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Everything posted by gojira

  1. Re: What are his powers...? Yes, definately Dr. Spectrum. Specifically, the super ability to generate TV test patterns, right? So basically a 50 points super with one really big, and annoying, PRE attack, if that damn buzz goes along with it.
  2. Re: Building Power Armor This may not be what you are looking for, but the skill set he needs to get a powered armour suit is: Five Finger Discount Which is kinda fun for powered armour because then you can have him try to figure out all the suits "systems", enhance them (without breaking the suit), etc. This give the player a clear, if capricious, enhancement route, and lots of room for player motivated adventure as he tries to upgrade (or even just understand) a piece of equipment that he doesn't understand. The suit can be Unique and Unbreakable, which avoids those anoying "Why doesn't this thing take damage?" questions. You have a great plot device. The suit can do absolutely anything you want as GM, since the owner isn't supposed to understand it. And the effect doesn't need to be repeatable, for the same reason. Need to get the whole team to another dimension or planet? Just have the suit develope a "little glitch" that sends them off. Now if only the player could figure out how to do that when he actually wants to... Obviously, your player wants to be an inventor type character and that's great, my favorite PC type in fact. But stealing at least part of the technology for the suit is very much in genre. It prevents him from building an army of Power Suit Clones, for one thing.
  3. Re: Batman vs Ozzy I dunno. How 'l33t is Adam West? I can't think of anything that he's done besides the TV series. I give them both equal chances of being drunk at the time and wandering off to a bar together.
  4. Re: Favorite Abuse Favorite Abuse Hork the last slice of pizza and root beer. Favorite Munchkin Abuse Hork the last slice of pizza which is actually FOUR slices stuck together, and use a huge 84 oz. cup for root beer. Kinda self limiting though because I'm usually incoherent/unconscious halfway through the game session from grease/sugar/caffine overdose if I do this.
  5. Re: PULP HERO -- What Do *You* Want To See?
  6. Re: Calling Marvel fanatics One episode mentioned that Emma didn't need to eat or drink while in her dimond form, and he could hold her form for a very long time (months, at least). So at least 25 points life support, probably 30. And 0 END on the dimond form.
  7. Re: Demonic Metabolism: how to model it? I'd buy it as a cheap psych lim, that people would notice that you eat junk food all the time, even when not appropriate, like a mild anti-social behaviour. Sorta like picking your nose all the time. I'd also buy a cheap psych lim, that some people would be able to figure out that you are a demon. My 2 cents.
  8. Re: Bases Foci I'm inclined to say that "base equipment" is just part of the SFX of the power and therefore not worth any points, unless the GM hands 'em out for good SFX Maybe you could use this "base equipment" SFX to justify an Environmental Control framework and save some points. All this depends on the GM. Is it really an issue that the villian will know to attack your base just to deprive the character of his spowers? If I was GM, I'd say no, it's just a plot device if I have a villian attack your base. But other GMs may have different ideas based on their playstyle. For a Focus limitation to be applicable, it has to be something that an opponent can snatch away like a gun or a hat. If knocking a character out doesn't give access to their foci, then they are not foci and just a special effect.
  9. Re: PULP HERO -- What Do *You* Want To See? I like this, it's an excellent idea. Agemegos's idea for a SIZ stat for small firearms is also very good. PLEASE PLEASE add something like this to the basic rules for PH. Thinking a bit more broadly, I'd like to see a few different "worlds", or maybe sub-genres, described in the Pulp Hero book. At least one very true-to-life world, for Cassablanca wannabes. And at least two other, more "fantastic" worlds. At least one flying-ace world, with regular planes and then airships like Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow and Crimson Skies. Then one Weird Tales pulp horror theme. These two (flying aces and horror) seem to comprise a LOT of what I'm seeing on the various suggestion threads here in the pulp hero forum.
  10. Re: The Size of a Hex You are correct. At least in the old (Champions) rule book, it specifically gives an example where there are two characters in a hex. Ah here it is. p. 71, if you have the 1984 rulebook.
  11. Re: Chasing Missles (from Superman: The Movie) I dunno either. However, the speed of the space shuttle in orbit is 7.86 km/s. And if you think about the most recent crash, that thing was bookin' when it was still in the atmosphere. It spread debris all over the western US over the space of about 4 minutes or so. So over all, I'd say "hella fast" for an ICBM. And if you consider that the warhead is travelling basically straight down (about 100 miles to the earth after it hits the atmosphere), I think you'd better get to the missile while it was still in space if you want to have time to reach it.
