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Everything posted by BNakagawa

  1. My approach on these calculations is don't measure the stat, measure the effect. So, to gauge a character's offensive potential, define a campaign-appropriate challenge. (or if you really want more precision, several - ranging from agent to approximate equal to master villain) Then calculate how many segments of continuous attacking it will take to defeat said opponent. Then for defense, run the numbers in the other direction.
  2. The original film was made by amateurs as the opening credits for a convention in 1983. The remake was created using freeware for a contest in 2011. And in 2005, a japanese drama about an otaku's unlikely romance used a parody in the opening credits. The bunnygirl in this video was designed specifically for this show (to give the otaku a favorite show that wasn't somebody else's intellectual property). In the end, they didn't want to let the design work go to waste, so they gave her her own anime series.
  3. MMD tribute to Ichiro Suzuki (made back when he was still in Seattle) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IahWeRskPHQ
  4. then why not leave the +1 stun mod at +1/2, as originally designed? If the point of the KA was to generate body, not stun, this should not have happened.
  5. It's already possible. With the disastrous decision to make the +1 Stun Multiple cost only +1/4, you could simply buy a 1d6 KA with +12 Stun Mod, which does, on the average MORE Stun damage than 12d6 EB. Or worse, a 1 pip KA with a +42 Stun Mod, AoE 1 hex. Now it does more average STUN than 12d6 EB and it never misses. That first attack, the one that bears an uncanny resemblance to the imaginary horrible power in my first post? It averages 22 stun past 30 defenses. It averages over 15 stun past 40 defenses. buh-roken.
  6. Under the old "Stun Lottery" rules, the KA was the superior attack against high DEF targets because of its volatility. To demonstrate the danger that the Stun Lottery presented, let's do a little thought experiment. Imagine an attack power that cost 5 points per DC. When you hit with this power, you roll just one die for damage and multiplied the result by the number of DC. Now, this power has exactly the same minimum, maximum and average damage as an equivalent EB of the same active points, so this new power has to be balanced, right? Of course not. This power would be a terrible idea. Pay no attention to the averages and look at the actual results. Your average PC has a 33 -50% chance of getting stunned with any 12 DC hit from this power. Think about what that does to the game. The new KA rules are fine. As long as you use KAs for the type of thing it is designed for: breaking force walls, barriers (ugh), machines, constructs, vehicles, and occasionally killing things. If you're trying to stun things into unconsciousness, use something else.
  7. The problem with the old stun lottery is that it was far more effective than an equivalent Active point EB at inflicting serious stun damage on high defense targets (typically bricks and master villains) If you look at a high defense, high CON target, (Let's say 32 def, 23 CON) your average 12d6 EB has a chance of stunning them that is probably about 5% or less. A 4d6 KA using the old stun lottery rules can probably stun that target at least 25% or more. (rolling a 5 or 6 stun modifier, yielding 56-70 stun on an average body roll) The high volatility of the stun caused by a KA used to be a real balancing problem. You can see how disrupting it can be by performing a simple thought experiment. What if there was a +0 modifier to energy blast that would allow you to replace a 12d6 EB with a 1d6 roll that you multiplied the result by 12? The minimum, maximum and average damage produced by such a construct is clearly exactly the same as a 12d6 EB, so it can't possibly be unbalancing, right? Of course not. This is a horrible idea. The game would be fundamentally broken by the introduction of such a construct. And yet, in a sense, this is what the old style stun lottery was like.
  8. Rich, you magnificent Bastard!
  9. Don't even get me started on Hotel California...
  10. Re: Most PCs... If you just rewrite the original premise to read Other People's PCs don't need... I think we'd support the statement.
  11. Re: But I don't want Grond to be a pushover... A possible solution: VIPER did something to Grond which makes him no longer affected by human class affecting mental powers, but also dulls his reflexes so he isn't quite as accurate or damaging with his punches. He's still just as tough, so he's a load to bring down and he can still terrorize normals, so the PCs are still required to put him down, but he's less likely to slaughter the team.
  12. Re: "Neat" Pictures [ATTACH=CONFIG]45507[/ATTACH]
  13. Re: And now, for your daily dose of cute... [ATTACH=CONFIG]45461[/ATTACH] I like cats, Shokotan licks cats. I hope we're not related.
  14. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Seasonal Affective Disorder's got nothing on this
  15. Re: A Thread for Random Videos nightmare fuel? three minute ramen timer? maybe a little of both.
  16. Re: A Thread for Random Videos I'm guessing #2 is either a KISS fan or lost a bet... http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=Mup12tI0Nho&NR=1
  17. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I watched the Chicago Bears get crushed at the Stick. The weather was surprisingly pleasant.
  18. Re: "Neat" Pictures [ATTACH=CONFIG]44995[/ATTACH]
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Videos JDF Kisarazu base's mascot character decorates an attack helicopter, with "cosplayer".
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