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Everything posted by Intrope

  1. Re: Champions vs. Mechanon Urgh. Well, you are of course correct. Another thing to house rule, I think. Or change Mechanon's resitant LOW to mental defense LOW (call it tightly coded I guess).
  2. Re: Champions vs. Mechanon Actually, his PD and ED are resistant (Robotic Form, second entry). That'd be a pretty serious oversight if they weren't!
  3. Re: Champions vs. Mechanon I'm looking forward to these tales of battle; nothing like actual combat to test our speculations And Mechanon's multipowers are kind of whacked: the first multipower seems burdened with many 'why would he ever use these' type slots. The 12d6 AP and 9D6 NND slots would essentially never be better than the 18d6 slot, and I'm not seeing the value of the 9d6 Autofire slot either. (he'd almost always get much better results from Rapid Fire or spreading). For that matter, I'm seeing the Flash Attack in the Secondary Multipower as being almost the only use for that multipower.
  4. Re: Upon Further Review: The Champions Actually, the Champions aren't that far from being able to take Mechanon. Here's the keys: Ironclad actually has a rather decent OCV for Grabs (10); this reduces Mechanon's DCV to more reasonable levels if it hits. Sapphire is the heavy hitter(!) because her NND attack will hurt Mechanon. Defender and Nighthawk both have 12d6 attacks that can coordinate with Sapphire's NND; these three together can do enough to Stun Mechanon. OTOH, Witchcraft may as well go get a pizza; none of her powers really effect Mechanon at all. Combining these two will at least give them a chance. Unfortunately, Mechanon therefore has 3 main strategies: Use his flash attack first, and then deal with Ironclad one on one (and remember that he can use a multipower attack of 18D6 + 4d6 STR drain on Ironclad after he's been grabbed). Eliminate one of Sapphire, Defender or Nighthawk. All 3 are easy to eliminate; just line them up with something solid (like the ground) and 18d6 + Knockback will do fine--on average, 18d6 + 11d6 Knockback would put any of those 3 in -21 or worse taking them out of battle. Sapphire is the best choice, since the 3 boys can't Stun Mechanon even if they do coordinate their normal attacks. Use 3-shot Rapid Fire Attacks to eliminate either a)Ironclad or all of Sapphire, Defender and Nighthawk. This is risky (with only an 11 OCV, he might miss the first attack, wasting all three shots). I'm still of the opinion that Mechanon's likely to come out on top (being able to ignore 1 of the 5, and 1-shot 4 of them is a pretty serious advantage) but the Champions might be able to win. Still, 'As Powerful' for the Champions is more a joke than anything else.
  5. Re: Homo Sapiens Draculis Neat idea! And not too difficult to write up, I think. For limitations: A physical lim (needs blood weekly to survive) A vulnerability (to blood-borne diseases; it sounds like Draculis dies fast from these) A Secret ID (vampiric freak) And frequently DNPC (the blood source) For powers: a linked mind control (enjoy this bite) and minor transform that adds a limitation (wants to/enjoys being bitten/drained). Other than that, they really just need a few points of life support and characteristics and they're ready to go! BTW, the first character idea that popped into my head was a vampire hunter: after all, if you know you are a vampire, hunting the psycho vamps is good bull; that way, you can get rid of the bad apples and hide the evidence, all at the same time.
  6. Re: Aircraft Interiors as fight scenes Probably not, actually: remember Aloha Airlines flight 243? Lost almost 25% of the top half of the plane and landed safely. Only one person died (they were ejected from the aircraft, apparently). See it here. (Note: the parent site is a nutter site, but it was the first good picture that I could find).
  7. Re: Massive engineering projects?
  8. Re: Speed in FH You could also change the cost of SPD for Heroic-level games to 5/pt rather than 10/pt. This would give you roughly the same effect (twice as many phases/turn), except that some people would likely buy odd SPD values (with SirWilliam's scheme, you only get even values). I've considered doing this for all Heroic-level games, for basically the same reasons. Bonus: all your players will think you're a swell guy (twice the SPD for free) when in reality you're draining their END away. Mwahahaha!
  9. Re: "Instant Pentacle, Just Add Water" Wow! rough encounter there! Are you sure your co-GM likes you As for the power: how about Images? I suppose you could built it two ways: a spell that summons a glowing pentacle, or a holographic pentacle projector. Either way, it'd be a fairly cheap power.
