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Everything posted by APE

  1. Re: Why are robots always immortal? They bought the optional extended liftime warrenty.
  2. Re: Game: Skirmish Looks like a fun game. So when do the 15 card colector packs come out?
  3. Re: New power Aaa I think its called "TELEPORT"
  4. Re: Sci-fi wear swords? One reason could also be why bayonets were invented, rifle type weapons are basicly usless execept as clubs in close quarters. Clubs can be easly grabed or deverted, while blades not so. Grabing a blade = losing some fingers or slicing open the palm of the hand.
  5. Re: For all of you who like cartoon network That was one of the best comics I've read in quiet a while!
  6. Re: No Figured Characterstics: DEX I have allways considered CV to be a figured char of DEX because it is directly related to the stat even though it is not in the figured area of the sheet. So no figured on DEX means no SPD, or CV.
  7. Re: Help me build a shrinkable lab The base with srinking could have a Trigger to turn the shrinking off and on ie. a small button on the outside. You don't want imobile since you're carrying it around. Whats nice about this is it could also have a manufactoring unit in it. The skill levels would be a focas to your flaver, the extra time would be the lab expanding or shrinking.
  8. Re: Help me build a shrinkable lab Why not buy a small base and give it Shrinking: persistant. Or buy skill levels extra time SFX portable lab.
  9. Re: Ground speed math Multipling inches per turn by 0.6 gives you kph, and ipt by 0.36 givses mph. then multiply by half your megascale and walla.
  10. Re: Magic Fountian I see succor as a continuos aid that fades imedieatly after it is turned off, max boost is max roll on die, and increase max boost by 2 for 1cpt. So in my example above of 3d6 would have a uper limit of 18, 12, 6 depending on how close to ground zero. Some other things I wanted with this is that any spell cast at me from outside the area would also be boosted good or bad. Also I would take damage from dispells and suppresses for magic even if I myself cast them because of a feedback loop which I would have done with a vulnerability.
  11. Re: AI's and Astral Projection Yes there would have to be some modifications to the AI rules. Some that I was thinking get rid of Dex, Int is your mental dex increase cost of Int appropeatly. Add Pre this becomes your strength. Ego acts as Bod, and Con. There is no PD/ED, Mental Def only Figured off of these. Int, Ego, and Pre must be the same as Character Must by sences to perceive physical world.
  12. AIs have no solid body, make it invisible to all sences except mental sence, and leaves a physical body behind. The AI can be given a; movement power to get around. images to allow others to see it when it wants. only be able to us EGO based combat. What do you think?
  13. APE

    Berserk Fury?

    Re: Berserk Fury? How about this. +5 STR; only when berzerk -1/4, 4pts +5 CON: only when berzerk -1/4, 8pts Berzerk "in combat" v.com., go 11-, recov. 11-, -35pts this will also grant +1 PD & ED, +2 REC, +10 END, +5 STN reducing the go down, drop the -1/4 increasing the go up, increase the -1/4 to -1/2 reducing the recov down, increase the -1/4 to -1/2 increasing the recov up, drop the -1/4 example: Berzerk go 14-, recov. 8-, only when berzerk bocomes -1
  14. Re: Magic Fountian Glad I could pass on an idea.
  15. Re: Magic Fountian What I am going for is that this person has become an extreamly magical creature that increases the ambient magic in the area. Any creature, mage, and spell that uses magic as a SFX entering the area would be boosted. Also I would expect him to be hunted by various nefarious people to increase their own power. I do NOT want this to be an abusive power, thou I was hoping it would alow me to save a few points by buying smaller but more numerous powers. Maybe I should also look into Change Enviorment.
  16. Re: Magic Fountian I also wanted an idea as to how the succor would boost so that I could price spell, and power frameworks w.o. going over limits.
  17. Re: Magic Fountian I wanted both good and bad Consequences, Magical Bonfire oh yah. Oh forgot to mention he's for supper hero gaming.
  18. I have an idea for a mage character who is a gateway for magical energy entering into this world. Succor Xd6, All Magic +2, 0 End +1/2, Persistant +1/2, Explosion +1/2, Allways On -1/2. This will cost 15 pts per die and allmost 16 pts if Inherant +1/4 is added. This character is not for any specific campain. Now for the Q & A 1. Would you allow this in your campain? 2. How many points would the Succor boost your powers and others? i.e. say 3d6, max die roll (18,12,6) standard effect (9,6,3) roll before adventure roll every so often durring adventure roll every phase Please all coments on this build are welcome.
  19. Re: Some Cheap Gadgets When every body sticks thier arms out to feel for the walls. And I read Hermits as a FLASH light.
  20. Re: Willpower: a power? You can also do it with a Succor any one stat or power requires an EGO roll. this will increase skills by increasing the stat behind them or increase a power directly, and you can still push that stat or power. I use my will power to increase my INT by 10 giving me a +2 to my INT skills then I push my INT by 10 for a total +4:D
  21. Re: The Cutting Edge SuperBase...what's in it? OddHat is that a High or Low velocity ejection seat one the first one?
  22. Re: Alternate Mass Combat System (Rough) Looks realy good, more versitile then the official. Have you playtested it?
  23. Re: Adjustment Power vs. Base Points only Here is an idea for masive creatures at some point instead of gaining PD/ED get a -1 to all damage per size increase. So your moon manity might have something like -30 to Normal, Killing, NND and, ALVD.
  24. Re: how to attack end Drain on End reduces the End Stat, making a smaller End pool to draw from. What you want is to reduce the End in the pool without reducing the pool itself. Mmm... How about an EB only vs. End? Cost?
  25. Steve in the Turakian Age pg. 244 under Kammelard's Blessing of Health. Why did you use Armor cost (Endurance -1/2) instead of Force Field?
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