  12. Re: Chasing Missles (from Superman: The Movie) Way low. From http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/f15/ on the F15 fighter: And on ballisctic missiles from http://missilethreat.com/overview/physics.html That's 2 to 8 km per second.
  13. Re: Superhero Pope: Ridiculous or Sublime? Not to mention ... rude. The guy just died. Would it be too hard to let him be, for at least a few months? More seriously, in a super world, if the pope is a super, who would take religion on faith? It's a huge leap to move into a world where well known religious figures have super powers. I think the whole social fabric of the world would have to be redone for it to make any sense at all. Unless super powers are very common, but even that could be troublesome. Supers are a better analogy for war, both cold and hot, and political and social movements. They work as symbols of ideaologies and beliefs. The pope is already such a symbol, he doesn't need super powers.
  14. Re: multipower question Wow, that's cheap. When I was playing Hero, we had to walk up-hill in the snow before we could pay our END costs. And we were happy that we could, too. You kids are spoiled these days. Anywhoo, ignore my END numbers, Hyper-man appears to be correct.
  15. Re: multipower question Are you sure you don't have that reversed? My Hero rules say right here that powers cost "1 END for every 5 Power Points in the Power." Or AP divided by 5. But my revision of the Hero rules is still called "Champions", so maybe this has changed.
  16. Re: Pirate-Theme Villains Needed Captain Merrill Stubing Doctor Adam Bricker Yeoman-Purser Burl 'Gopher' Smith Bartender Isaac Washington Cruise Director Julie McCoy Vicki Stubing It's the cast of the Love Boat! Make them undead, and ph34r. :p :p :p
  17. Re: multipower question You pay the active points. If the slot is ultra, the cost for the slot is active points divided by 10. So a 24 point cost power will cost 2 points for the slot. But it still costs 24 to run the power when its active, because that's it's active points cost. Same for multi slots, pay the active point cost. You can put LESS than the maximum in a multi slot if you desire, but then the effect of the power is less too. Don't confuse active points with END usage. You have to pay END usage too. END is active points divided 5. So a 60 point multi power running full tilt is going to cost you 12 END each phase, unless you bought reduced endurance on some of those powers. Confused yet?
  18. Re: multipower question Did anyone answer this? It's "no," not at all. If you have a multipower like this: 60 points multipower reserve 12 m 12d6 EB 12 m 6d6 NND EB 12 m FF 30 PD 30 ED 2 u Invisibility 2 u Life Support You can run ALL of these powers at the same time. The ultra slot just means that if that slot is active, you MUST put the listed points into it. Invisibility costs 20 points minimum, so I couldn't put less in anyway. But because I bought it as an ultra slot, I don't have the option of putting in more if I want to be invisible to X-rays for some reason. It's 20 points or nothing. Similar with Life Support. I could put less points into Life Support for the 5 or 10 point version if I had bought it as a multi slot, but I didn't. Neither can I put more points into LS because the ultra slot precludes this. Running both these powers at the same takes 40 active points. Since I have a 60 point reserve, I have 20 points left over to run the other powers. I could put 10 points into FF, 5 points into EB and 5 points into the NND EB and pepper an enemy with both attacks combined if I wanted. Sorry if this was explained elsewhere but I thought a more straight forward example was needed.
  19. Re: YOU KNOW THE d20 WELL HAS RUN DRY WHEN... Ah yes. Hot elf-elf action, too. Add in a Leisure Suit Larry plotline, a CCG with copious illustrations, and you'll have a hot seller for sure. Hmm, maybe D20: Sex in the City would be a good idea after all...
  20. Re: free sony playstation portable PSP game system Yeah these things are almost always scams. Don't click there, you'll end up with a ton of spam, or worse (identity theft, trojan viruses, etc.).
  21. Re: PULP HERO -- What Do *You* Want To See?
  22. Re: How would you build this I didn't notice that oddhat had a similar multipower with ultra slots when I posted. There was so much text, I thought it was one big power.
  23. Re: How would you build this Multipower, 30 point reserve 30 pts., ultra slot, +2D6 HKA (SFX: pointy ninja weapon) 30 pts., ultra slot, +6D6 HtH (SFX: non-pointy ninja weapon)
  24. Re: YOU KNOW THE d20 WELL HAS RUN DRY WHEN... Who else here thinks this would actually be a big seller?
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