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Everything posted by Basil

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Give me all your money and become my pleasure slave!" (OK, now that the obvious one is out of the way, lets see what inventive ideas will be put forward)
  2. Re: Bernal Sphere, O'Neill Cylinder, Turing Craft.. "The fact the last half-dozen to dozen generations of my forebearers lived in this "inhabsat" {NB: my own word, but free for anyone's use}, and we've been moving deeper and deeper into the Oort Cloud for all/most of that time (ever since my great-great-great-...-grandparents (and their contemporaries that founded this inhabsat) split off from a bunch of stay-at-homes that wanted to stay in the Kuiper Belt). I mean, what's a star but a gravitational "reference point"? That being so, what difference is it which is used?" "What, some of my great-great-great-...-grandchildren may split off and move inwards to [destination star's] Kuiper Belt. Well, hell, so what? There's always more room; more resources (esp. for volitiles) if you're willing to push your inhabsat in the right direction." Seriously: in a universe where relativity cannot be "gotten around" I don't see any way that Earth (or a consortium of "major planets") will be the ones to go to other stars. It would be, I am convinced, some of those whose inhabitations are already so far from Sol that it wouldn't require much to just drift off to another star. If their descendants even bother to moving in "close to" the star, it will be a few generations later. Frankly, given reliable, efficient fusion power, and the large amounts of volitiles available in the Oort Cloud and Kuiper Belt, there's bloody little the near vicinity of a star has to offer.
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Proving that monkeys shouldn't be in charge of anything. Not that it has anything to do with the campaign, but this is Foxbat, after all. NT: Why monkeys should not be in charge of anything.
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Who used an improbably powerful bow to fill these poor fellows with arrows? A: Making 'em up as I go along.
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What "you're so girly" taunt against an ancient Greek hero caused the death of hundreds? A: Making 'em up as I go along.
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What's the latest rip-off of Ice Capades called? A: Britanica and Webbsters, combined!
  7. Re: [Question] C.I.A. Field Agents To harvest herbs, of course!
  8. Basil

    The Bat Volvo

    Re: The Bat Volvo Well, I'd suggest you ask yourself what's the most important ability/abilities you want the car to have, and scale back to there. For example, you could start with the Supercar in The Ultimate Vehicle, page 46-47, and cut back the weapons and armor, maybe the speed, and add a Disadvantage or two. I'd also recommend giving the car abilities useful "off road" so that the points put into it are not so limited; that will take a little out of the "sting" for spending a lot of points on one thing.
  9. Yep, seems there's hydrocarbons in all sorts of places: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2007/07/070705-sponge-picture.html And it's not just the pre-life-like nature of the hydrocarbons that the article stresses. There's also the fact that volatiles will be so very useful in the exploration of the Solar System.
  10. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat War (What's It Good For) by Whitfield & Strong. The Edwin Starr version, of course.
  11. Re: Wild Martial Arts Move Names Running Stroke: Silk Parts In The Wind. Dodge: The Absent Is Not Harmed. Block: The Tiger Is Stopped. Escape: Water Flows, Steam Rises. Disarm: The Rhinoceros Loses His Horn. Takeaway: Possessions Are A Burden. Throw: Not All Directions Are Equally Useful. and--- Brace: The Superior Man Is Prepared. Legsweep: The Tree Is Cut At The Bottom. Haymaker: The Glacier Is Slow But Not Stopped. Choke Hold: Without Proper Flow, What Can Last? Move Through: Becoming The Avalanche. Sweep: Treat All Alike. Pulling A Punch: To Each As He Deserves.
  12. Re: Orbital Skydiving! An interesting idea, but I see a major problem regarding its use as a sport. At 96.5 km above sea level, given a circular orbit, the ground track moves at about 7.7 km/sec. While re-entry effects can alter that significantly, you still have the problem that even a short hesitation can put the "jumper" dozens of kilometers away from the intended landing site. Either the "skydiver's craft" will have to dump the person, regardless of how ready s/he may feel, or the people running things are going to have to be ready to extract customers from all kinds of potential difficulties. And what some countries may do about "overflights" could get very, very hairy.
  13. Re: Bernal Sphere, O'Neill Cylinder, Turing Craft.. OK, how does this fit in with what you said in the first paragraph? This doesn't sound like anybody's forgetten anything. See my last sentence.
  14. Re: Another real life character for the Pulp Era.
  15. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Doc, my face just fell off. What's your diagnosis? A: Well, maybe it is just a tooth ache.
  16. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat A hard time. NT: What to get your dad for his birthday.
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Somehow, your computer keeps booting up in MS-DOS. And you own a Mac!
  18. Re: Answers & Questions Q: How do you know your driving might, perhaps, be in need of just a wee hint of a little bit of improvement? A: Why ever not?
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat And Now For Something Completely Predictable: Major US Movie Synopses by Ima Hack
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat ...out. Three times a day.
  21. Re: The ElDorado Directive Elderly gentlemen who remember the "Wild West" --- which was, after all, only 3 to 5 decades before your setting. Also, Bonnie and Clyde swung through New Mexico about 5 years before.
  22. Re: [Hooks] News articles that could be Pulp Adventures Performing a little thread necromancy---- Want some ghosts for your pulp adventure? Here's two articles with plenty, and some have just-pre-pulp/early-pulp origins: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003761422_mymarketghostbios25m.html http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2003761417_mymarketghost25m.html
  23. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Picketers. Lots and lots of picketers.
  24. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat It includes pants with the crotch down around his knees, a bandana, and 18 karat gold jewelry that looks like cheap brass trash.
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