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Lord Mhoram

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Everything posted by Lord Mhoram

  1. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? It reminds me of Cyclorama - the guys are still finding their balance, but the song itself is Excellent! The sheer musical ability of the group is phenomenal. It's got me really stoked for the new album. You can hear early Queen in the guitars, Roger solo stuff in the way he sings in the choras, and Free and Bad Company (and the Firm and The Law) echoing in the vocals.
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? C-lebrity - Queen + Paul Rodgers (the single from the upcoming album)
  3. Re: The Book Of The Destroyer I started a game where the big oepning arc were the PCs getting Dr D. Now the campaign failed for other reasons, but that seemed the best way of starting a JLA/Power Avengers type game. And it worked.
  4. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? The Glass Hall : Choose the Crystal - Andreas Vollenweider
  5. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? I need a Lover Tonight - Motley Crue
  6. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Bridget the Midget - Ray Stevens Changing to Run Runaway - Slade
  7. Re: Whoo-Hoo! Atlantean Age Is Mine! Having done a basic read through, I love the content, but I don't especially care for the layout. It was somewhat harder on the eyes. I would have payed an extra 5 or 10 bucks for a larger book with the more traditional Hero layout. But that is a minor quibble. The content is excellent, and that is what I buy the books for.
  8. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Mama Said Knock You Out - LL Cool J
  9. Re: Big Name Supers or equal characters? Well then sir, I believe that you have good taste in literature that mirror's my own.
  10. Re: Big Name Supers or equal characters? I'm going to come at this from another direction. If you are going for feel and approach rather than a direct conversion then you can do two things in tandem. First - have the characters on higher starting points... say 500. Then have most NPC heroes, and many NPC villians on the 350-500 pt range. The big name villains (Mechanon, Eurostar, Dr Destroyer ect) are higher. Set Defenses Attacks levels and such for the heroes at the level you want to match the villains you want to be the standard campaign villains - such as Eurostar. While this doesn't give the character "Invulnerability" if 2 or 3 heroes can mop up 6 or 7 regular villains, and have a number of those attacks not do much (and are almost immune to agents) - then the character feels invlunerable. When they go up against equals, then they take damage - and superman takes damage from Brainiac, Darksied and others. Second - and this is a thematic/deconstructionist approach - have the PCs fill the "character roles" Flagsuit (Cap/Superman, Silver Agent) Greatest Hero that Ever Lived (Superman, Samaritan) Lady Warrior (Wonder Woman, Winged Victory) Urban Trickster (Spider-man) Dark Avenger of the Night ect. If the PCs are seen as more powerful than the average super, matches with the tough guys of the game, and are seen as an arch-type, you get something that feels like a true comic book character. I did that in my last campaign, and it worked like a charm.
  11. Re: New In The Store! My Monster Island and Atlantean Age shipped today - woohoo! Now I just have to save for the Destroyer book.
  12. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Swept off my Feet - Plato's Halo
  13. Re: Your character's theme song would be? Time for an updated (I posted way back in the beginnings of the thread years ago). Black Cat - Black Cat - Janet Jackson - Mostly title. The character Pre-dates the song. Ballistic - Demolition Man - the Mannfred Mann Version. He tends to cause a fair amount property damage. Sift - I put a spell on You - Screaming Jay Hawkins. She's a supermage. Alternately "My Boyfriend's back - Shirelles". She is dating the Sorcerer Supreme (who is young in this campaign). Terminal Velocity - Runner - Mannfred Mann again. Smokeater - Two of 'em. Burning for You - Blue Oyster Cult, Fight Fire with Fire - Kansas Meeb - It's not Easy being Green - Kermit the frog. Angelfire - She's a rock star first, super second. Her theme song would be one she wrote.
  14. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? 1UP Yours podcost from Aug 21
  15. Re: Superman Begins and Darker Superhero Stories My last superhero game was purely Silver/Bronze. The was (in a 15 year game) one situation where killing was O.K. I indroduced PSI and made them as nasty as I could. The PSI/Watchtower war was legendary in the game, and it was a plot I ran specifically to have the characters decide what to do when they ran up against an opponent that didn't follow the unwritten rules. It was the "dark graphic novel" in a normal comic book, if you will. In any game I GM I insist on at least 15 points of Code Vs Killing.
