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Everything posted by Nevenall

  1. Re: Example low fantasy characters With 100 points you'll be able to make sufficiently distinct characters. After all it's all about what you buy not how many points you have. Fantasy Hero has a few sample 150 pt characters, as I recall, but if you just want sample characters what would help you more is Monsters Minions and Marauders. That has a section with 12 generic human characters like bandit, merchant, and wizard, mostly build on 50 to 80 points.
  2. Re: Star Wars - Balancing Jedi with everyone else and heroic vs. superheroic Sounds like a promising interesting. There's no reason a heroic character can't be build on whatever points you want, and it's important for the GM to set point buying guidelines in any game. I never had to deal what balancing non-Force users, everyone in my Jedi Acadamy Campaign is a Jedi. What I did was to divide the cost of all Force powers that aren't skills by 3. Here is a list of setting conversions to Hero, might help you get a head start. Lord Liaden's List of Lots of Links Have fun!
  3. Re: Question: Movement 'Trick' I am fairly sure you can't perform a 0 phase action AFTER you have used your whole phase, only after a 1/2 action. However, one way to build what you want is to buy Persistent (+1/2) for your Flight power.
  4. Re: aid and succor Another difference between the two Powers is that all the points gained from Succor disappear as soon as the power is turned off. Points gained from Aid will fade at their normal rate, no matter what happens to the Aid power.
  5. Re: Explaining the Unusual Sense Group Well, the Unusual Sense Group isn't really a sense group, it's just where we put everything that doesn't fit elsewhere. Any Detect in the Unusual Group is its own Sense Group of one, and the character who buys that Detect should define how the Sense Group actually works.
  6. Re: Fantasy University Floor Plans "They have the best in open air, vertically fitted orifices, with the finest street level waste disposal system." Or something like that. Very nice maps, Keith. I would rep you if I could.
  7. Re: Our Game's Luck System For my Jedi Academy game I use a system very much like Heroic Action Points except that I tell the players when the can roll, and the points can be used to subtract from rolls made directly against the character, usually attack rolls. It's not very much book keeping. It works well for a Jedi game because lightsaber duels are so dangerous. Force Points keeps extreme rolls from getting in the way. Plus it's fun to find just the most dramatic moment to say "roll your Force Dice."
  8. Re: Robert E Howard or J.R.R. Tolkien? I can read Tolken and Leiber again and again and get something new from them every time. Howard doesn't have that kind depth for me.
  9. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Car Talk on Oregon Public Broadcasting's Internet Stream
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From last week's session of the Jedi Academy Campaign "What happens when you cross Skywalkers and Solos? Do they stop whining, or do they just get really good at it?"
  11. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Neil Young
  12. Re: orichalcum Never occurred to me drow wouldn't rhyme with cow. There are dark elves in my campaign but it's a historical designation. The dark elves are the ones that decided to make war on the humans in revenge for a human attempt to conquer the elven lands.
  13. Re: house rule for c.s.l. I think it's a great house rule. I've tried various versions of the same thing, but this might be the best. What about Overall Skill Levels?
  14. Re: Heroic Limits On Entangles? For this you can build an Entangle with no DEF. Anyone who can do STR damage can break out if given enough time. To get the feel you want why not work with the special effects? If the effect of an Entangle spell is to wrap a character in rope, then why can't he find something sharp to cut the ropes with and escape? Or even attempt a Contortionist roll to escape? No reason to let the Power description tyrannize your campaign. Of course getting your players to agree with you might be a different story.
  15. Re: "Neat" Pictures Here is a random assortment pictures and cool maps A man made cave in Bermuda [ATTACH]18553[/ATTACH] A map of Elimina Fortress which is a former slaver castle in Ghana [ATTACH]18556[/ATTACH] A picture of Elimina Fortress [ATTACH]18557[/ATTACH] A niffy 3d map of Winding Cave [ATTACH]18558[/ATTACH] Not a map, but cool. [ATTACH]18559[/ATTACH]
  16. Re: Your "Character Sheet Resources" Well, heck here are some more. The sheet is a blank sheet, the form is a fillable Adobe Form. [ATTACH]18146[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]18147[/ATTACH]
  17. Re: Another Star Wars thread I made all the powers and the players choose what they buy. They could invent new powers, but they generally don't becuase they are not all that comfortable with building stuff in HS. My campaign information is avaliable as DOCs or PDFs on the web. Go HERE Download the fonts for the most fun
  18. Re: Scaled damage and armor effectiveness I don't have much to say for weapons, but for armor, or more specifically for large ships and objects, I would strongly recommend Damage Reduction. Even 25% Reduction can be significant, and it works against any attack, even ones with NND.
  19. Re: Another Star Wars thread
  20. Re: Nethack Hero I was thinking about this a while back. I even started making notes about how to make HERO combat determanistic enough to be programmable.
  21. Re: Efficacy: Heroic relocation Talent It seems too expensive to me. For similar abilities I have use the optional variant of Luck which allows you to modify rolls by one point by "spending" one point of the total from your Luck dice. Throw in Can Affect Rolls Made Against Character (+1) so you can affect Hit Location rolls against the character, or attack rolls, or damage rolls. Of course, by this scheme it's much more effective to modify the actual attack roll to not be hit, but you could limit the ability to just hit location rolls. Hit Location Only (-1), something like that. It's a talent I would consider taking one level of.
  22. Re: A more realistic feel for SH I started my Star Wars campaign at 25+25 and it has worked out very well. I did, however, artificially limit the characters to only one primary characteristic at 15, and the rest couldn't be more then 13. Same thing for skills; the characters could have one skill at 14- and the rest had to be less then 12-. I did this so every character could have one specialty, but they would still be ordinary people. I did find that I had to tone down the characters I took from Hero products because they were too powerful for my group. Another rather odd effect is that no one in the campaign has yet bought their speed higher then 2. Even though they are all approching 200 total points. I don't know if they don't want to bother with it, of if they figure that I won't give any NPC's a higher speed if they all stay at 2. It does make for a nice flow to combat though.
  23. Re: Paying for Items, yes/no? I have had people pay points for items their character starts with, but not for magic items they find later on. But then I don't hand out magic items very often. I can see that it could become an issue though, because there always seems to be one character who ends up with a huge horde of magic items. If you are a wizard in DnD there is no point in hording a magic long sword because it won't do you any good. Even if you could use it, your spells are still much more efficient. However, in Hero System a magic long sword is equally good for any character. In fact, it could turn a wizard into a darn good fighter as well as a wizard. It sounds like you have two competing aspects. The low starting points will make magic items very powerful, but this is a DnD flavored game, so you don't want to make people pay for items. You might want to think about the Resource Points system from Dark Champions. That would allow a character to horde any number of magic items, but only use a limited set of them at one time.
  24. Re: Creative uses for Change Environment Aura of Subversion: Penelties to Ego Rolls. Makes it harder to resist your Psychological Limitations and to make Breakout rolls.
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