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Everything posted by Balabanto

  1. I just finished the section on Orichalcum. This will be followed by Politics, War, Martial Arts, the Jungle and the Reptile Kingdom Sections, followed by some additional information about locations on maps and brief fluff, a section on the PTAH Underground Response Team, and then we're done. Just waiting on art and the like.
  2. But it's not "Five foot squares" in D+D anymore. It's just "squares." The building is as big or as small as you want. This has advantages and disadvantages. Remember that when it's five foot squares here, it's two meter squares in the european 3.5 D+D rulebooks. So all those rulebooks, everything's bigger.
  3. One more. GM: It's not actually a monkey, it's a Ring-tailed Lemur. Players: What the? Subject 27's player: I examine the Lemur. GM: Make a perception roll. Subject 27's player: By 4. GM: The rings are painted on.
  4. Unless you play with insanely overpowered characters, this leads to Skyscrapers the size of hovels. I have a fully finished basement in which my games usually reside. It's 20 meters long. That's about ten hexes. I can't mentally process games in the Bottle City of Kandor. Maybe other people can, but that's not how I choose to run my games. There's a concept of scale in superhero games. It needs to be obeyed.
  5. Actually, yes! My players can't do the 2m=1 hex conversion, especially when rolling knockback. And god forbid you should change it to an odd number. Maps blow up. Hideously. At least when the inch mark was indicative of a number of specific two meter hexes, everyone knew what it was. Knockback being a 2/1 conversion is awful. People CAN'T do this. They just can't. I have to monitor everyone's die rolls now. I never had to do that before.
  6. Game inches might be functional, but the others, no. Game inches are still useful for people who do combat on battle maps.
  7. Clown Commander, announcing his evil plan. "I want all the soap in New York City delivered to Central Park by 3 PM, or the city will suffer a bubble bath like it has never seen. What do you think of that, Mr. Mayor?" Mayor (Tied up and gagged): Mfft! !#$#@!!!!! "Mr. Pibbles, use the agonizer...AGGGGGH! ACK! AAAGGH!....pant...wheeze... not...on...me." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Soldier: Attention, humans! Your confectionary weaponry and carbonated weapons are no match for the science of the Kwa'luur. Lay down your pogo sticks and surrender and you will not be harmed! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gideon's Player: Can I be seen inside the Banana? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gideon's Player: I get on the pogo stick, leap up, and shoot the balloon man. GM: You pop the balloon man, and inside is a monkey operating it with some sort of contraption. Sun Soldier: I should have known the apes were behind this. Monkey: Awk awk...
  8. Dinosaurs is finished. Life at Earth's Center is finished. Economy is finished. Technology is next. We're really closing in on the end. After that, it's up to Kickstarter, Blackwyrm, our layout team, and all of you.
  9. Keep comliness out. You can't count on players to not do things that defy intelligence. You have to look at the other stats and how they scale. There isn't a guy in the world who won't give a stupidly pretty girl whatever information they need for free, and you can't have a stat that substitutes just being pretty for every social skill in the game. (But I'm 64 times as beautiful as aphrodite, why can't I just smile at him and get him to tell me?) That's why they removed comliness. People weren't buying skills.
  10. Sin City on the Edge of Forever Dark City on the Edge of Forever Bill and Ted's Excellent Matrix
  11. He was the world's greatest escape artist! But he couldn't escape the House of the Rising Sun! Ho-dini! Ho-dini, Ladies and Gentlemen!
  12. Fauna of the Center of the Earth is done. In addition to the ones that are actually sheeted, additional creatures for the GM's imagination have also been added.
  13. http://michaelsatran.wordpress.com/ This is my take on this. Feel free to follow my website as well. It does contain announcements for products, and other things I've done, as well as useful GMing advice.
  14. I hate to say this, dude, but except for no death vs. lots of death, this is the same. No. Really. I mean it.
  15. That's also one, but vin diesel as luke skywalker is even more painful.
  16. The real problem is that Mental Entangle is not expensive enough. Period. This power used to cost more in earlier editions of the game, and in games where Mental Defense is a "Power" rather than something that you can build with a machine, it's overly broken. In a game where most people have normal EGO scores (10-15), Mental Entangle is a godly ability.
  17. The dinosaurs will be dinosaurs. Not every genre crosses over.
  18. The Natural Goes to Washington Mr. Chips: Ecks vs. Sever The 39 Steps of Bartholomew Cubbins
  19. Flora of the Center of the Earth is done. On to "Fauna of the Center of the Earth!" Then we'll hit Dinosaurs!
  20. When Queen Elsa and Princess Anna arrive in a new land, the Dinosaurs suddenly die off! Frozen in the Land that Time Forgot!
  21. Well, making new plants is taking a little longer than I thought. I'll let you guys know when this section is done.
  22. That being said, I never liked Barry. I was always a Wally West fan.
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