  16. Re: You Are President! Black Cat would qualify. She's over 35 (just) and an American citizen. She has a public ID, and she was sent to stronghold for murder while was possessed by her darkforce - but was later pardoned. She would immediately step down. When she beat the Death Dragon after the tournament, she declared herself a citizen of the world. She knows that she could not represent one country of it. She's too much of an internationalist. Terminal Velocity is 19 and British to boot. He's out. Sift is 20. She's out. Meeb - don't be silly. Angelfire is a naturalized citizen, but was born in Germany. She's out.
  17. Re: WWYCD: Magic Fishnets? I sent this idea to the guy in our group that does Meeb's sketches. We will see what happens.
  18. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Interstate Cannonball - Bastard Sons of Johnny Cash.
  19. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Alexander Graham Bell - Sweet
  20. Re: WWYCD Political chaos! None of my characters would act on #4. There is a reason minor's records are sealed. Most would ignore #3 as well, although if there was proof, take that info to the police. On to the biggies- In the case of #2 - Blackcat would present the evidence to the police, and talk to the individual, and perhaps (depending on reaction of the candidate) bring him in herself. How far she acted really depended on what the felony was though. Ballistic would bring him in. Period. He's an excop, he hates seeing criminals free. Sift would talk with the person, and encourage him to turn himself in before she give the info to the police. Terminal Velocity would hand off the info to Primus (as that is the law enforcement agency he has had the most experience with). Meeb likely wouldn't do much, he deals with supercriminals, and is an alien amoeba anyway - he doesn't follow politics. In general the characters wouldn't act too different than they would in the case of any felony - the fact he is a candidate doesn't make much difference to them. In #1. Black Cat would take him down, and take down whoever was behind him (Manchurian) or his contact (spy). Then take all that info, and people and turn them over to Until. She would never talk to the press about it. Ballastic would do the same, but he would turn them over to Primus or the FBI/CIA. He also would not talk to the press. Sift, Terminal Velocity and Meeb would likely have such things happen as part of a team adventure, and would get consensus of the teams on exactly what they do after they take down the orginization behind the candidate. Terminal Velocity would explain to the Press (he gets along with them) Sift would answer questions, but not make a big production of it. Meeb would shlurp off in another direction. His team doesn't do much with the Press (with the name Freak Squad, and over half the team with single digit Comliness scores, it's no wonder).
  21. Re: How flawed is your Super? My characters all have flaws, but they are not debilitating types. I can't play a character I wouldn't like in real life, so they tend to be nice... at least mostly. Of my current characters: Blackcat - She tends to see things in black and white, and she is something of an ascetic, so she can look down on those that are not so focused. But not much. A character that has been played for 17 or so years, and whose personality is all about self improvement, has a tendency to (in character) try and remove character flaws. Terminal Velocity - He is wishywashy. He tends to let others take the lead. He started superheroing thinking it was something of a game, and then there was a nasty run-in with Genocide that really changed his perception. He almost quit the whole superbiz over that (a bit petulant there), but toughed it out. Meeb - he can be passive. He also tends to take jokes and run them into the ground. He is possibly my nicest character. He never gets angry or upset about stuff - he just takes things as they happen. Sift is much the same. A very nice person. Her major character flaw is that she is too aggressive about her own abilities. If she knows she can do something, she can push someone else out of the way to do it. I don't play jerks, I don't play idiots. I try and play characters that would be someone I could respect, or want to be. So I guess to answer the thread - not very flawed.
  22. Re: How flawed is your Super?
  23. Re: WWYCD: Magic Fishnets? Black Cat in fishnets with an extra 2 DC, 20 pts of Martial manuevers and 10 more pts in CSL plus some extra Combat Luck. She would probably wear them on a lark for a while, and then find some deserving up and coming martial artists who's current taste in costumery would fit with wearing the things, and give them to her. Angelfire wouldn't bother, although the look would fit her. Sift a magical based super with martial arts stuff probably would wear them, and change her costume around. She wears a full body suit, but the leggings are skin tight, so it really isn't all that different in her mind. And she could use the powerboost. Hmmmm... maybe with some experience..... Meeb... don't be silly. No none of my male characters would wear them.
  24. Re: Karate Kid vs Karate Kid Member of the Legion of Superheroes, and has been around since the 60s. In the credits to the Ralph Macchio movie, there is a "karate kid is a trademark of DC Comics, used by permission" in the credits.
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