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Ben Seeman

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Everything posted by Ben Seeman

  1. Re: Vibora Bay Reviews? All of the characters that got only Character Briefs in Vibora Bay have complete chars, skills and powers in the HD character pack.
  2. Re: held action If you want to interrupt an opponents action with your held aciton, you both need to "DEX off", meaning you both make dex rolls and whoever makes it by more goes first. But if your actions are using your EGO then you have to "EGO off". It can also be mixed if you are attacking on your EGO and the opponent is attacking on his DEX.
  3. All the characters and powers from Vibora Bay in Hero Designer format. Only $7.99!
  4. 'tis the season to save some money! Hero Games products make excellent gifts for your mom, your pet and your dear old Aunt Gladys. Whether as decorative doorstops and paperweights, tasty dog treats or festive wallpaper for the nursery, nothing says "I love you" like a Hero book. Ah, who are we kidding? You're keeping this swag! Send Aunt Gladys a fruitcake and enjoy countless hours of Hero roleplaying goodness this holiday season. Starting November 1 through December 23, 2004 Hero Games is offering a 20% discount on selected books in the Online Store. Fill in your collection and share the love.
  5. 'tis the season to save some money! Hero Games products make excellent gifts for your mom, your pet and your dear old Aunt Gladys. Whether as decorative doorstops and paperweights, tasty dog treats or festive wallpaper for the nursery, nothing says "I love you" like a Hero book. Ah, who are we kidding? You're keeping this swag! Send Aunt Gladys a fruitcake and enjoy countless hours of Hero roleplaying goodness this holiday season. Starting November 1 through December 23, 2004 Hero Games is offering a 20% discount on selected books in the Online Store. Fill in your collection and share the love.
  6. 'tis the season to save some money! Hero Games products make excellent gifts for your mom, your pet and your dear old Aunt Gladys. Whether as decorative doorstops and paperweights, tasty dog treats or festive wallpaper for the nursery, nothing says "I love you" like a Hero book. Ah, who are we kidding? You're keeping this swag! Send Aunt Gladys a fruitcake and enjoy countless hours of Hero roleplaying goodness this holiday season. Starting November 1 through December 23, 2004 Hero Games is offering a 20% discount on selected books in the Online Store. Fill in your collection and share the love.
  7. 'tis the season to save some money! Hero Games products make excellent gifts for your mom, your pet and your dear old Aunt Gladys. Whether as decorative doorstops and paperweights, tasty dog treats or festive wallpaper for the nursery, nothing says "I love you" like a Hero book. Ah, who are we kidding? You're keeping this swag! Send Aunt Gladys a fruitcake and enjoy countless hours of Hero roleplaying goodness this holiday season. Starting November 1 through December 23, 2004 Hero Games is offering a 20% discount on selected books in the Online Store. Fill in your collection and share the love.
  8. 'tis the season to save some money! Hero Games products make excellent gifts for your mom, your pet and your dear old Aunt Gladys. Whether as decorative doorstops and paperweights, tasty dog treats or festive wallpaper for the nursery, nothing says "I love you" like a Hero book. Ah, who are we kidding? You're keeping this swag! Send Aunt Gladys a fruitcake and enjoy countless hours of Hero roleplaying goodness this holiday season. Starting November 1 through December 23, 2004 Hero Games is offering a 20% discount on selected books in the Online Store. Fill in your collection and share the love.
  9. 'tis the season to save some money! Hero Games products make excellent gifts for your mom, your pet and your dear old Aunt Gladys. Whether as decorative doorstops and paperweights, tasty dog treats or festive wallpaper for the nursery, nothing says "I love you" like a Hero book. Ah, who are we kidding? You're keeping this swag! Send Aunt Gladys a fruitcake and enjoy countless hours of Hero roleplaying goodness this holiday season. Starting November 1 through December 23, 2004 Hero Games is offering a 20% discount on selected books in the Online Store. Fill in your collection and share the love.
  10. Re: Look, Bob! Another Star! If you liked the rules from Star Hero, make sure you check out the sector generation software in the Free Stuff section that uses these rules. http://www.herogames.com/FreeStuff/Other%20Software/index.htm Complex indeed.
  11. Re: The Batman In the future please simply email or PM me to report something like this. All moderators of the boards receive those notifications, and Darren and Steve don't need the messages cluttering up their Inboxes. Thanks!
