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Everything posted by Starwolf

  1. Re: Need help building a starship Speaking as the best pilot in the known galaxy , when Nolgroth runs at the speed of plot, the action usually starts with the statement "I need a combat pilot roll" or something similar. Of course occasionally, the action starts when I/Wade performs some feat of derring-do, like scooping an endangered space suited/spacewalking companion from open space, into the cargo bay, in the middle of battle, and not squishing her .
  2. Re: Need help building a starship Nolgroth hit the nail on the head as far as travel times. let your players travel at the speed of "plot". Just explain that your ships are STL and travel times take weeks/months/years. Then let the players RP the departures, battles, RP scenes, and arrivals, hand wave the rest. The ship arrives somewhere when you need it too.
  3. Re: Need help building a starship First... Welcome to Hero If you are going to run a Star Hero campaign, I have several Hero supplements I heartily recommend. 1) Star Hero: This book gives great insight into using the Hero System for sci-fi campaigns, and delves into starship construction, character generation, alien races, etc. All of the topics you mentioned are discussed in varying levels of detail. 2) Hero Sidekick: This book is like Hero lite and is designed to introduce new players and GMs to the system. It covers all of the basic, essential elements of the game, leaving all of the advanced rules and options for the big core book and other supplements. 3) The Hero System Combat Handbook: This book consolidates all of the combat rules from all of the supplements into one central, easy to use at the table, combat reference. 4) The Ultimate Vehicle: This book covers vehicle construction/use in great detail. It covers all types of vehicles, everything from chariots to starships, with examples. 5) Hero Designer: This software helps you to construct characters. It handles all of the math calculations while enforcing rule adherence. It also allows a fair amount of customization so that you can incorporate most house rules. 6) There is a great little utility to help with die rolling here, http://www.bcholmes.org/rpgs/HDDieDieDie.jar You can of course use regular 6 sided dice as well. Or there are even Hero Dice in the online store that have special PIPs to help make counting stun and body easier. I hope this helps
  4. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign
  5. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign No problems, thats what Tinks are for... You know unraveling secrets , rescueing fair damsels (Thalia ), and pulling up dragon boys .
  6. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Just a note... The servers are offline..
  7. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Yipee Ki YAH!
  8. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Are we playing FH or SH tonight?
  9. Re: Teleporting -- need a better name for it. Bamfing, poofing, puffing
  10. Re: Post-Apocalyptic Hero -- What Do *You* Want To See? I'd like to see a brief discussion on re-discovering technology. Something like research times, underlying technology required to produce higher technology, Maybe a touch on the downside/side effects of failed attempts to operate unfamiliar technology. IRRC there was a mention of something like this in Star Hero, about the effects of using higher and lower ATRI level equipment. An expansion on this as a guide to developing/redeveloping low tech items.
  11. Re: HERO System GOOGLE Search I'll submit my site AFTER I do some updating and add more content. OBTW Repped!
  12. Re: Looking for Faith-based Magic Rules Listed on page 246 of FH... It reflects the optional rule that spells cannot be part of a multiple attack, nor can they use the blazing away, grab by, haymaker, hipshot, hurry, move by, move through, pulling a punch, rapid fire, snap shot, suppression fire, sweep, bouncing an attack, or spreading. it is suggested that this be applied to attack spells, and is a (-1/2) limitation.
  13. Re: Soldiers marching. I personally consider the Roman Legions to be one the finest examples of military excellence. They were trained to march 25 miles per day carrying a full kit on their backs... in armor. Linky: http://library.thinkquest.org/26602/onthemarch.htm What this doesn't mention is that the legions could do this day after day, and at the end of a march, each day would construct a triangle shaped earthwork walled encampment. Alternatively they could at the end of a march go straight into battle. Julius Ceaser actually reduced the size of his legions to make them more mobile and manueverable, legend tells that in one campaign in gaul he moved his entire army over 50 miles in a forced march,, and went straight into battle. Modern infantry on the other hand are constrained to just a few miles (around 10) per day, and that is in good weather, with modern roads. Of course if they are mechanized, it's a whole different matter.
  14. Re: Hero's game design secrecy Oh crap... now there's a plague!
  15. Re: Sci-Fi character portraits I also do custom art on commision... You can PM me if you are interested. Heres a couple samples...
  16. Re: A more wretched hive of scum and villany... very nice I was most impressed by the life size entire squad of storm troopers... all in Lego
  17. Re: Need Book Recommendations Another great teen read... The High Crusade by Poul Andserson (medeival warfare vs alien invasion)
  18. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Yeah well I got in and stayed
  19. Re: How common are guns How common are guns? . . . . . I guess it depends on what part of Texas you are from...
  20. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Not trying to panic anyone or anything, but... presto's playground is offline and we only have 5 1/2 hours til game time
  21. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Ok two things... 1) Terrie wants to know if she should wear her Doc Caspar underoos or her Cassiopia chainmail bikini for tonight. 2) ** Tink hops up and down chanting... "is it game time yet? is it game time yet? is it game time yet? is it game time yet? is it game time yet? is it game time yet? is it game time yet? is it game time yet?" **
  22. Re: Need Book Recommendations Another few... The Starwolf Series by David Gerrold (and yes I had the call sign before he published the book ) and The Wing Commander series by Mercedes Lackey (based on the computer game of the same name, and published way before the lame movie the almost ruined the genre).
  23. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign No problems, I am betting we won't get you into ANY mischief till you show up ** Tink starts looking for his bag of tricks **
  24. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign I appreciate your concern I do have a very good meter, it is issued by the VA and I have no choice about model or type. ut it is synced with their computer system so that when I go for an appointment they can download all of my blood test results. I also use an app called Glucose One to track tests. It lets me see at home what the VA sees when they do a download. Off all the probems associated with controlling my diabetes I find the most challenging to be the cost of test strips. Even the cost of meds dwindles in comparison. I am very thankful that the VA covers my costs 100%. I have not tried Ambien, but I might suggest both to my doctor and see what he says. I gotta tell you that I rolled 3d6 of luck successfully when I got my doctor. The VA assigns your doctor by lottery. The patient has no choice as to who his/her primary care physician is. When it was my turn the lottery chose Dr. Gebhart for me. He turned out to not only be an excellent doctor, but he is the Chief of Staff for the entire VA hospital here in Salt Lake, as well as the senior doctor/professor for the University of Utah medical school. He never even said a word about any of this to me. I found out who he really was by accident. I was late for an appontment one time, and the attending nurse at the desk started to give me a hard time about rescheduling... until she asked my doctors name. When I told her she had a serious and very sudden attitude adjustment, and squeezed me in to see him, instead of rescheduling me for a couple of months down the road. as I was on my way out an orderly explained her sudden burst of customer service. It turns out every doctor and nurse in the whole danged place answers to him I am very careful to make sure that I mention WHO my doctor is now when requesting service or asking questions. I get great servce at the VA.
  25. Re: Gemini Ascendant Campaign Oh yeah I remember those I did not develop the sleep problem till about 10 years ago, a couple of years after we got out of the Navy. Jim is correct in the NAVY you learn to sleep almost anywhere. There is nothing like the scream of an A-6 engine then the bone shattering bang of an arrested landing right when you arre dozing off, and your bunk is directly under the #3 wire on the flight deck.
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