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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Tom


    Re: Powerless Kodiak: Couldn't exist in a world where supers, etc, never existed. Assuming a plot device to allow his parents to exist in the first place, getting his parents back would be wonderful. Losing his wife, son and adopted daughter (among others) would be more than sufficient cause for him to start hunting for a way to reverse things back the way they belong. Never mind the fact his mindset would drive him to start looking in the first place (especially since he's been through a similar experience before)... Speedzone: Losing his fiance (probably) would be a motivator to figure out what happened all by itself -- never mind having gotten caught up in temporal shenanigans previously. He'd be cursing Chronos' name under his breath and trying to figure out where the problem is and try to fix it... Focus: Just a kid, and still new to this whole powers thing. Still, his powers are integral to his having met both his best friend and his girlfriend. He'd just be pretty lost on what to do about it... Vagabond: Isn't really comfortable with being a 'hero', and he'd get his Dad back. It'd still cost him a lot of friends and 'family' though. Plus, as a mystic, his own curiosity would force him to look for what happened -- even if he didn't assume Loki had to be behind it somehow...
  2. Re: Changing into a costume Changing clothes takes 1 phase (pg 363, 5er, Actions Table) GM's discretion and dramatic sense applied as needed...
  3. Re: Kryptonian knockoffs in CU? Hitozuki (Charm Girl) in CW could be considered one as well, if only for her allergy to a certain space borne meteorite... (which by association, would include Tachyon and Thunderbolt II) I don't think there is a write-up (at least not one I've seen) for Vanguard, but his history has the right feel to it imo... But yeah, Viperia's write-up is pretty darn super...
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Oh yeah... Somebody hit him with some rep -- I seem to have repped him too recently... (*sigh*)
  5. Tom


    Re: Unity I had (and have) a rough idea for one. I just don't have the time and energy for it right now...
  6. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Nice. Based on my own experience with things like Heromachine and the FH creator, black (really dark colors in general) can be a pain... I'd missed how the lightning effect seems how to wrap around her legs in the pencil sketch. I likes...
  7. Re: Empowered by Adam Warren I realized I'd put the formula down wrong last night after I'd logged out an gone to bed... *sigh* (teach me to post before bed... Or not... )
  8. Re: Empowered by Adam Warren iirc; thrown items do damage based on the thrower's STR, not how 'fast' they're thrown. A Move Through with a driven vehicle would be the vehicle's STR + v/5... The big question being, how strong is the thrower... Supes can probably throw harder, but that may not be the case for many brick/demi-brick class chars.
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Membros Inferiores in the first menu. The one which changes the legs...
  10. Re: NND and Entangle Mental Entangle that targets DCV instead of ECV would probably be simplest. Given enough DEF for the campaign setting, it should manage the trick nicely enough.
  11. Re: NND and Entangle Somebody had to have been snoozing while editing... Though I suppose making it AVLD instead of NND would qualify as 'strong' if it needed to be there... Not sure what would make it 'weak', unless it had only a very limited period of effect...
  12. Re: Problem with Drain/Suppress. Explain please. It does? Cite please. My reading of 5er only indicates that adding Continuous to Suppress means it can 'attack' the same target for additional effect w/o needing another Attack Roll (pg 289) (I've a PC in my FtF game with a Continuous Suppress, it doesn't get used very often -- I'd prefer to use it correctly... ;D)
  13. Re: Poison's Champions Art Thread Nice. Perspective on the gun seems off to me, but that's assuming a 'real' gun as opposed to something more fantastic. Line of the bore looks too high.
  14. Re: New to Hero System - kind of... Hello, and nicely drawn... Welcome back to the fold.
  15. Re: Cool Guns for your Games For the remote control battle van in your DC future...
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine *grumble* *grumble* Must spread rep around... *grumble* And a merry bah humbug to all... (I'm still amused by this pair... )
  17. Re: "Es lebe die Freiheit!"- German Resistance Champions I wonder why... Speedzone already wants to change Captain Chronos' name to 'reynolds wrap' -- and that was before you dropped the bombshell about Tim's Grandmother being a Nazi super (albeit an unwilling one)... Focus is still trying to untangle his brain over his little 'sidetrip'...
  18. Re: Superhero X and the Fur Con of DOOM! Kodiak: Probably one of the big cats, mountain lion being likely -- though big horn sheep would probably fit as well. I can almost see him becoming a raptor as well if 'wishful' thinking figures in since he has a mild case of flight envy and is a darned good pilot (course, he's also a heckuva rider and loves horses)... This assumes it works in the first place, he has decent Power Defense and is Soul Linked to a fairly powerful mage. Also, if the 'change' has a demonic aspect, he's also linked to a heaven-forged blade so sparks are liable to fly. In any event, even as a plot device, I don't see it as lasting very long... Speedzone: Cheetah seems most likely. In addition to being fast (especially in short bursts), he's pretty strong as well. Reaction would likely be a combination of irritation and curiosity. He and his fiance are both scientists, so a research project is obviously in order -- bonus, an excuse to call Dr Silverback and visit Millennium City... Focus: Something canine, probably a mutt but one of the shepherd/herding breeds being fairly obvious/dominant in the mix. Uhm, PANIC! He's 15! What will his girlfriend think? His Dad will ship him to that Siberian Convent for sure now, and his Mom will probably kill him (or at least bury him under a really big rock) -- after she finishes eviscerating the guy responsible...
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Just a guess... 'Oh' and 'Me'...
  20. Re: What was your favorite beginning for an adventure? Hmmm, the time I intro'd a new player to the group when all the PCs woke up bound and powerless as part of a DEMON summoning ritual... (I have a certain.. reputation.. to live down to somehow...) Turning Millennium City into a warped version of Disney was pretty fun too...
  21. Re: You were supposed to turn left! Two of my particular favorites (both the same char, interestingly enough): The two PCs in the scenario and two NPCs are sneaking their way through the dungeon of a magical castle that used to be City Hall in Millennium City. For color, I have them stumble upon a magical workshop, and to highlight they're no longer in the 'normal' world (using the term loosely since this is a supers game) and how evil their enemy is, I've included the skull of a unicorn (with horn) among the items on the work table. The whole room was intended as window dressing. One PC decides to take the skull, and asks if Witchcraft (one of the NPCs and transformed into an ancient hag) if it can be used as a weapon... The skull gained a Name, and became the plot device that allowed Mole to destroy Brangomar in dragon form (for now)... Same PC is doing an informal patrol following stumbling over a COIL base in Hudson City (yeah, I'm doing 'standard' Champs in HC). A group of VIPER agents attempt to nab him with a rolling ambush from the back of a van... Mole aborts to a tunneling DFC, forcing the agents to abort the attempt entirely. Somehow, it never occurred to me that Mole might use Tunneling as a defensive action...
  22. Re: Unworkable Premises for a Campaign OK, I realize 'fiery latin' might not apply to temper, but this still got more than a chuckle -- repped... I'm looking forward to at least lurking the start of this game...
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Got 'im...
  24. Re: Theron's Bay City Mash-Up I've never felt up to trying to run Black Harlequin, even though I tend to run darker games. Ignoring the theme park should be easy enough, or replacing it with something else, unless you want to make BH a little more like the Cesar Romero version of the Joker...
  25. Re: Theron's Bay City Mash-Up 'must spread rep around, yadda, yadda, yadda'... Nice handling of the missing players... I'm using the Battlegrounds stuff as backstory in my own game. May even let my PCs rescue the Champs if I get desperate for a storyline...
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