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Everything posted by Kelcyron

  1. Re: "Thing ring, do your thing!" I remember the show existing but I can't really remember anything about it other than that the point of it was a guy who could touch two rings together and turn in to The Thing. Kelcyron
  2. Re: (Fun) Character: The Named Extra Yepyepyepyepyep, uh-huh, uh-huh... This brought to you from the planet Kooz-bain. We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. Kelcyron
  3. Re: New Advantage: Robust Immunity The way it was presented, Player #1 would subtract 10 dice from any fire-based attack, but Player #2 would only subtract 5 dice. As to whether or not a focus would preclude buying an attack with robust immunity, it depends on the focus. A normal flamethrower couldn't grant the immunity, but some hyper-tech fire suit might. Kelcyron
  4. Re: Characteristics, a special type of framework (I'm multiplying your example by 4, so I get whole numbers) "Hard to Kill" is a new talent from our campaign. Normally you die at -(original body). Each point of Hard to Kill further reduces the point at which death occurs (ie if you have 10 body, you normally die at -10 body; with 12 points of Hard to Kill, you die at -22 body). Cost is 4 Hard to Kill per CP Body: 20 points of body for 40 points 20 +20 Stun 8 +8 Body Roll (2 point skill levels do to lack of skills) 10 +40 Hard to Kill ---- 38 points Average 1.9 per point of body. Kelcyron
  5. Re: HERO + Mage: the Ascension = help me make a paradigm reinforcment sattelite. Actually, he probably wouldn't have to worry about paradox at all; Magick is coincidental if everyone believes there's a good explanation for it. If there's people running around in tights doing all kinds of amazing things, the mage declares "I'm a superhero!" and puts on his tights, and no one questions whether or not what he's doing is "believable". Kelcyron
  6. Re: Attracting villians One or more large museums, housing valuable antiques and/or ancient magical artifacts. Kelcyron
  7. Re: And Now For Something Completely Different We ignored that restriction (my character is a Spiderman homage, who does the Ben Reily impact-webbing trick built as ranged HA). I had to use a custom advantage in hero designer because it refused to allow me to put ranged on HA. As a further added complication we use the 4th edition HA (3 per die, no kludgie limitation), which required that the whole thing be built as a custom power in my webshooter multipower. Kelcyron
  8. Re: Speaking of Gestures and Incantations... I'd say that the physical limitation "one handed/one armed" includes, by definition, "Cannot use powers requiring 2-handed gestures". Kelcyron
  9. Re: What's your team missing? Someone who can fly. We've got a speedster (flight along surface, which doesn't really count) and someone with lots of swinging (my Spiderman homage). The martial artist has a good amount of superleap and the quasi-mage has EDM and teleportation. Everyone else is pretty much earthbound. Kelcyron
  10. Re: The things I learned playing a power armor junkie "No figured characteristics" is sometimes inappropriate, in addition to being inefficient. It all depends on how you define the way your armor works. Kelcyron
  11. Re: Ego Attack: What am I missing? Just because Steve said something isn't legal doesn't mean that you shouldn't do it if it make sense. If the nice and simple "Limited power: Uses CV instead of ECV (-1/4)" works for you then you should use it, whether or not Steve has said it can't/shouldn't be done. Kelcyron
  12. Re: Anyone combine Champs with Call of Cuthulu? Another example is The Dunwich Horror. Yes, Armitage and company were changed by learning of the Mythos and it's threat, but they defeated Wilbur Whatley and his brother without going mad. Kelcyron
  13. Re: The Kid Gloves Are ... on? I think there's a rule somewhere that anything is minumum cost 1, but that still leaves it very cheap to buy the "naked advantage"/"naked limitation" of Stun Only. Even if you apply this individually to his STR, HA/HKA, and/or martial DC's, it comes to maybe 5 points. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, I'm not sure. Kelcyron