  10. Re: Looking For Resources: Urban Caverns Not true of every urban area: Houston has (for some years now) been installing monstrous square storm drains under all the major roadways [because Houston is flat as a pancake, and floods easily]. The smaller ones would be easy to walk upright in; the larger ones you could drive a semi down! It's certainly true that many storm drain/sewer pipes aren't really all that big, but larger ones do exist! As for resource for your PC's base: you could grab Underground by David MacCaulay; it's a cool depiction of what kinds of things are under a city. (http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0395340659/absolutsearch05/103-8221395-2308631)
  11. Re: 2 more questions Depleted Uranium is used as radiation shielding as I understand it. As I understand it, any of the really dense elements will work, unless the element is already seriously radioactive. I'd expect Osmium to work well, if you want something that sounds cool. Rich/Decadant folks might go in for Gold or Platinum shielding, too.
  12. Re: Smart Missiles 4. They have senses (radar, infrared) and can be flashed/darknessed. 5. They have control systems (AI) which could be hacked. OTOH, I do think that summoned missiles do add complexity. Whether it's worth it depends on the game.
  13. Re: What super hero concepts would you like to see more of?
  14. Re: Battletech - Torso Twist Given that it's less restrictive in most cases than limited arc of fire:180, I'd say it'd be a flava -0 limitation.
  15. Re: My FTL drive: comments? Well, I assumed the photons would cross through the T-shield, meaning that the equipment would still function according to normal space specs, but that the outgoing and returning radar pulses (or whatever) would be moving vastly faster outside the shield. But I'd agree that in the early days of T-space ships your sensors probably wouldn't be able to correctly handle the altered input; later models though ought to be adjusted to handle these issues. On a different note, T-space probably has nothing in it but lots of tiny stars. Why? well, it can't really have any complex matter chunks (no subatomic bonds). Which rules out most anything except gravity-clinging clumps of matter. Moreover, I'd think that the extra velocity attainable in T-space would reduce the size of stars (they'd blow off matter much more readily than in our Universe). So, lots of small tiny stars--but they might be more densely packed than in our universe.
  16. Re: What character concepts make you cringe? IIRC, at one point (after Wolvie had fully healed from the trauma of having the adamant ripped out of him) he basically could heal from lethal-level injuries (run over by a car) in a couple seconds. In Champs, that'd be a ridiculously expensive level of regen (SPD*BODY*2 pts/turn is what I'd guess). At that level, it was more like desolid, only to emulate ludicrous regen. For my part, I cringe mainly at characters that don't fit into the current game. I don't mind Werewolves/Vampires/Anime Characters in a Champs games, so long as they're played as Champs Characters, not their own genre. I guess it's more character attitude/style than character design that annoys me.
  17. Re: Telekinetic Silly Putty! TK Silly Putty? Cool I'd actually suggest putting a selection of 'all the time' kind of powers in an EC, perhaps FF (no END), Swinging and Stretching? In fact, I might go with an EC for basic powers, a multipower for the common attacks (EB, Entangle, TK?), and a VPP for 'cool stuff'. And be sure to include Eidetic Memory, only for printed material (-1)
  18. Re: THE ULTIMATE BRICK -- What Do *You* Want To See? More Brick types to consider discussing: 'Slab' types: weaker bricks that instead endure vast amounts of damage (high BODY types)--their was a thread on this subject here a while back. Dense types, and issues (like how strong surfaces are) that arise when you weigh tons at human size.
  19. Re: My FTL drive: comments? I don't have much, but:
  20. Re: Horror Hero:Killer Cars, opinions wanted
  21. Re: Ultimate Brick -- What Things Weigh Canyonero: 65 tons (OK, it's a fictional vehicle--but what else is Bulldozer gonna' drive, anyway?) And since a lot of people have offered up building weights, let me suggest building materials, like pallets of lumber, yards of concrete, I-beams, etc.? Also (for premodern bricks) how about livestock?
  22. Hmmm, how about Mental Entangles, only to prevent usage of a specific power?
  23. Smokeless powder will burn in a vacuum (it provides it's own oxygen). So, a bullet should work fine in a vacuum. However, other issues may come up. People firing bullets in zero g will fly off the other way, for instance. Shots at significant distances (one spacecraft to another) may require orbital computations to get right. Sights on long-range weapons will need to be recalibrated when switching from gravity to zero g (since the bullets won't arc anymore). Also, the temperature may become a factor--in naked sunlight, items can be heated up much higher than normal (which could cause rounds to detonate with too much force, rupturing the weapon or otherwise misfiring). Items in shadow can cool down to really low temperatures--I suspect that the powder might not work if it is cryogenically cold. Of course, most of these problems might be accounted for by people who are planning on taking weapons into space; these problems are all issues with current era smokeless powders.
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