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Everything posted by Ranxerox

  1. Re: Emotional Rescue Giving your character some more thought, I think your idea of a VPP that enhances powers/attributes No Conscious Control is the way to go. You could have a second add on VPP that requires 10 or more people experiencing a similar emotional response to kick in, and possibly a third VPP for over a hundred people being emotionally on board. Question though, what if the emotion those 100 people are experiencing is fear of some villain or monster? Does the villain/monster get a power boost to make them even more frightening?
  2. Re: Emotional Rescue Well for your specific example, an area effect Presence Aid would work.
  3. Ranxerox

    Gravity power

    Re: Gravity power No TK can't be used on yourself. Good point. However, flight even usable on others wouldn't cover the inanimate objects that that might reasonably be caught in the character's gravity field.
  4. Re: Help with a goofy power build I have a shaman in a fantasy that has darkness versus both sight and hearing defined as summoning crows that get in the faces and cawing at his enemies. Her animals could be a SFX to negative modifier to PER roll or the group participation could be removed and OCV penalty defined as detracting small animals in its place.
  5. Re: Help with a goofy power build Sorry, not really getting this power. She can change the temperature by plus or minus 80 degrees? She can obscure vision with the same effectiveness of total darkness? This sounds like a lot more than simply making things gloomy or brightening things up. Why so much oomph for what is suppose to be a cosmetic sort of power? Also, what is group participation?
  6. Re: All-Stars 2011 Will you be running this a Dundracon?
  7. Re: I just got 6E today and I'm looking to build an unusual character: Black Falcon. Yeah this one is a sleeper*. Combined with her force field, this could make Black Talon all but unstoppable. With an 11 DCV she is going to extremely hard to hit and when once you do have to get past 20 rPd/20 rED and on top of that if it is a physical attack you have to contend with 50% damage resistance. However none of these obstacles are insurmountable and depending on the monsters your GM is planning on throwing at her this power might not be excessive. Are the other player's characters scarily built? Will any villain that gives Black Talon a run for her money eat them for lunch? She is pretty much a pure combat animal. If the other PCs aren't as tough, you might think about giving her more noncombat skills and bringing her down combat-wise to closer to the group average. * - By sleeper I mean a GM could easily miss this power while looking at the write-up, and only "wake up" to difficult to it makes stopping the character once they see it in play.
  8. Re: Political/Religious Space Colonies? Beautiful non-quote. I can't rep you for it at this time, but I am tempted to add it to my sig.
  9. Re: I just got 6E today and I'm looking to build an unusual character: Black Falcon. Okay, let's see. Offensive abilities. Check. Adequate defense. Check. Movement power. Check. Endurance to cover her powers. Check. Doesn't abuse the rules. Uhhh, wellll. Okay, she needs to open a portal to the plane of corrosive dark energy to use her powers, but in game terms how is that a limitation? Her primary power that all the others are linked to is her force field. With her force field down this character could be taken out by any average punk with a handgun if he got in a lucky shot. Her first action at the start of any combat will be to turn on her force field and she would leave it on until the combat is over even if her other powers weren't linked to it. That is only sane and reasonable. You mentioned that her field would come down when she is asleep or unconscious, but she wouldn't be able to use any of her other powers if she were asleep or unconscious anyway. It says character creation guide in big, bold, blue letters, "A limitation that doesn't limit the character isn't worth any any bonus!" The exclamation mark isn't something that I added, it's is in the book too. I'm hard pressed see any limitation in having to run her force field in order to access her other abilities. She would be running her force field pretty much all the time during combat anyway. Now if the force field was a damage shield instead, I could see that being worth a bonus. As it is there just doesn't seem to be anything justify all those saved points. Were I your GM, I would probably steer you to Only In Alternate Identity in place of the Linked and you would need to trim your character a bit because OIAID isn't as big of a bonus. Of course, I am not your GM and ultimate say is up him or her. My $0.02
  10. Re: I just got 6E today and I'm looking to build an unusual character: Black Falcon. I seem to remember darkness scrappers getting a boost to there health whenever they used their hand to hand attack which is why I recommended transfer STUN. However, simply doing kick@ss damage gets the job done too.
  11. Ranxerox

