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Xavier Onassiss

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Everything posted by Xavier Onassiss

  1. Re: The cranky thread Note to self: the so-called "gaming scene" in my old college town is pretty much dead. All the good gamers left years ago. Nobody left but dorks, not wasting any more time trying to find any worth gaming with.
  2. Re: The cranky thread My home internet connection is down again. I've tried two different wi-fi adapters and two different computers, with the same result. (zip) Since I'm using my next-door neighbor's wireless for internet access, I bought them a new router last night. Everything else checks out; the router is pretty much the only thing left to troubleshoot. We'll see if this helps....
  3. Re: Adjusting DCV For "Self Only" temporary increases to characteristics, I sometimes use the Time Limit Advantage, combined with the Costs END to Activate limitation. For this situation, here's how it looks: (Total: 48 Active Cost, 40 Real Cost) +5 DEX, Time Limit (1 Turn; +1/4) (12 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) (Real Cost: 10) plus +2 OCV, Time Limit (1 Turn; +1/4) (12 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) (Real Cost: 10) plus +2 DCV, Time Limit (1 Turn; +1/4) (12 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) (Real Cost: 10) plus +1 SPD, Time Limit (1 Turn; +1/4) (12 Active Points); Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) (Real Cost: 10) It's a bit less expensive than using Aid, but OTOH, all 10pts go away after 1 turn, as opposed to Aid's fade rate of 5pts/turn.
  4. Re: "Neat" Pictures I don't think its the nose. The basic disconnect between Wonder Woman and Joan Jett is that JJ has one of the flattest chests in the rock 'n' roll pantheon. Possibly 2nd place after Pat Benetar.... And I've just realized that expounding on this subject in such detail makes me sound like a total and complete perv. I'll just stop digging now.... Oddly, spellcheck says "perv" is a word. But it's flagging "spellcheck." WTF?
  5. Re: Jokes I do believe you're correct, sir.
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures Very cool pic, but why in the *&^% would Black Canary need a *&^%ing microphone???
  7. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread I think she likes me.
  8. Re: Jokes I wrote this haiku But it went horribly wrong The last line is too long!
  9. Re: If you Had to Pick, ONE (already) Setting, to Run in, What is it? It's the characters in Santiago that really grab me. I think my favorite scene is when Father William draws in his laser pistol in the middle of a sermon and shoots an assassin dead (in the left eye) without skipping a beat. "Don't touch him! There's paper on that man. He belongs to me and the Lord." Preaching is just his day job. He's also a bounty hunter. Baddest preacher I've seen since Wolfwood.
  10. Re: A Thread for Random Videos Spoilered for language.
  11. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Could be worse... I'm not even gonna TRY a HeroMachine Tanuki.
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings Same here. Starting with the intro pages for the adventures I'll be running at GenCon. (Expect to see those within the week.)
  13. Re: Project WyrmStar: Terracide Good news from the Terracide front! Play-testing of both this year's Terracide adventures for GenCon took place this past weekend at Armored Gopher Games in Urbana, IL. The Gopher is home to some of Illinois' most experienced Hero players, so I got lots of good feedback on how to improve these scenarios. And they've both been added to the gaming schedule for FandomFest in Louisville KY, the weekend of July 22-24.
  14. Re: The cranky thread Just to be thorough, I guess. Wouldn't want to leave out all the cranky people; that would be most unkind. They deserve to hear the good news. Either that or to make the cranky people who are still job hunting even crankier. But Old Man wouldn't do something that mean, would he? Oh, and uh... PLONK!
  15. Re: The cranky thread PLONK! No BOO-ing when someone lands a job. Now, be nice.
  16. Re: The "Nice Happy" Thread It would seem my internet connection has returned sooner than expected. Now I can get back to work....
  17. Re: "Neat" Pictures Turn... I said TURN. NOW!!! No, LEFT, you idiot... LEFT!!! Oh that does it. We're doomed.
  18. I've been playtesting adventures for GenCon, and one thing that keeps coming up is my choice of export formats. I like to use the "RTF Simple Heroic 6E" but it seems to be confusing a lot of the players in the playtesting sessions. Personally, I think this is a well-organized export format, with a minimum of redundant information and a lot of 'clutter' which isn't needed at convention games eliminated (point costs, etc.) However, there's a disconnect with some of the experienced Hero gamers who use more 'traditional' character sheets in their games, and they're having trouble finding the information they need on these modified character sheets. I generally tag my convention games 'Some Hero experience recommended' so this problem is likely to come up again. I need to look at some other export formats. What export formats do you like to use at convention games? Which ones do your players find easiest to use? Thanks in advance for your advice and feedback.
  19. Re: She kicks hard Thanks for pointing that out -- saved me the trouble.
  20. Re: "Neat" Pictures Ohhh... shiny! Where do I find one of these? That's right up there with the Klein bottle opener!
  21. Re: She kicks hard I once wrote up a female martial artist with Penalty Skill Levels, bought with the limitation: only for hit location 13 (vitals). The power was defined as "Hitting 'em where it hurts." She didn't have extra DC's as such, but if she needed it, she always got the damage multiplier for a vitals hit.... Add another limitation for "only with kicks" and you'll get the same effect.
  22. Re: The cranky thread I went through a similar process a few years ago. The (soon to be) ex-wife found out that the local women's center offered a seminar in "pro se" divorces, including instruction in how to write up the divorce decree, property settlements, how to file papers with the court, etc. It was very informative, and I was able to handle everything myself, even after the 'amicable' divorce turned a bit nasty. (I learned my lesson -- you can date a psycho, just don't marry her.) I'd suggest looking for something like that in your area. Hope everything works out, and I also hope your dissolution remains amicable.
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