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Everything posted by gojira

  1. Re: James Gilleb's Pulp Hero Review Woo! A very good review too. I like the breakdown by chapter. This gives the prospective buyer a very good idea what he's going to get for his money. Kudos to James!
  2. Re: Who is the best Archaic/Anachronism/whatever in comics? hehe, Paul the Samurai... Anachronism: Captain America. He's like from the Fifties... Swamp Thing was cool. I pretty much like the more straight up, less gimicky characters. Iron Man, Captain Marvel (before the whole I'm dead but I got better thing), Vision, etc...
  3. Re: Pulp Adventures -- What Would *You* Like To See? A lot of these sound very good. CotM is very intriguing, again I think because of the name. Perhaps you could downplay the mystery aspect and turn it into more of a chase. Across Europe, on the Orient Express to Istanbul, then to Egypt for the climax. Have clues along the way for PCs to find, but hand-wave the details. Just provide cluse and some scenes for players to experince. Let the GM chose exactly what happens (and talk about this in the begining.) (From Turkey, they simply must take a boat to Egypt. Give some good historical background on the Turquoise Coast for players, and check out Innocents Abroad by Mark Twain.) I love the hollow earth one. Very Prof. Challenger. The Golden Idol sounds very Prof. Challenger also. Maybe introduce a re-occuring NPC who is the PCs patron in both adventures? For Inner Earth, give a nod to real science and don't make the earth hollow, just use large caverns and lava tubes that ol' Prof. C has figured out where to find. Only go down to the Mohorovicic discontinuity for Prof. C to get his "sample." Note: it *is* ok if the PCs find "something else" along the way that changes their plans. (Underground civilization?)
  4. Re: Give me your house rules! RDU Neil's house rules. I hope he doesn't mind me uploading his stuff. If you can't to Word, let me know and I'll HTML it.
  5. Re: What Other Pulp Hero Books Would You Like To See?
  6. Re: New JLU Tonight It's a cartoon. Very stylized, but very cool. Check out the shows index on cartoon network. Click on the J button, then scroll down to Justice League. You could also try a google search for JLU. Cartoon Network Link: http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/tv_shows/all_shows/index.html Edit: Here's a somewhat better cartoon network link. Ignore the java games and head for the bio's and the episode guide link. http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/tv_shows/jlu/
  7. Re: New JLU Tonight I always watch the JLU. I haven't seen all the episodes, and I like to try to catch them when they are on. I didn't know this was a new episode, so I'm glad now that I caught it. BTW, new teen titans are on this saturday at 8 (and I think it repeats sunday at 10). It looks like the doom patrol is going to be joining the teen titans, at least for an episode. Beast Boy, if you don't already know, is an ex-doom patrol member. He was adopted by two DP members, who have since died (kia, I believe). I'm not a huge DP dork, I just read their entry on wikipedia. Check it out, it's darn interesting, especially the parts about dadaism and cut-up-technique. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doom_Patrol
  8. Re: Give me your house rules! RDU Neil had this house rule. It was 1 body which cannot be stopped by any defense per 20 stun taken. RDU Neil had an awsome list of house rules, including some really good ones for Luck. I'll post them if I can find them (and RDU doesn't post them himself).
  9. Re: THE ULTIMATE METAMORPH -- What Do *You* Want To See? I was just watching an episode of Gundam Seed. The hero, in dire straights, jetisons his armour, sheild and sword from his mech, and then attacks with his newly lighter and faster mech, catching the bad guy off guard and killing him in one shot. How the heck do you model that? Jetison a bunch of equipment, reconfiguring yourself, but you can't change back with out some extra effort (go back to base, have someone bolt your mech back together again). It's like a multiform slot that you can't switch out of without meeting a prerequisite. Anyway, this might be covered elsewhere, but I thought I'd mention it because it seemed rather unique.
  10. Re: Liefeld's Titans Damn it, now I want to buy it.
  11. Re: Liefeld's Titans LMAO!!! (Fixed the backspaces for ya!)
  12. Re: Pulp Hero, after looking it over
  13. Re: Too many points? *psl* (*) I was gonna post up an idea about a space ship (all aliens got 'em), but I was beaten to the punch! How about a base of her own? Aliens arrive on Earth, dig big hole, hide their ship, start to outfit said hole with the super science equipment they'll need for an extended survey. Then one goes native and decides to "superhero". Stuff happens. (*) "Pouring Saliva Largely" for those of you who don't read "College Roomies from Hell!!!"
