-taking-hydroxychloroquine?fbclid=IwAR2jfb4pW_rg4ilN7Wuggy8hkf9ma9h-NAH2eSjLANGnLNGNQsARJzhZCTI#.XsL4UOxupiQ.facebook He claims this drug is some sort of miracle cure for Coronavirus, so essentially, he's admitting that he has the disease, but refuses to wear a mask. Maybe he'll infect his entire administration.
  9. four years ago was an entire mirror mirror type inversion ago.
  10. we're like their version of Jersey Shore.
  11. That's just our reported cases, too. It's not like this country is leading the world in tests conducted per capita.
  12. isn't that just 7? (and also not just under 5?) Oh, I get it, you think the average on a d3 is 1.5 it's 2. I was weirded out by the numbers in the original post about a d6 of killing damage doing just under 5 stun and couldn't figure out how that would work.
  13. how does 15 points of killing attack average just under 5 stun?
  14. What are the germans doing right? Paying attention to instructions maybe?
  15. NOOSNOW. (Monsoon upside down) might be from the southern hemisphere Typhoon Wind Shear MicroBurst CAT-5
  16. On one hand, this isn't a good look for China, which has a record of not being forthcoming with data that casts a negative light on them. On the other hand, anyone who takes their word at face value needs to have their heads examined. Instead pay attention to what they're doing. If the spread of the virus wasn't person to person and not that big a deal, would China be building huge new medical facilities at breakneck pace?
  17. Rather, Miami goes seven weeks without detecting a homicide. Chances are pretty good that somebody will eventually stumble across a locked down house with a month old murder victim in it.
  18. there is some talk that conventions might not come back in a form we recognize. From restrictions on artists to regulations on vendors to changes to the code of conduct for attendees, the cons that happen, assuming they are ever allowed to happen, might not be the same. For artists, vendors, crafters and others, this might be an end to an era.
  19. http://www.anime-expo.org/2020/04/17/anime-expo-return-los-angeles-2021/ The summer supercons have all cancelled.
  20. Improved familiar feat. Worth it.
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