    Gravity power

    Re: Gravity power What happens at the points of intersection? In other words, if he as established his own gravity field on wall near the actual how does that work? Do people walking towards his wall suddenly fall face first into it when they get too close? Does the gravity just "naturally" taper so people approaching the wall instinctively move from walking on the ground to walking up the wall? Just wondering whether or not this power is an attack.
  12. Re: Let's Play "The Naming Game" D'oh!
  13. Re: Let's Play "The Naming Game" Sorry, not getting it. Is Nikki Z a character from Dragonballz?
  14. Re: Let's Play "The Naming Game" Well her name is Dominika Zolner or Nikki Z to her friends. So Professor Z could work, though Doctor Z sounds like some villain with sleep powers.
  15. Re: Let's Play "The Naming Game"
  16. Re: Let's Play "The Naming Game" Good name but already in use in my universe.
  17. Re: How to understand the SuperHero Genre As a general rule comic books are a combination identification and fantasy fulfillment. You identify with the poor, nerdy and put upon Peter Parker and fantasize about being the cool, powerful, wise-cracking Spider-Man. You identify with the awkward and frequently overlooked Clark Kent and fantasize about god-like Superman. There are exceptions to this rule. Some characters are pretty much straight up fantasy with little to identify with. I don't think many of identify with Bruce Wayne. At least not Bruce Wayne as an adult, a person could identify with the child who saw his parents die in the alley. But that just shows the the identification and fantasy fulfillment don't have to be in equal portions, one can be much more pronounced than the other (usually in comic books it is the fantasy fulfillment that wins out in these cases). So if you can make a character who on one hand you can identify with and on the other hand has ability or character traits you wish you had, you will probably enjoy playing that character.
  18. Re: Let's Play "The Naming Game" Necessity just doesn't sound like a superhero name to me. Thanks for the suggestion though.
  19. Re: Let's Play "The Naming Game" Actually, I pictured her putting on a bit a of weight (hence the need for pilates) and getting slightly frumpy as the formerly voluptuous sometimes do. Still, Elegance is a first rate name for a female gadgeteer and might be worth altering my mental picture for. I'm going to need think about it and see if I can come up with more "elegant" foci than the boot jets and wrist rockets that I envisioned her possessing.
  20. Re: Let's Play "The Naming Game" I need a name for a female gadgeteer in her early 40s. When she started as superhero in her late teens she was Gadget Girl. Once she got older and no longer felt so girly, she changed her name to TKO. Recently she has had to come to terms with the fact that she is no longer really a knock out. Rather than spend countless hours doing pilates and getting plastic surgery to tighten her face, she has decided to change her name. Suggestions?
  21. Re: I just got 6E today and I'm looking to build an unusual character: Black Falcon. No. Rapid fire is not an advantage, autofire is. It allow you to fire a burst shots in a single phase and the amount by which you make your to hit roll determines how many of the shots hit. However, I don't think this power is appropriate for a dark scrapper, because even though they throw a barrage of punches at once all the punches either hit or they all miss.
  22. Re: Looking For A Detail From "Golden Age Champions"/" Golden Age Of Champions" DOG FACE - Defensive/Offensive Gear: Flying Armored Combat Equipment
  23. Re: I just got 6E today and I'm looking to build an unusual character: Black Falcon. IIRC = If I Recall Correctly
  24. Re: I just got 6E today and I'm looking to build an unusual character: Black Falcon. You might want to consider getting this character tunneling. It is usually the most efficient way of dealing with inanimate objects. As for the rapid fire punch, IIRC it acts like a STUN transfer with no range. The rapid fire part should just be a special effect, since unlike autofire in Hero all your shots either hit or miss. You never score with some of punches in the combo and miss with others.
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