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Ben Seeman

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Everything posted by Ben Seeman

  1. We had a guy run his sword through a villain who was already down and out. Those of us on the team with Code vs. killing all gasped in horror. Of course, as players we thought (for the most part) that it was a riot. Darren tends to follow some of the "rules" from the Munchkin Master's Guide and before any of us do something REALLY stupid he asks, "Really?"
  2. Dunno if I heard this in a movie, a comic or what but I have heard the term "Homo Superior" used before. I've also heard the term "Evolutians" or "Evolutes" for short.
  3. Bestiary is currently out of print. We're expecting to do a reprint of it in late spring. There should still be some copies out in circulation.
  4. Please email Steve with any Eratta you may have.
  5. Here's what I'd do... Make the gun a 1-pip RKA (ED) and give everyone a layer of full coverage Armor (1 ED). That will protect against shots that don't hit the sensor. The sensor would be on a second piece of Armor (1 ED) at Hit Locations 10-11 which would give it an Activation Roll of 8- (-2). After a succesful hit by the gunner, the target would roll to see if the sensor goes off. If the sensor activates then it did indeed "block" the shot. Granted, in this case you DON'T want it to activate, but it should create the desired effect. Conversely, the shooter could actively aim for the sensor at the standard -3 OCV penalty. That's how I would do it.
  6. [sHAMELESS PLUG] Tech, you can actually BUY that book in the online store... that way you can cry whenever you want. [/sHAMELESS PLUG]
  7. Robert Frey used the system in Star Hero to create this really cool software. http://www.herogames.com/FreeStuff/Other%20Software/index.htm
  8. Starblaze, Can you be a little more descriptive about the problem you are having? Where is this occurring? What tab are you refering to?
  9. I don't think the intention was to have Pioneer land on an alien planet. It is meant to be detected by an already space faring race and then brought back to their scientists for study.
  10. Living Legends I've also taken a liking to the Living Legend miniatures even though I don't actually use them for gaming, yet. Right now painting miniatures (Living Legend/Bloodbowl/40k/Fantasy) is one of my many many side projects.
  11. A Matter Stream A Matter Stream is a focused beam upon which dematerialized matter may travel. Consider it like a carrier wave but specifically for matter as opposed to a carrier wave for a radio message or photon. At least, that's what I THINK it is.. to be honest, I think Matter Streams are sci-fi. But I could be wrong again.
  12. He's actually a lighting technician at a dance club in Windsor, so he's definietly in with the party crowd.
  13. Tekno Here's my first Champions character. Tekno is a light manipulator who also carries some mean GlowStix.
  14. Per the FAQ: Q: Are the END costs for Powers subject to the standard rounding rules? For example, does a Power with 15 Active Points cost 1 END or 2? A: The standard rounding rules apply to END cost calculations. A character using a 15 Active Point ability pays 1 END; a character using a 45 Active Point ability pays 4 END. It has been my experience that in "standard rounding", .5 always rounded up to the next integer. So the END cost for a 15 AP power should become 15/10=1.5 rounded to 1. Does the System use its own standard rounding? If so, where is it defined?
  15. I recall reading that exchange... it was in the Kinetik vs. Slipstream thread. If this is the case, which I hihgly doubt, then I hope someone will tell us it is so. Perhaps tekkaman can tell us exactly which store?
  16. Re: Re: Re: Re: What defines extreme or not? You're right, though. The Side Effect only takes place when attacking.
  17. Sweet Thanks for the input guys... not only did you help me flesh out the staff (Flesh Staff?) but I also have a better understadning of how Side Effect works.
  18. What defines extreme or not? This is good stuff, guys... Another question, and this is something that has troubled me on a lot of aspects of character creation... what determines what an EXTREME side effect is as upposed to a major or minor effect? Does extreme to full damage, major do half damage and minor do one-quarter damage? I can't find anywhere in FREd where that is defined. Let me show you waht I first came up with to help clarify wehat I'm looking for. Bear in mind that this is not a personal weapon being bought with character points in a Champions campaign. It is for Star Hero. This two-handed weapon delivers a powerful electric charge when striking an enemy. Special protecting gloves need to be worn so that the wielder of the staff does not take damage from the jolt. It requires two hands to brandish and the user needs to have sufficent strength to deliver a powerful enough blow to activate the charge. EB 6d6 (vs. ED), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (45 Active Points); OAF (-1), Side Effects, Side Effect always occurs when not wearing protective gloves (-?), STR Minimum (15; -3/4), No Range (-1/2) Total cost: ?? points
  19. Basically it's a no-ranged electrical EB focused on a staff. However, if the user doesn't have on protective gloves, he too will suffer the damage of the strike. With the gloves on, he can hack away to his hearts content. How would you guys write up the Side Effect for this weapon?
  20. SNIFF SNIFF My first ever professional writing assignment... and my character lost to a twinkle-toed nancy-boy with flowing brown locks... How can I live THIS down?! We need to sack up, folks and start some serious clobbering! I still love you, Kinetik. Keep it real, yo!
  21. Ummm... The Rules FAQ has never had the top and side bars. Check it out and you'll see I speak true. The PDF has not been updated.
  22. The Rules FAQ has been updated and posted on the new server only. You will not find it (unless your DNS has already converted over). Just click on the FAQs link about to get to the new Rules FAQ.
  23. All better now Kefrem, you never completed your registration. I have completed it for you so you should be all set.
  24. Just because you give up hexes doesn't mean you give up measurement. You could always bust out a ruler or measuring tape to get your range modifiers and AoE's correct. I would love to play a Champions game without having hexes limiting your movement.
  25. Heh, well, thanks for letting me know all of my hard work was appreciated... although I had nothing to do with the maps.
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