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Duke Bushido

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Everything posted by Duke Bushido

  1. They're back again. Someone seems to be working on it.
  2. oh-- And yes: we are correcting _everything_, including faded or blurred text, run-together words or letters, etc. Typos and grammar-- well, I will have to wait until I hear back from Jason: don't want to change the actual original without express permission to do so. Even if we're doing it for the right reasons, it's not our original work or copyright to be making actual content changes without permission. To be fair, probably won't be able to correct the issues in the adventure module simply because I have no way of finding out what the original intention of the author was: are they armed and inseparable, or will the hired man run first chance? What exactly _is_ the dog's name? That sort of thing. Unless someone knows how to contact the author, those will have to stay. Duke
  3. A weapon that would ordinarily require a STR Min, but either enchanted or so incredibly-well designed as to remove (or reduce) that STR Min. A monocle that translates written languages (or certain ones) A powder that when tossed in the air and the enchantment made the outlines of hidden doorways will glow slightly-- say, +3 PER to locate such things.
  4. Weird. I thought yours was back last night, as was Brian's, but it seems to be gone again.
  5. I may (will have to talk to Jason to get the go-ahead), clean up contextual errors and the like, but my plan at the moment is to leave typos alone, as they were part of the original publication. Go ahead and note such things, and I'll take a look at them and then decide. Thank you for the attentiveness to detail! Duke
  6. The horse proposed? Seriously, though: Consider that animals are intelligent, self-direct beings. Perhaps the animal in question decides it "owes him one" at some point in the future. At work, and grasping at straws, but if it helps get the juices flowing....
  7. Definitely! Why waste expensive and delicate technology when you can simply railgun a few dozen cannonballs directly into their flight path?
  8. "Beep Beep I'm a Sheep" drifting out of my son's room.... ugh.
  9. Took the family to a movie the other night and saw the trailer. Glanced at daughter (who was a huge Kim Possible fan when she was little) and she giggled, and I thought "I have got to take her to see this, just for laughs." Then I was glacing about the theater and noticing who else was interested and thought: "Why do these people all look like pedophiles?" No; I'm not saying "Kim Possible fans are Pedophiles." But the handful of guys in the audience who were mesmerized by little kids in tight faux leather really gave that vibe..... Told my daughter maybe we'd rent it.
  10. Or we could just by Armor, which has consistent reliability, and ditch the whole "Combat Luck" cobble altogether. Just sayin'...
  11. Quite likely the best possible way to use the chart: for making a rough draft. Good on you!
  12. Have to admit, those bescons are sweet-looking little conversation pieces. I've never been able to make myself spring for a d3 before--I usually toss a D4 and reroll any 4s (too many people trying to game the "roll a D6 and then x" techniques), but I might have to pick up a three or four of those beson jelly-bean looking things. Nice find! Duke
  13. Thanks, Amorkca. And yes..... I am this evening rather disappointed in the quality of my work prior to letting other folks see it. Considering how many weeks were little more than cleaning art and getting rid of noise, I seem to have left an awful lot of it still in there....
  14. Okay, after playing with this some, I am no longer as thrilled as I was when I compiled the PDF: i clearly wasn't ready to call this "archival quality." Also, going forward: I am going to edit this list back into the very post of this thread. In that way, simply quote that post and deleted anything that isn't the List. That will give you access to a version of the list that you can modify with your own additions to the list. Post that. When I get a minute, I will update that list in the first post, so we can continue using that as the current list. Holler if you have any questions.
  15. I don't think it would fly anywhere unless he has a reasonable method by which they could have asked his permission.
  16. How about Mail Order Monsters? They got that?
  17. heh heh heh heh heh ....... Anyone still got a couple of their home-brew 80's villains kicking around? We can convert them to 6 (novi said he was using 6, right?) and hand them off.
  18. I recall hanging on to that thing for a long time, thinking I might consider picking up some V&V stuff as it went on clearance at the FLGS (when we had one). I never did, but I had a friend who did V&V (my first Champions GM was into _all_ Supers games. I'm not complaining or making fun: Supers were his thing, the way Fantasy is for other folks, etc). At any rate, i thought he might get more use out of it than me. He used it to convert something on the order of three dozen published characters, then just tossed it. His claim (I can't say for sure, never having done more than read first edition V&V at his place one night waiting to play "winner" on the Atari one night when we were retro gaming) was that it really did _not_ create accurate conversions. He said it worked within a particular power range (And no; I'm afraid I don't remember what it was), but above or below that it skewed way crazy off. Like DS, above, I think you'd be better off-- if you want an accurate conversion, that is-- to learn the rules of both systems, the ups and downs, intricacies, etc. However, the two systems are dissimilar enough even in how they deliver and defend against damage that I'm not sure getting a really accurate translation is possible. Go for inspiration and artwork, then fill in where you want it to be in your campaign. You can't go wrong with that.
  19. Yes, Sir; You've got the feel for the edit list. I'd rather not list pages that are acceptable, simply to avoid confusion as I find time to make the corrections. And I'm glad your enjoying the book. While it wasn't the biggest one, I freely admit that the quality of the book was in itself a distraction to my work. Duke
  20. Dude! Compile them into a PDF and see if Jason will replace the current offering in the store with a better version. It doesn't hurt to ask, and I promise: we _all_ want the best version of anything that we can get. Human nature and all that. It's the whole reason I'm being so ticky with this.
  21. Ooohh- and you could interrupt Howler at karaoke night....
  22. Thanks to you both. you have just added so many layers to this joke. I mean, as a non-Brit, the Red Rum gag was already there, with Shelly Duval reinforcing the reference. But seeing her smiling like that, and knowing that Red Rum is also a reference to a horse...... Really; I can't thank you both enough.
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