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Everything posted by Lethosos

  1. Re: Alternate Earth/WWYCD: The Legacy Of The Metal Wars... Queen of Spades will be pissed, but can accept the situation. Best case scenario--all of her Dim. Spaces will hop across with her, so having the Queen's Armor will be a huge bonus in protecting her. And since her vehicle, The Jack of Diamonds, is a heavily upgraded Nissan Titan, travel is not a big problem. The tricky bit is stopping these robotic hordes, and if she can figure out how they work... well, any resistance cell will happily take her in in exchange for what she can do. (Personally, she could hold out on her own, if she manages to find some supplies and a place to hole up in.) After that, she'd smash a few robots, and figure out how they work--if possible, somehow override their command recievers and send them back upon their controllers. Rinse, repeat. Once through, she'd command them to butcher themselves and leave a few leftover to re-harvest the land and put them in hands who'd use them wisely. Then find a way to get back off this dimension.
  2. Re: Orc fall down, go BOOM! From Fallen Empires, the only expanstion set from Magic mostly full of cheap, useless critters. They only go into a Goblin deck because, well, they deserve to. Goblin Grenades was one of the better cards they had in there. Hell, I can sure go for an Unlimited play game just to see what kind of mayhem I can cause with a Red/Black Goblin/Thrull deck. Slap me a few Patriarch's Blessing my way. In anycase, a naked Trigger wrapped around a simple explosion spell would work best--depending on how you want it, you can have it so that the unlucky goblin can activate it as a 'suicide bomber' tatic, or someone behind the lines could just snipe the little bugger from behind. I would choose the second and convince the runts "It's a spell of protection!" so they could charge blindly into the opponent's army.
  3. Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO They're doing a UY book? Huh, will have to buy it along with the Mondreclive supplments. Ironclaw/Jadeclaw has its potentials--I just don't see anyone suggesting a game unless it's at a furry con. Translating the Claw system into HERO can be confusing, but once you create a framework for deciphering the abilities (a fair number are primarily repeats, such as the Heaven Sword and Earth Sword techniques.) You'll want to keep to the source, and not the rules, of course--I can completly handwave Ads/Disads and use general HERO methods, as it gives me more to play with. One point of contention--I'm trying hard not to use too many ideas from Jadeclaw/UY when writing Eight Sages.
  4. Re: WWYCD: The Invasion Is On...
  5. Re: Useful Settings for Hero? Just want to point out that Champions Battlegrounds has an excellent mall map in J's module, "Take Me Out To The Shopping Maul." There's also a semi-decent themepark map further on in one of the other modules in the same book, and a in-construction building map set from the Holocaust module in (again) the same book. I think some public transportation facilities are in order as well--may I reccomend duplicating one of Orlando Int'l (MCO) gate outbuildings? It has an interesting design and plenty of glass facings.
  6. Re: 'Bots 'n' 'Droids 'n' Star Hero I don't really have much to contribute, except that upon thinking about my personal race of andriods patterned biologically after natural humans (Techs,) I would have to say that time makes a huge difference in skillsets. It's entirely possible--given a positronic matrix, in this case--for a 1st generation SeaTech (built to breathe in water and survive great oceanic pressures for short periods of time,) to learn terrestial skills that weren't orignally coded in by the mother AI. So build your EveryBot skill set as you see fit--I reccomend differing ones per builder, at the very base level. Again, YMMV in the course of your campaign.
  7. Re: Anime Champions? "Slayers" is your best bet for a fantasy anime world--not too high fantasy; just enough that your players will get a little jaded at the idea of throwing heap big magic around. Full Metal Alchemist is excellent for a Steampunk-type campaign; just add mad scientists who make big mecha/golems and you've got a framework. I would reccomend moving to America instead of rural Germany, though. Kazei 5 is close to a Sci-Fi anime world as you can get it and not change a thing--I'd have gone with Silent Mobius itself for the fun in it, but YMMV. It depends on how high or low you want it. Magical girl stuff is prolly the best for a modern-day game--you can't go too over-the-top, as cheese is inherent in this genere.
  8. Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO Hrmm... I would adjust the ED/PDs appropriately--we're talking about feudal-era Japan with Magic being a reality but not overwelming the setting. So the majority of combat will be against normal mooks up to sword saints. You want the PCs to be wary of mysical influences, since not many of them will have training/knowledge/defense of those estoric arts. Besides, most of what they do are primarily physical/EGO based--I'd have to comb through the source material for anything that might need PD to defend against.