  14. Re: Here it is....rip it to shreds.... Yeah, what incredibil said. Although I'd go for defenses first, he's wide open. +6 rPD +6 rED Combat Luck at minimum. You could go for more, +10 or + 12 resistant defenses each, and just call it "moves that fast." +12 rPD would be cool, makes him immune to most firearms--he just dodges the bullets! Flight "Useable as running" is good, let's you dive for cover a loooong ways. But it's only going to take one punk with a saved action to hurt him bad (I don't think you can dive for cover twice on the same phase), so buy some combat luck or other resistant defenses, just in case. Buying some of these powers in an EC is an excellent idea.
  15. Re: Pulp style fashion Wow, neat idea. I had a thought: the Art Deco Society has a gallery with photos of their past events. This might be a good source of inspiration. If you live near one of these groups, the ADS might be a fun way to get into the spirit of the times also.
  16. Re: teen champions question Everyone else had fun so I'm gonna try too. Here's a quicky write up of B-ko Daitokuji, the super smart girl in Project A-ko anime who decides that she must steal C-ko away from A-ko. (Gotta love those names.) This is her final Akagiyama 23 bio-suit from the big battle with A-ko. I'm not sure it's super accurate, but it gets the idea across. I dunno if Project A-ko is your style, but it's a teen environment so I thought it fit very well. If not, it's a decent teen power suit character that you can fiddle with. Anyway, she's super strong (28 str, picks up cars, I can't remember if that accurate though, she might be stronger), tough, and the suit makes her twice as fast (SPD 4) as a normal person. B-ko is very smart, strong willed, and quite pretty. These are her only characteristics not bought with the suit, so be careful because she's very vulnerable with out it. The suit fires rockets, I think more than one at a time IIRC, but I hand-waved that into just one big 8d6 explosion attack. I restricted her to four volleys just to get the points down. Her Black Jacovini Shooting Star Lash (where do Japanese come up with this stuff?) is just modeled as 2" of stretching. This allows her to do damage (HtH) with a bit of range, as well as grab, throw, etc. at range. She has a lot of armor, but A-ko does a lot of damage. You might want to tone down the armor, or give her a low ACT (11- ?) because the bio-suit is so skimpy. Her jet pack gives her 15" of flight. Again I'm not sure if that's scale, but it gives you something to start with. I didn't raise her REC or STUN or END, mostly because I felt I was running out of points. As a "teen", I think this fits, although the real B-ko was probably much better with her suit. Most of her powers are bought with 0.25 lim ("D" for disadvantage in the HTML file) "Only In Hero ID". You could change her Akagiyama 23 bio-suit to OIF if you felt that was more accurate. I didn't add any disadvantages or skills, those are for you to play with. She still has 32 points left if you take the full 100 points of disadvantages. Have fun, and I hope the attached HTML file works ok. (I had to zip it to get it to go.)
  17. Re: Pulp Hero, after looking it over
  18. Re: Ay yi yi II: More GM Help Needed.
  19. Re: Secret decoder Hehe, here's a quick history of Ovaltine. You know, I know DOJ ain't made of money, but it would be a great gag if they could get, like, one case of Ovaltine and sell it at the next con, right next to the secret decoder rings and the Pulp Hero books.
  20. Re: BL's Vehicle Movement Streamlining Thread Bikes, huh? Shows what I know about racing things with motors. And, "example" I ment excuse to post some pics.
  21. Re: BL's Vehicle Movement Streamlining Thread
  22. Re: where on the net could one find good Pulp art Here's some covers of H. G. Well's War of the Worlds over the years. Edit: Some pulp art swag at Cafee press
  23. Re: Not good is my Google-fu.... I didn't see any trains listed. Here's a Wikipedia link to sleeping cars, and the very important search term "pullman" which is what a lot of these cars were called. Here's a more general link to trains, scroll down for passenger trains. Lots of other links on that page.
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