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Everything posted by wcw43921

  1. That's certainly plausible--although given that the last great Jedi Knight was named Skywalker, I would think that someone with that name might draw a little more attention than usual, even on the planet farthest from the bright spot of the universe that was never a part of the Republic. It would be like someone in the US having the same last name as a President. Hope that helps.
  2. "I'm the chief of police, and when I see a squad car behind me, my heart skips a beat."
  3. Point of order. Luke was never called Skywalker on Tatooine--he was always Luke. Just Luke. It's even there in the dialogue-- C-3PO: "I see, sir." LUKE: "You can call me Luke." C-3PO: "I see, Sir Luke." LUKE: (Chuckles) "No--just Luke." Not even in the deleted scenes does the name Skywalker come up--not until the detention block scene-- LUKE: "I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you!" Which leads me to conclude that Luke did not know his father's name growing up on Tatooine--if anything, he was likely called Luke Lars. With good reason, as Uncle Owen didn't want him knowing the truth of his origins. Hope that helps.
  4. I prefer 4TH A, but a case could be made that different nests could have different uniforms, subject to the approval of the Supreme Serpent.
  5. Something I noted--Derek Chauvin didn't seem surprised. Did he finally realize he'd done something wrong? Or does he still believe he did what he was supposed to, and that public opinion combined with political pressure led to an "unjust" verdict?
  6. Malicious Focus Group Convinces Marketers Cinnamon Mountain Dew Is The Next Big Thing - YouTube
  7. Your Hero Or Villain Can Be In A Comic Book
  8. From the video of the shooting, she seemed genuinely surprised that she'd shot him. It appears to be a genuine mistake by the last person one would expect to make such a mistake. Such mistakes, however, do happen--and sometimes with much more catastrophic results.
  9. Kim Potter Charged With Manslaughter In Shooting Of Danute Wright This is the 26-year veteran police officer who mistook her firearm for her taser.
  10. Not just the pistol. It looks like he swiped Malcom Reynolds' entire look.
  11. You can almost hear the Star Trek fight scene music--
  12. My compliments to the artist---but no effin' way am I sleeping under those covers!
  13. This could almost have gone in the MLB thread. Almost 2021 All-Star Game To Be Moved Out Of Atlanta
  14. When Life Becomes An X-Rated Movie
  15. Kermit the Frog's The Rainbow Connection Honored by National Recording Registry
  16. The Official Announcement Here's hoping everyone who wants to attend ca do so.
  17. I'm sorry, but that all just seems a little too much like an all-female version of VIPER. To my mind, the leader(s) of WITCH--in my conception, The Matriarch--would see such paramilitary organizations as tools of patriarchy, and WITCH is determined to eradicate patriarchy in all its forms. Which brings me to this point-- Not Happening. As far as WITCH is concerned, men are THE ENEMY, full stop, and must be completely eradicated from humanity in order to restore the planet to peace and harmony. Men may be used as dupes in order to to secure essential resources (by WITCH members pretending to represent someone else) but otherwise, "the only good man--is a DEAD man!" This also applies to transgenders--WITCH is unapologetically, relentlessly TERF. Hope that helps
  18. Apart from the History/Background of Gremlin in Classic Enemies, there's only a couple of sentences in 4th Ed Champions Universe about WITCH. My own supposition about WITCH was that they weren't like all the other supervillain organizations. No fancy uniforms. No high-tech blaster weapons. No VTOL troop carriers. No ranks, or chain of command. They are organized in a cellular structure, with each cell capable of independent operation. They are thoroughly covert, using second-hand stores and other such low-key businesses as their safe houses and headquarters. They do have supervillains as part of the organization-- The Matriarch--Founder of WITCH, and its guiding force with regards to philosophy and operations. Quite possibly the world's most powerful and versatile telekinetic. Determined to see WITCH fulfill its ultimate goal--the eradication of men from the human race. Doctor Dynamite--Possessing superhuman strength and Impervious to any physical injury, she wears a harness loaded with powerful shaped charges capable of generating tremendous explosions that she can direct as needed. Hatchet Job--Former PRIMUS agent who was turned down for Silver Avenger status. She broke into PRIMUS's labs and took the Silver Avenger drugs herself, without physicians monitoring the procedure or waiting the recommended intervals between injections. While she became physically enhanced to the level of a Silver Avenger, her aggression levels increased as well. While she does carry guns and knows how to use them, her favored weapons are twin hatchets which she can use as melee or throwing weapons. Fire Blossom--A powerful pyrokinetic who can also teleport herself and other by transforming into fire. Her powers came from an otherworldly being who offered them to her so she could protect herself and her son from her ex-husband--in exchange for her "essential being." Gigantua--Twelve feet tall and built like a sumo wrestler, with strength and density to match. Was a victim of VIPER scientists trying to recreate the process that created Grond. She managed to retain her intelligence, but the permanent increase to her size and weight left her angry and hateful. They also use other supervillainesses as needed, except for those who have a Code Against Killing.
  19. Qanon Shaman To Remain In Custody Pending Trial
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