  9. Re: WWYCD: Holes in the story Queen of Spades would only buy a jelly doughnut if it was low fat/fat free. She has a figure to keep, damnit. And even then, she peffers the Boston Creme ones. And buy it in Secret ID. Still, she'd bat her eyelashes at the cashier, and ask him if he could take the time to whip one up for lil' ol' herself? Whip out the charm and everything--that's why she's an auto model. Then pay twice as much for the baker's time and effort.
  10. Re: Removal of Brainwashing Add to that some outside influences--stuff like, say, a 'safe enviroment', stimulating food/drink... things like that would give a bonus to the Mentalist's roll. If the mook gets to the point of wanting the Mentalist to continue, feel free to add more bonuses. This is based off the concept of 'despongification' of sponge minions. Feel free to refer to the source material.
  11. Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO Well, YMMV, as the saying goes. I just feel justified in figuring out what the racial packages would be for such species.
  12. Re: Usagi Yojimbo HERO I believe you'll also want the Monsters! suppliment (which I have riiight here! ) Also, aren't you infringing on my territory, since I'm doing Eight Sages? For shame! I'll still help you, however. Sword Saints aren't exactly uncommon, but UY is what I'd call a Historical Furry Cinematic with a Mystic background. So take that statement with a grain of salt, and consider the centerlight characters to be an exception even compared to their mundane counterparts. At the beginning, I'd set a hard point value for racial packages--no more than 15, IMO. (Mine needs to be higher so I can apply their racial Gifts.) The bulk of the UY universe seems to be roughly feline, perhaps generic Cats. (There are Lions and Tigers in there, of course.) (Oh, and FYI, there is a monstrous beast called a Hebi--I consider Counsellor Hebi to be a smaller non-poisonous version of the one defined in the Monsters! sourcebook.)
  13. Re: WWYCD: The Invasion Is On... Queen of Spades will attempt to copy the data and spread it around. You get the idea. The Forge might be useful to create difficult-to-make devices en masse, but she'll have a supergroup be her proxy to ensure privacy of the device. Other than that, she'll stick to being ground support--they may not be able to withstand an energy mace to the head.
  14. Re: WWYCD: Life is but a Dream Queen of Spades will wonder where her linking bracelet (which houses a little tranceiver to call her armor out of its pocket-dimension) went. Then she'll check her modeling schedule and make a trip to the San Sebastian swamps post haste as soon as she can. The alien wreckage that she pried the Forge out of is bound to still be there... and if not, she'll try and look for evidence of the Skunk Ape, whom she've met before in the past. (Offical campaign background from Vibora Bay.) Her fiances can be supported with her tech-skills now, since she came away with some thing...
  15. Re: Favortie NINJA HERO NPC? I've always thought that Midnite Maid was corny in name, but had a fairly solid build that you could yank wholesale and do a little modifications to make it different. The Chinese Ghost and Hopping Vampire are excellent additions--I can use the info in those for Eight Sages (since I'm currently looking at the myth and legends of that place--so I needed a blend of Chinese/Japanese thoughts and make them unique enough. You should see the Kappa that I've been brewing up, mwahahahah. )
  16. Re: Your Character's Comic Book Thought about this... I dunno exactly who'd do the writing, but for an artist if it was Kevin Eastman (I know he writes as well, so he may end up doing that,) or Adam Warren doing it, Queen of Spades wouldn't say no--under certain condtions dictated by her (to keep her secret ID and origins out of the way.) Vibora Bay would defintly love the publicity generated by it. She'll prolly send the royalty checks to help out the Westside community (the other side of the tracks, so to speak.)
  17. Re: Firebrand? Don't forget the Sticky advantage to stimulate the 'clothes on fire.'
  18. Re: First quasi-Manual, Demi-Annual, Homegrown Mod Contest! Hrmm... if I can get some time off from doing J's commisions, I'll give it a shot. I'll have to find some HeroClix bins to rummage through, though.
  19. Re: Superhero Miniatures And you can do a little re-painting of HeroClix/MageKnights, provided that you put them on a better base than that huge dial.
  20. Re: How can you feed this many people? Thread watched for later preusal once I get to a similar part for my Asian-themed world. Just sayin'.
  21. Re: Chickens? http://www.sskyler.com/elcaliente.jpg Bwock?
  22. Re: A funny thing happened on the way to the Dungeon... Ye goddess... you've just fired then up! My eyes are glaze-ing over at the sheer weight of the slip-s of the tongue!
  23. Re: HEROs of Heaven If Lord Liaden doesn't have a conversion, then start one. I reccomend In Nomine, since that's actually interesting in general.
  24. Re: Character for Review and naming Yojimbo, for her deep-seated need to protect others?
  25. Re: The Forumverse name game *faceplants*
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