  14. Re: DC versus Marvel: different styles We had a discussion about this over the weekend. DC's flagship characters (Superman, Wonder Woman, etc) are almost entirely larger than life and "True Heros" (I won't get into what's going on with Infinite Crisis). Marvel's flagship characters (Captain America, Iron Man, etc) are generally more "human". So while Marvel's characters are somewhat easier to relate to, DC's are more what we should aspire to. Kelcyron
  15. Re: Hybrid Characters I'll begin by stating that I'm a player and not a GM. If your character concept is a tightly (perhaps rigidly) defined set of powers that fits one "archetype", that's fine. If you come up with a character concept that's a "hybrid" that works, that's fine too. What's important is that your character makes sense and is workable/playable. I think that there's often too much emphasis placed on "this character is this archetype or that archetype" and worse "your character can't do that because he's not Kelcyron
  16. Re: Framework costing Active points of each power in an EC have to be at least twice the EC active cost. ------- If you have a 20 point EC: Elemental Control - Wind: 20 Ride Wind - Flight (20"): [Active: 40 -20ECpool] 20 Wind Hands - Telekinesis (27 STR): [Active: 40-20ECpool] 20 Torrent of Wind - Energy Blast (8d6): [Active: 40 -20ECpool] 20 Total Cost: 80 ------- If you only want 20 point powers: Elemental Control - Wind: 10 Ride Wind - Flight (10"): [Active: 20 -10ECpool] 10 Wind Hands - Telekinesis (14 STR): [Active: 21-10ECpool] 11 Torrent of Wind - Energy Blast (4d6): [Active: 20 -10ECpool] 10 Total Cost: 41 ------- [ NOTE: TK is 3 str for every 2 points, if I'm remembering correctly. Don't have my books. ] Kelcyron
  17. Re: Putting on Power Armor My last power armor character bought most of his powers as OIF, but bought instant change IIF, defined as a breastplate that the armor "grew" out of (a la the Iron Man briefcase). Kelcyron
  18. Re: Heroic level characteristics ramble Because it's a heroic game with heroic characters, not a normals game with normal characters. Kelcyron
  19. Re: CHAR: Green Lantern The rings should be indestructible foci. No matter what happens to a GL, no matter how badly annihilated he gets, his ring will fly off to find the next worthy bearer. Kelcyron
  20. Re: CHAR: Green Lantern 1) The ring is intelligent. They way I did my GL homage was write up all the powers as OIF, and buy the ring's personality as a computer. The ring personality/computer had "programs" that would allow it to use some of the powers of the ring. 2) That's a toss-up. Considering what the ring is capable of though ("The most powerful weapon in the universe"), I'd say go with the VPP and example uses. 3) I believe the Corps rings do currently have the 24 hour charge limitation. I think that was listed as a -1/4 lim in the Gadget&Gear book for their "homage" item. Kelcyron
  21. Re: Spells You Don't Want to Model in FH Something you never want cast on you: Evan's Spiked Tentacles of Forced Intrusion. And one every GM needs to recap the previous session: Summon Plot Exposition.
  22. Re: Costume fixation (Get your mind out of the gutter) I liked it too. It's the costume that I use for the Spiderman homage I'm currently running (even bought the heroclix to use as a figure for it). Kelcyron
  23. Re: THE ULTIMATE SPEEDSTER -- What Do *You* Want To See? I definitely want something along the lines of The Ultimate Brick, not The Ultimate Mystic. Ultimate Brick was very useful (powers, charts, samples):, basically, how to make/improve a brick. Ultimate Mystic had much more of a "setting" feel to it (this is how a mystic fits into the world), without having much for how to make/improve a mystic character. Kelcyron
  24. Re: Power Help: Big Stone Mech Forgive me for sounding snarky, but how far does this ruling go? Do the PD and ED from the Growth not add to the force field because they're "modifying" another power in the EC? Is it sufficiently different because "Force Field" is a different named power? I suspect not, as it was ruled that Growth strength doesn't add to HA/HKA in the same framework. Would it matter if it was bought as pure PD/ED (with GM permission since it doesn't cost end)? If I bought DI and Growth in the same EC, with one of them having "Does not add to STR", would the PD and ED from each stack? Kelcyron
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