  12. Re: The Batman Sorry folx, problem fixed.
  13. Re: I'm afraid to ask... Since the rules in 5th Revised are left untouched, there will not be a revised Sidekick.
  14. Re: I'm afraid to ask... Do you have a copy of 5th Editoin or Sidekick? I would find it extremely difficult to convert my characters if I didn't have the rules I was converting to.
  15. Re: What now? Ditto. Although Terran Empire is my favorite setting of ours, Alien Wars provides a much simplier setting so getting started will be much easier although it may seem somewhat restrictive due to the nature of the War. There wasn't much exploration or colonization during the Xenovore War, so most of your adventures will be bug hunts, full scale battles and maybe some ship to ship combat, if that's your bag. TE, on the other hand, is a much more expansive setting but it takes more work on your part to set it up.
  16. Re: Challenge: Video game conversions So, is this an attempt to create the characters from games in Hero terms to be played in any campaign or is it an attempt to recreate the feel of the games using the Hero rules?
  17. Re: Challenge: Video game conversions The toughest part about video game conversions is that damage is much less complicated than in the Hero System. I've been working on some Mega Man and Legend of Zelda conversions, and it's proven to be problematic at best. I've found that using Standard Effect for all attacks helps to normalize this issue and make it feel more like a video game. After all, most enemies in Mega Man can be killed in one or two shots. Now, as for the weapons themselves, oviously the standard buster is an EB or RKA with 0 END. Maybe some Autofire. That's the easy one. For the Robot Master weapons (which should just be slots in the Mega Buster Multipower) should probably have their own END Reserve. I chose that over Charges because it makes it easier to recoup the power for your weapons as END instead of Charges. Although all weapons from the Robot Masters appear to have the same amount of power, the spend that power in larger and smaller blocks. While in theory, a full power gague for the Metal Blade has the same amount of power as the Time Stopper, you can fire off 112 Blades in comparison to just one use with the Time Stopper. So you might want to say this: A full power bar is 200 END. Metal Blade would then cost 1 END to fire but the Time Stopper would cost 200 END. Sure this seems a little crazy, but if you're looking to have it balanced like in the video game, then I think that's the way it needs to be dealt with. I haven't worked it out perfectly yet, but here are the number of shots allotted for a full energy bar. (M) Metal Blade - 112 (F) Time Stopper - 1 © Crash Bomber - 6 (H) Atomic Fire - 28 (boostable) ( Bubble-Lead - Not sure yet (A) Air Shooter - 14 (Q) Quick Boomerang - 224 (W) Leaf Shield - Not sure yet (1) Lift - Not sure yet (2) Jet - Not sure yet (3) Elevator - Not sure yet So the trick, once the number of "charges" is determined as well as the effect of the weapon, is to determine the maximum amount of END for each END Reserve (it needs to be the same for all of them, otherwise buster powerups will give back disproportionately to different items). Then you just adjust the END cost for one use of the weapon so that you run out of END for that item after the correct number of uses. Ugh, my head hurts. I hope this makes a little sense and is of some help.
  18. Re: USPD question. USPD is out of stock but plans for a reprint are forthcoming.
  19. Just in time for Halloween, DEMON is available in the Online Store. What better way to plan a frightening Halloween weekend Champions game than with the DEMON sourcebook? I guess you could also buy Arcane Adveraries to make it even better!
  20. Re: Making Inexpensive 3D Maps [graphics intensive] Where's the moat?
  21. Re: Chemical Weapons ala Steve Perry's Matador series.. Yes you did, Steve... Yes you did.
  22. Re: Chemical Weapons ala Steve Perry's Matador series.. For the Spams just make it a Major Transform from Normal Person to Person in Coma, and it Heals Back after six months automatically.
  23. Re: Power Limitation Formula Question The answer you're looking for implies that your assumption is correct, when it is not. It's like asking a guy on trial for murder "Are you glad you killed your brother?" He tries to say he didn't kill his brother yet the lawyer says "Just answer the question." But the entire formula for calculating Real and Active Cost was made that way intentionally. The Limitations may "reduce more number" than advantages gain, but that's just because you calculate Active Points before Real Points. If you calculate from the Limitations (Limited Cost? bleh) first and then Advantages and you'd still get the same Real Cost and it would appear that Advantages provide more of an increase in cost than Limitations lower it.
  24. Re: Musings on Random Musings When I wake up with a numb arm I like to jab at it with a fork until I get feeling in it again.
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