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Everything posted by AnotherSkip

  1. All in one character.... Character 1 A Taoist Monk a Reporter a Temporary PS: Roleplayer 11- PS: Yard Dog 11- PS: File Clerk 11- Character 2 PS: Roleplayer 11- PS: Acapella Singer 12- PS: Yard Dog 11- PS: File Clerk 11- PS: Temporary 11- PS: Mail Clerk 11 not surprisingly Roleplayer (though not an actual working cover) is _very_ frequent along with the other ones. but then ones based on me have a lot of similarities
  2. almost none One character I have Has "Pressure" by Billy Joel. a female bionic brick most of the rest either go with Classsical w/o words, or various theme music depending upon actions taken. A friend of mine was thinking of an english brick for the Chubbawubba song "Tubthumping" (i get knocked down, but I get up again, aint nothin gonna keep me down...)
  3. Bumped because I edited my post and it is too good a post to die.
  4. While the Savage Lands mechanic is interesting, I personally would suggest a variant of accounting. even though some games begin to bog down I would "handwave" accounting and only state it for truly large purchases. Here is a tough question do you make players account for food and other day to day adventuring expenses? another option is Essentially the characters roll activation rolls until they run out of money. Rolll once per day to afford an extravagant lifestyle, reduce the time between rolls . admittedly it wont help with minimal acccounting.
  5. ERm just as a side note 1. you might have one of the preorder books for the trinity game..... This is suggested by your use of the Aeon prefix. Note this book is possibly _highly_ collectible due to a lawsuit engaged by MTV against the publishers of Trinity. MTV desiring to protect it's copyright over the Aeon Flux Property. Only a few of the Aeon Trinity books were released. i would suggest keeping your grimy mitts off of the book and heavily investing in shrinkwrapping. 2. Star Hero and Champions would probably be of immense use to you as well as the USPD. IIRC most of the powers are compartmentalised so building should be relatively easy.
  6. Im thinkin Charges: 1 charge that lasts for 3 minutes, one that lasts for 2 minutes and one that lasts for one minute. About the only time sensitive thing in there for building the first part of the power construct.
  7. Unfortuneately I don't think we can really contextualise this properly. There were few enough times that my VPP got in the way in my game that it wasn't a big deal. the few times that it did the Gm did talk to me about it afterwards and it went better from then on. Essentially part of the problem with a VPP is trust. Do you trust the player in question to do all the math and use it properly? If the answer is yes then there is no problem. If the answer is no then don't let them have a VPP. If the answer is maybe then you need to decide whether a rules/SFX/balance call every session at a minimum is decent or not. that is the only problem with VPP IMNSHO. Do you trust them.
  8. How about these: The king _expects_ his Ducal entourage to be where he can put his hands on them. When he needs an army he usually needs it right away. And the Nobility usually wins or loses the battles. how about treating the nobility perk as a type of VPP? This is reasonable for certain types of games and the less points he spends on it the less the "pool" does for him. have him buy his Right to "order serfs around" as a SFX for summon. ooooh have him "Go to War" and then directly link his fortunes to the survival rate of his troops. As well as for all of the the other Nobles as well. something akin to "well, only 25% of your troops survived since you hid behind them. Now your desmene can only produce 25% as much. lessee, that means out of the 15 points you spent on Wealth now you only get the benefit of 3, oh heck ill be nice 4 points" letters of credit could be only good with nobility. that means resupplying at essentially your rivals locations. Other nobles _ARE_ your rivals, see book 3-4 of "George the Dragon Slayer" Offer him a Rivalry, Dark Secret, Watched or Hunted. Or if you are really evil put it in the "limitations" of the Nobility ranking system or give him a "rebate" on his character. These can repersent an "evil" nobleman who of course covets the "property owned by the Hero. GTG
  9. Those are kinda cheap one shots sort of things if they wanted real tattoos I would have the target pay points for the powers he wanted and the SFX would be the tattoos just like in the 2nd ed Magical items section.
  10. Ermmm no he wasn't screaming there it was when he Fell with the Balrog he was a screaming.... besides did Gandalf buy all of his magic independant?
  11. FREd is Pretty explicit, MP basically has a reserve of spell level maximum which everything comes from to have things active. VPP has x number of floating real points that may be adjusted by the player subject to certain restrictions, restrictions which are governed by some inherent limits and point based limits An EC is basically a -1 limitation that the points are paid for by the "base concept" with the limitation of negative adjustments affect all of the pattern. EC however does not need to worry about which ones are on or off. All of the powers can be either as long as the other restrictions are handled properly.
  12. My halfling barbarianish character was trying to make saves vs the party Mages mind control spell. after rolling 1 on a d20 (2nd edition) against the hypnotic pattern spell My character said "OOOOOOooh Pretty!!!!" after rolling another 1 on a second save attempt My character buddy hugged the similarly entranced lizardman he was about to kill before the spell went off, both still intently watching the "show". after rolling another 1 on a save My character drooled. and after the spell ran out of it's own accord i said "Do it again!!! Do It Again!!!!!!!" Another Story: We were a pack of werewolves trying to deal with a mystic portal that opened up into a latin monastic library that "evil" monks were using to try and develop an armageddon Spell. This thing was soo bad the Utenka Spirit I was in contact with demanded we destroy the mystical knowledge. The only phrase we learned in latin was "which way to the latrine?" The sheer amount of use we got out of that phrase was astonishing. every attempt at interrogating us failed miserably because we merely asked where the latrine was. Every time someone questioned us being somewhere we simply used stock phrase #1. Anytime we wanted 'out' of a social situation we asked for the location of the nearest latrine.
  13. He KS, shouldn't that be "Son of a BBB!!!!! The answer was in the index all along!!!" heck the index is soo huge i could hide my "aunt" Purple in there
  14. It really depends upon the Active point total. a 22 point Actuive point total and that mage will be toting a broadsword, bow and armor (like mine). 60 point active total and that mage will be sneering at the week fools around him IMNSHO
  15. Infested with Dwarves? Get Dwarf be gone!!!! just apply our handy dandy patented dehydrated Dragon and viola! Dwarfs are _gone_!
  16. Infested with Dwarves? Get Dwarf be gone!!!! just apply our handy dandy patented dehydrated Dragon and viola! Dwarfs are _gone_!
  17. I was kinda wondering if it looked pretty and/or balanced. Definately this would most likely appear only on GM Characters. Hmmm now then what else sould I do. I know Ihad another similar disad....
  18. i think you are pulling an old Earthdawn trick "The thing does what it says _Because_ that is what it was named" Sorry unless the Oven bought an attack "Gas Flame" and actually used the attack at it's speed there would be no damage taken, IMNSHO.
  19. Actually there are many ways to handle the Cost of the advantage. You could Suggest PS: Heavy Drinker as a complimentary roll to the CON Roll. the disads are it won't always help, but it might occasionally let you wildly succeed Since Demonsong isn't into "powers not on the list" though his statements of "realism" and "No immunities" are contradictory since (blast it cant remember the Roman Senator who was immune to Arsenic through "training") <-X tried to poison himself to avoid being captured as a prisoner and didn't die and was captured.... because he had built up an immunity to several poisons because of his fear of being assassinated. Sucks to have been him eh? And having heard enough horror Stories from Cops I have been friends with (1.0001 on the breathalyzer!!!! Technically the guy was dead!!!) IMNSHO Immunity to alcohol is actually possible in the real world. The side effects on the people are enough to make me not want to do it.... Besides im not worried about it, 6 points can take a STR from 20 to 23, not necessarily cost effective, but enough to make a character rare.
  20. Fred is something of an 'in house" joke. Basically Steve Said "You can call it fred for all i care, so long as you buy a book" and a Wag reverse engineered the Acronym.
  21. hmmm If i could have a sword that changed the angle of the blade to the Quillions fom 90 Deg to 0 Degrees i might be able to get in an attack by using a Trigger based off of a command word. same with like lengthening a Spear for example.... Or using the spear trick to get over a wall or similar obstacle (maybe a "free dodge"?) by grabbing onto the head and riding up? anyone got any other ideas?
  22. maybe there is an active ingredient in the Goblins uhmmmmmmmm intrinsic manure? that would throw people for a loop if that got out.
  23. ahhh the great dichtomies of HERO systems..... simple (not in a bad way) Cover art Complex (again not in a bad way) Guts its pretty _and_ Crunchy. make mine a thumbs up
  24. A phisical Limitation for mages 5 Points: cannot cast spells while wearing armor with the Real Armor Limitation of 7 Def rating or higher 10 Points: cannot cast spells while wearing armor with the Real Armor Limitation of 5 Def rating or higher 15 Points: cannot cast spells while wearing armor with the Real Armor Limitation of 3 Def rating or higher 20 Points: cannot cast spells while wearing armor with the Real Armor Limitation of 1 Def rating or higher (Essentially a no Armor limitation). This still allows the Bracers, Cloaks, Robes Etc.. but keeps the plate and chain off of the spell huckers What do you guys think?
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